View Full Version : Time Trumpet - UK Comedy on BBC2...

17-Aug-2006, 09:16 PM
It on right now, anyone watched this?

It's best described as a documentry looking back on the year 2031.

They have actors of about 60 who are meant to be people like Tom Cruise (He's insane) and David Beckham (Has a vagina grafted onto his arm - a fashion statement :lol: )

Right now they are talking about when Tesco invaded Denmark to make the first retail state.

Quite strange but very funny.

"I like the Danes. A couple of my regular fu*ks are Danes." Direct quote. :lol:

18-Aug-2006, 11:22 AM
About people looking back on current/near future socio-political stuff FROM the year 2031 (where they're commenting from), just clearing up that typo...

As for the show, I personally am not thrilled with it...it just doesn't "click" with me, not sure why, it's a good idea and all, but it just doesn't quite pull off for me. Good to see Adam Buxton back on the TV though, but where's Joe Cornish?! ... oh yeah, he's off filming the Hot Fuzz vlogs...