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View Full Version : Duke Nukem Forever in 5-6 weeks?

18-Aug-2006, 08:00 AM
I suspect not :( + I can't find it listed on Amazon myself!


18-Aug-2006, 11:13 AM
I'm looking forward to it actually coming out, I remember seeing a preview video of it back in 1998 (with the themetune done by Megadeth) ... in those days it was looking amazing, of course nowadays that video looks utter sh*te, but yep, I'm looking forward to it.

I would indeed question this 5-6 weeks stuff, I would have thought 3D Realms would have made a bigger fuss in the lead up giving us a count down or something...

18-Aug-2006, 06:05 PM
Here is the link that was in the article:


Try that.

18-Aug-2006, 06:07 PM

The perfect partner to go with DNF is ... *drumroll* STALKER: Shadow of Chernobyl ... yet another game that has taken YEARS to get nowhere ... although that said, it is coming out in 2007 ... apparently. BOTH games I wanna get my grubby little hands on.

19-Aug-2006, 01:19 PM
This is the Umpteenth time Amazon has been taken pre-orders for Duke Nukem Forever. The game won't be out until 3D Realms says so, and they haven't said so yet.

19-Aug-2006, 04:57 PM
Ach, a lot of sites do that though anyway. It's like on Play.com, they put up a date for a game to come out (e.g. STALKER, which probably holds the record for most release date delays, if not it's a close second with DNF) and when the date isn't met they just stick up another random date until eventually the real release date gets put out there and then you finally get the truth.

As for STALKER, Q1 of 2007 is actually getting closer and closer, I'm flabbergasted it's the second half of August already, I'd just gotten used to being in 2006, damnit!

19-Aug-2006, 05:11 PM
Duke Nukem Forever going gold is one of the seven signs of the Apocalypse.

20-Aug-2006, 01:54 AM
(e.g. STALKER, which probably holds the record for most release date delays, if not it's a close second with DNF)

Contrary to popular belief, Duke Nukem Forever is not delayed one bit, nor has it ever had any release dates whatsoever. So while people may look on Duke Nukem Forever as a game which is infinetly delayed: It isn't. It never had a release date to begin with.

I remember Daikatana and Diablo 2 were two of the most delayed games ever, tho. Stalker probably has the throne now.

20-Aug-2006, 11:16 AM
See that's what I was wondering. I hadn't been following DNF, and I partly figured it might have just faded into obscurity with nobody saying anything (which was/is the case), so yep, STALKER holds the record. I pre-ordered that bitch back in 2004 for cryin' out loud! :eek:

20-Aug-2006, 12:49 PM
Whats so annoying tho, is that STALKER looks so damn GOOD!

20-Aug-2006, 04:03 PM
Tell me about it, I've been viewing preview vids and listening to the news regarding STALKER since early 2004, it's like dangling the perverbial carrot in front of my face but not letting me get to it (although in my case I'd prefer a strawberry pop tart rather than a carrot!)

Hopefully the game will be released bug free (not like that vietnam game that 2015 released, damn that was hideously useless and I just gave up with it), or at least in a decent, stable condition which can easily be patched if anything crap goes on. When it was first being touted around it was in the league of HL2, but of course now, what with games like Crysis coming, it's going to now be behind the times graphics wise ... of course, this should mean my computer will be able to hack STALKER and not crumble under the pressure, ha!