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View Full Version : They haven't even SEEN the game!!! (Bully)

18-Aug-2006, 12:25 PM

Yet MORE utter nonesense and attention grabbing from Jack Thompson, aka The MASSIVE Twat.

It's amazing how all these organisations, even Wal-Mart refusing to stock the game, has all come from literally judging a game by it's cover. The game may be called "Bully", but YOU play a bullied kid. In the game YOU seek revenge on the actual bullies ... now, how many bullied kids would love to have a go at that? I know I would.

There was also a new "study" (from Iowa State University) that links violent games to desensitisation ... what they were desensitised against in the "study" was stuff the respondents have no doubt seen on TV and the news a million times already.

Also, since when did "desensitisation" mean "influence"? It merely means you're not grossed out as much ... it's like crime scene cleaners. They go in as rookies who vomit at the sight of blood, to hardened cleaners who take it in their stride ... doesn't make them murderers all of a sudden does it? Damn, that Iowa "study" can be picked apart with ease by even the most dimwitted person, let alone me with an A-Level in Sociology under my belt. :cool:

18-Aug-2006, 03:01 PM
this **** gets worse and worse, another one is from the latest issue of the goon where the opening page is a letter to the comics fans form eric powell how the origional comic was not gonna be sold because a ,quote "bible basher", whent nuts over a comic that only sells a few thousand copies.
you see this all the time, like that clinton bitch trying to ban games, for christ sake how many of these people have ever played a single videogame, its like the whole video nasty thing all over again.

and dont get me started on the manhunt, childs play, bobo doll pile of crap thos kids at columbine were bollox too, there parents didnt notice the stash of guns and explosives?!?!

its ****e like this that ****es me off.

18-Aug-2006, 06:00 PM
Tell me about it, the Jack Thompson's and Hilary Clinton's of the world try and blame a Columbine on a videogame/movie/musician when they should really be looking at what ACTUALLY made them do it. In the case of Columbine it was two school loners who were beaten up by the popular kids and disregarded by everyone else - THAT is one of the main reasons, if not THE reason, why they did it. The easy access to GUNS and BOMBS didn't help either - which is a crazy thing to ignore. The Clinton's or whoever seem to forget that Doom doesn't come free with a semi-automatic and a Marilyn Manson album doesn't come with a bonus pipe bomb in the sleeve. GET REAL YOU MORONS.

And like you said, all these comments and crusades come from people who are from the generation who are currently being out-moded by who? By US, that's who. It's the same thing over and over, a new culture takes over from the dominant culture and the people being replaced kick out against their usurpers without watching/playing/listening to the culture that's kicking their asses. They have no idea what our culture is like whatsoever, it's insane how they can get away with whinging about sh*t they've got no idea over - ESPECIALLY in this latest case with "Bully" where nobody has even gotten to sample the game itself.

Quite literally judging a book by it's cover, it's shocking is what it is...not the game, but the complainers. Get a goddamned life you losers!

18-Aug-2006, 10:48 PM
and becuase of assholes like this theyve dropped bully now even though its been in the game section of the chavgos catalogue for 6 months now:lol:

18-Aug-2006, 11:09 PM
You mean "Chavgos", lol, dropped it from their stock? Cos the game is still coming out as far as I know, and why shouldn't it, it's not at all like the descenters think it is...

18-Aug-2006, 11:44 PM
Here is a little trailer of the up and coming game:


P.S: Minion, you have to lay off that site. It's going to aggrivate your angina.

19-Aug-2006, 12:00 AM
Link didn't work for me, but caught it on YouTube. Looks like a fun game, and completely not at all bad like it's being made out to be by people who have looked no further into it than the bleedin' name. I'd play it, although it's no doubt only coming out on goddamn PS2 or some wank and not the PC.

Although, goddamn Rockstar, build another engine! lol, damn!

And you're right, that site does get to me quite a lot, the utter insanity in this world by whiny bitches complaining about media they don't understand does get on my tits. I even made a sort-of-documentary about a year of videogame controversy (Manhunt through to "Hot Coffee") - called "Manhunt Did It".

It's like with politics, I get so into it all and get so outraged by the idiocy in the world - if only there was the Common Sense Party (run by me, natch) to sort everything out, without all that political correctness wank. Gawd, if myself at 18 could see me now...my younger self would kick my ass for it, ha!

19-Aug-2006, 01:28 AM
You mean "Chavgos", lol, dropped it from their stock? Cos the game is still coming out as far as I know, and why shouldn't it, it's not at all like the descenters think it is...

no the other way round, cnn said how rockstar canceled it and some other one about becoming a drug dealer and rising the ranks ala scarface,
and yet chavgos still has it in thee catalogue.

...along with fake gold from lizzy dukes:lol:

19-Aug-2006, 11:20 AM
Hmmm...as far as I know the game is still coming out, but since when was CNN always right, eh? :D And also, why would they release a trailer without actually bothering to put the game out, also, after spending so much time making the game it'd be daft not to release it (even Duke Nukem Forever and STALKER are coming out are YEARS of development). The other idea was probably just that, a very early idea, that they dropped in favour of making another game...

19-Aug-2006, 10:39 PM
Bull**** man! Utter Bull****! i remember you saying about this in "MANHUNT DID IT!"

Its clear to see that the people who run the world IGNORE the people in it, and only listen to a few "Experts" AKA MrWanker!

If Anything we should BAN HIM and Play more grown up games like this!


LOL! Yeh dude :D

19-Aug-2006, 11:45 PM
*wipes tear from eye* , damn thats funny.:D

20-Aug-2006, 12:20 PM
Thats Jack Thompsons idea of a Perfect Birthday :lol: