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20-Aug-2006, 11:32 PM
what do u guys think? remember near the end cholo is walking toward kaufman and he shoots the spear gun at him and misses? was he zombified when he shot the spear gun at him or was he zombified when he got up after kuafman shot at him.

its confusing i dont know. if he changed after kuafman shot at him he got zombified with in 10 seconds of being killed. or maybe he got zombified b4 he reached kuafman and he tried to shoot the spear gun as a zombie and just fell for a bit after being shot at. i dont know

whats your opinion.?:rockbrow:

this has been killing me for awhile. becuase we all know it takes awhile to turn after being dead. couple hours or so.

20-Aug-2006, 11:40 PM
this has been killing me for awhile. becuase we all know it takes awhile to turn after being dead. couple hours or so.
He'd been bitten on the hand and then dropped off back at the city entrance, so, he had a while to change.

general tbag
20-Aug-2006, 11:43 PM
cholo was a zombie when he entered the basement where kauffman was, if cholo wasnt he would of never missed. cholo was a dead aim with his spear gun unzombified.

btw Bubdotd whatcha play on xbox live...

20-Aug-2006, 11:46 PM
i have regular xbox so i basicly play halo2,BF2 and others.

i want a 360 so bad for dead rising and halo3 and so many more games alotta good titles out and up coming.

i can only go on xbox when im at my friends (he has xbox live) i moved and im stayen at my sisters till our new house is finished and from there i have to wait till we got internet and stuff so i go on at my friends.

oh and why did cholo suddenly stop going after kaufman after he got shot acouple times. then went after him like 10 seconds later? i mean zombies will for the most part keep going for you and not stop till its hit in the brain.

21-Aug-2006, 06:06 AM
Well, I'm pretty sure he was alive when he went into the basement. Despite the fact that he didn't speak, he reeled back when he was shot in the chest, something uncharacteristic of zombies (at least in land, they did sorta reel back when they got shot in the chest and stuff in dawn).

Also as bubdotd said, he slumped against the wall and leaned his head down showing that he'd just died, another thing uncharacteristic of zombies.

Hence he went in, got killed, reanimated.

21-Aug-2006, 02:44 PM
Yeah, I'm of that theory as well. When Cholo aimed and shot at Kaufman he was just crossing over. Ready to die.

It took about as long for Cholo to turn as it took Roger in Dawn of the Dead, didn't it?

general tbag
21-Aug-2006, 02:52 PM
also if cholo wasnt dead prior to going into the basement, how could he take some lead and not say anything.

21-Aug-2006, 06:47 PM
It took about as long for Cholo to turn as it took Roger in Dawn of the Dead, didn't it?

no, that took a couple of days

i think Cholo had already turned once he got to the basement, hence why you didn't see his face yet

i also think the death fall was a ruse he was using to make Kaufman think he'd died, putting Kaufman in a false sense of security

21-Aug-2006, 07:12 PM
no, that took a couple of days

i think Cholo had already turned once he got to the basement, hence why you didn't see his face yet

i also think the death fall was a ruse he was using to make Kaufman think he'd died, putting Kaufman in a false sense of security

No, I mean for Roger to become reanimated. That was approx. the same amount of time for both guys.

If Cholo had died prior to coming down into the basement, how could he operate guns or even know what his goal was? It took Big Daddy YEARS to figure that stuff out, yet Cholo is "reanimated" with that knowledge? I don't buy it.

21-Aug-2006, 08:21 PM
i've read farther-fetched ideas on this site, who knows

that's why they call it hollywood

29-Aug-2006, 03:09 PM
Personally i think he was still alive when he first came in. The comments about Roger i see from watching the movie is Roger was still alive too. Then after he died he came back but that was within minutes, not seonds. For Land they just sped up the seconds so the idiot couldnt get away. Even the original NOTLD claimed the bodies would come back in a few minutes, thats why there was no time for funeral arraingments.

01-Sep-2006, 06:50 PM
I thought he was dead and reanimated when he entered the parking garage. He looked dead. He walked dead. Kaufman's exclamation seemed to indicate that he realized after shooting Cholo that he had already been dead.

As far as being able to hunt Kaufman and fire his guns so quickly after reanimation, I don't think that's out of line for his character. It was a basic skill that he used all the time. And it's consistent with the other movies too. In Dawn zombified Stephen broke down the wall, led the zombies up the stairwell, opened the door, and even shut it to keep out the other zombies. All that happened minutes after reanimation. In Day Bub picked up a gun, pointed it, and fired it the first time he saw one. Dr. Logan had never worked with him on that.

What I don't like (and has been a big irritation point for me over Land) is that if Cholo was dead when he entered the garage then he must've died solely from his bite wound in very short order. Roger in Dawn and even the little girl in Night lived longer with much worse injuries. If what you guys are saying is true and he was still alive at that point it would make me feel a load better about how the infection played out.

I'm going to have to go watch that again now. :)

02-Sep-2006, 07:10 PM
Like the remark twice made in dawn about going to the mall out of instinct because it was something important to them, cholo died with kaufman on his mind. He had lived for three or more years shooting that spear gun and his instinct was to shoot kaufman with. He didn't know what the hell was going on when he turned, though. Well, that's how I saw it.

02-Sep-2006, 07:20 PM
yeah i think he was dead when he came in the garage also. they dont show his face as he walks in, hence kinda giving us the hint he's already turned.

03-Sep-2006, 04:02 PM
Cholo must have been dead already. Didn't Riley say his brother only lasted an hour after a bite? He also seemed to imply that the guy who was in the car with them (that came with Motown and Pillsbury) only had around an hour after getting bit, hence Slack shooting him in the head. While the zombie attack in the Green seemed to be in real time, spanning a matter of minutes, that isn't necessarily the case. It could have been longer, allowing time for Cholo to die. It is also reasonable to believe the infection thing would have gotten much worse over time, before getting better.

darth los
05-Sep-2006, 02:20 AM
What I don't like (and has been a big irritation point for me over Land) is that if Cholo was dead when he entered the garage then he must've died solely from his bite wound in very short order. Roger in Dawn and even the little girl in Night lived longer with much worse injuries. If what you guys are saying is true and he was still alive at that point it would make me feel a load better about how the infection played out.

If you recall cholo not only had the bite to deal with but he was also shot in the stomach and as anyone with experience in gunshot wounds will attest to, that's one of the worst spots you can get it. I believe the untreated gunshot wound hastened his death. He obviously saw no reason to treat it being that his death was inevitable. He also obviously died with kaufman on the brain.:mad: just my 2 cents. :D

05-Sep-2006, 08:42 AM
no, that took a couple of days

i think Cholo had already turned once he got to the basement, hence why you didn't see his face yet

i also think the death fall was a ruse he was using to make Kaufman think he'd died, putting Kaufman in a false sense of security

Ok... Cholo wouldn't have recoiled that bad from being shot, notice how when the zombies are shot throughout the entire movie they do nothing but stand there and/or continue after their victims.

Also, no matter how smart the zombie it would NOT fall down in an act of death and lean its head down to try to "trick" its prey. They may figure out how to use weapons and such, but never distractions. Possibly Big Daddy in several more years could have figured it out. While I will buy that Cholo would be able to use his speargun after death, I do NOT buy him being able to use a distraction on Kaufman.

05-Sep-2006, 11:34 PM
This debate seems like it will never have a definitive answer, unless of course someone finds a link to a GAR interview in which he answers this one :D

The question I have is this:

Does zombie-Cholo survive the blast and carry on as a "walker"? Likewise, does Kaufman return as a zombie?

King Diamond
08-Sep-2006, 02:53 AM
Cholo is a zombie when he enters the parking garage. Why do you think that Cholo's face is kept in shadow? It's so that Kaufman doesn't realize that Cholo is a zombie. Look at Cholo's stride. Consider that he walks right through a few gunshots to the chest, unfazed. He doesn't cry out in pain. He doesn't clutch the wounds. It's obvious that Cholo is a zombie.

So, why does Cholo suddenly stop and slouch down against the wall? That bothers me. It's highly uncharacteristic of a zombie. I get the impression that Romero wrote himself into a corner. It's like Romero knew that Kaufman had to be fooled into thinking that Cholo was dead, but he couldn't figure out how to accomplish it and just said, "Fxck it! I'll have Cholo collapse."

Another big problem that I have with the scene is... Kaufman thinks that Cholo is alive. Kaufman shoots Cholo several times, but never in the head. Kaufman thinks that he killed Cholo and he relaxes. Why does Kaufman relax? Shouldn't Kaufman know that Cholo is going to become a zombie since he wasn't shot in the head?

08-Sep-2006, 04:16 AM
I think you're correct....they either screwed it up without realizing it, or just said %$#$%^ it since they were so close to the end of the movie.

08-Sep-2006, 06:24 PM
I think you're correct....they either screwed it up without realizing it, or just said %$#$%^ it since they were so close to the end of the movie.

Well, they don't always film those things in the order that they appear on screen. That could have been one of the first things filmed.

darth los
20-Jul-2007, 04:46 AM
I think that he was not yet zombified when he entered the parking garage. I think that he was on the brink of death and was really woozy. That would explain why he missed with the spear gun and went down when kaufman shot him.

09-Oct-2007, 05:19 AM
This debate seems like it will never have a definitive answer, unless of course someone finds a link to a GAR interview in which he answers this one :D

The question I have is this:

Does zombie-Cholo survive the blast and carry on as a "walker"? Likewise, does Kaufman return as a zombie?

well zombie cholo got blasted away so he survived but kaufman got ****ed didnt he?

11-Oct-2007, 12:35 AM
Regardless of the explosion doing whatever else to their bodies, they are both on fire. Fire = no more zombie. Stated in Night.

11-Oct-2007, 01:00 AM
well when it happends i saw that cholo didnt have fire on him but kaufman did he wont come back

11-Oct-2007, 01:05 AM
either cholo was a goner or already a zombie when he shot at kaufman. the movie credits would have rolled about 3 minutes sooner had he hit him. then again........he wouldnt have been there if he wasnt bitten