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21-Aug-2006, 01:04 PM
i grabbed this Over chrome hounds this past weekend, and i'll give it points for the 15 minutes Patrick stewart has been in it. but seriously, this game is fuggin boring.

i'm about 2 hours in and i'm just notseeing what all the fanfare was about. the customizations you can make to your character are pretty cookie cutter. the combat system is so basic, it's kind of absurd. and at this point i'm going to finish it only to see what the hell the overall plot is.

i think i should have bought chrome hounds.

21-Aug-2006, 01:10 PM
Gotta say that it is slow going all the way through, and the beginning drains on you a bit in the sewers, but I love this game now and just cant put it down the best 40 odd quid i ever spent.

21-Aug-2006, 02:01 PM
when does it get fun?

i'm out of the sewers. i explored that underground cave/lake/ruins area on the way to give the pendant-o-glowystuff to that guy.

now i'm at the "structure" where the map told me to go to give that guy that pendant, and it's been over run by these conquistadore looking asshats.

21-Aug-2006, 02:37 PM
I played it a fair amount, but then all of a sudden just lost all interest in it... And that was that! Sort of glad as I don't have a lot of free time so sort of glad I've regained a little of it :)

21-Aug-2006, 03:16 PM
stand nex to the glowing gate and go activate, you will find it gets tougher in here.

But maybe its just not your thing.

21-Aug-2006, 03:21 PM
that's where i'm at.

at 2 hours in of wnadering and killing. my character hasn't progressed that much, and i'm quagmired in this horrible combat system.

this game feels like a trainer for what could be a decent RPG. but it's making no attempt to be excellent. I think Elder scrolls is like the Madden games. alot of hype for the brand names, then same-o same-o game play.

i'll give it a week and then see where i'm at.

21-Aug-2006, 04:31 PM
I have to agree, the game starts out pretty slow. Once you level up a few times, learn new spells, and join guilds (Dark Brotherhood ftw), things pick up. Lots of dungeons with cool loot too. And I like the fact that you can completely ignore the main quest and go off in to the wilderness. Also, talking to random people will lead you on quests sometimes, so don't be afraid to wander.

My second favorite RPG of all time.

21-Aug-2006, 05:02 PM
that's where i'm at.

at 2 hours in of wnadering and killing. my character hasn't progressed that much, and i'm quagmired in this horrible combat system.

this game feels like a trainer for what could be a decent RPG. but it's making no attempt to be excellent. I think Elder scrolls is like the Madden games. alot of hype for the brand names, then same-o same-o game play.

i'll give it a week and then see where i'm at.

I've seen plenty of posts like this and i must admit i felt exactly the same when i first started playing it. It was about 16 hours in when it struck me what a great game it is and i just couldn't put it down. As someone mentioned above, the dark brotherhood guild is the best one for storyline. I've hardly touched the main quest.
It does get repetitive later on though and turns into -go to this place, fight this enemy, get object, return to original place.
The general concensus seems to be that hardened RPG players don't see what all the fuss is about and newbies like myself think its superb.

21-Aug-2006, 05:11 PM
Coin + Kid. i'm going to stick it out, and see where i end up later this week.

i do agree with Kid, in that i've been playing RPG's since i had my NES, so i've had a fair share of greatness and crap games. Oblivion could be excellent, but i'm skeptical of it going that way.

21-Aug-2006, 05:18 PM
BTW i see you like BF2MC online.
You've gotta try COD2 online - unbelievable good game but no vehicles in MP

21-Aug-2006, 05:37 PM
it's on my list. i'm going to grab it after i buy and finish gears of war.

21-Aug-2006, 05:58 PM
To be serious, Oblivion just isn't for everyone. I love the game, even though i've played it to death. But it's a great game still. There's so much to do. So many quests to solve. So many places to explore. I love these kind of games.

21-Aug-2006, 11:38 PM
just like evilned says it really aint for everyone im a long time elder scrolls fan so since i bought it last week i havent been off it and im currnelty at lvl 18 but the last story quest i did was about a week ago at the cloud ruler temple, its mutch more fun to do what you want and save the storyline till the very last second, and yeah i finished the dark brotherhood story yesterday and it kicks ass.
my advice is lvl a bit from exploring till about lvl 9 at least then join the guilds and start doing quests for them its more fun and you explore more and get way better armour and stuff, basically go to uhh.....skingrad or chorrel and do the following quests for the dumner whos dressed in green till the end then kill him then rest in somewere like the fighters guild and youll be approached by a speaker from the dark brotherhood.

and yeah as basic as the combat is you dont really fight in the dark brotherhood.

e.g: in an early mission you sneak into a mansion at night and through it to a hidden area behind a wall ,wait till 8pm and unscrew a decoration to crush someone sitting below it and it gets better from there.:D

22-Aug-2006, 09:40 AM
Well I for one love Oblivion and have been playing rpg like games since ff1, kings quest, space quest etc...

But I can understand how it would get boring for some people. But the reason why I bought the xbox 360 was for the dead rising game I just hope it turns out to be everything I hoped it would be.

22-Aug-2006, 03:29 PM
come on man oblivion IS boring i still like it just like shenmue 2 but it is boring as sin compared to stuff like call of duty 2.:D

22-Aug-2006, 03:36 PM
eh, you can't really compare FPS's to RPG's, it's a afiirent type of beast.

having said that, shenmune 2 was atleast fun. the conversations went somewhere and the game was ok to just roam around in. Oblivion is just lackluster. i'm still in the same fort as i was yesterday. and i'm just bored with the map system now.

the game really feels like it was built for PS1. not a high end system.

further, for those of you that like Oblivion. i'm going out tonight to grab the strategy guide, for a fukking walk through. thus far i think i pissed away $60 bucks.

22-Aug-2006, 03:52 PM
each to there own I personally love the game and to be honest the best 40 quid I ever spent due to the hours I have been glued to this game.

Shenmue and shenmue 2 where great games but it all felt very led on to me ( my only gripe with these 2)

Oh yeah sin is not boring :moon: sex with multiple partners, drinking drugs, porn all good fun sinful things

22-Aug-2006, 04:00 PM
eh, you can't really compare FPS's to RPG's, it's a afiirent type of beast.

having said that, shenmune 2 was atleast fun. the conversations went somewhere and the game was ok to just roam around in. Oblivion is just lackluster. i'm still in the same fort as i was yesterday. and i'm just bored with the map system now.

the game really feels like it was built for PS1. not a high end system.

further, for those of you that like Oblivion. i'm going out tonight to grab the strategy guide, for a fukking walk through. thus far i think i pissed away $60 bucks.

Are we playing the same game?!?!?

How can you say it's built for the PS1 when you have graphics like this:


You have to open your mind!!!
Open your Mind!!!:)

22-Aug-2006, 04:34 PM
sure it looks pretty. big fukking deal.

Doom 3 loked pretty it's still an abyssmal game.

Oblivions contols are clunky, and the combat system is heavily uninspired. it plays alot like resident evil for the ps1.

here's the combat as i see.

>lurks about.
"oh **** a goblin"
>switches to heavy armor, and engages with a bow.
"**** the bow missed! but i was aimed cenetr mass form 4.2 feet away, fuukkkkkkkkk".
>switches to short sword.
"shat, it's behind me now.
"ok, i'm blocking with my sheild but yet still taking damage WTF?
>attacks goblin
"no, now it's running away!"
>persues the goblin
>kills goblin
"finally, **** now i'm lost again"
>switches back to light armor, as not to get "fag-tigued" again
>wanders around some more.
>steps on a trap.
"wait a tic, the goblin i just killed ran through this trap and didn't activate it. how does that shat work?
>mutters about rascists traps.
>runs into human attackers in armor.
"gee i'm glad i have a sheild to stop this guy from mincing my ass"
>shield still doesn't work.
>rinse + repeat.

Sorry by Knights of the old republic, face rapes this game and makes it it's bitch.

However Oblivion is becoming a very apt title for it. simply put at this stage it's just not fun.

22-Aug-2006, 04:47 PM
You're switching armor mid battle? You should find the type that suits your character best and stick with it. As for blocking, you're supposed to hit the block button as the enemy's weapon contacts you, so that you throw him off balance. You learn new moves the more you level up, as well. Like sideswipes, lunges to knock enemies over, etc. Have you bought a horse? Enchanted a weapon? Joined a guild? It sounds like you're getting really frustrated because your character can't do much at the moment. Just keep playing, close an Oblivion gate or two, because I really hope this game works out for you, its really an experience that shouldn't be missed.
Edit: Also, make sure you repair your armor, shields, and weapons. They aren't nearly as effective when they are cracked and broken.

22-Aug-2006, 05:07 PM
really? thats how you play it , looks like a case of calling a game bad because your bad at playing it.

22-Aug-2006, 07:10 PM
You're switching armor mid battle? You should find the type that suits your character best and stick with it. As for blocking, you're supposed to hit the block button as the enemy's weapon contacts you, so that you throw him off balance. You learn new moves the more you level up, as well. Like sideswipes, lunges to knock enemies over, etc. Have you bought a horse? Enchanted a weapon? Joined a guild? It sounds like you're getting really frustrated because your character can't do much at the moment. Just keep playing, close an Oblivion gate or two, because I really hope this game works out for you, its really an experience that shouldn't be missed.
Edit: Also, make sure you repair your armor, shields, and weapons. They aren't nearly as effective when they are cracked and broken.

that's all well and good. but the point heer is i'm not finding a reason to continue on.

here within context let me try this.

I play a web based PRG called kingdom of loathing. and in some cases it paralelle Oblivion. In kol you start out weaker than hell, but it's still fun to play. so you stick with it, pay a couple rounds and increase yuour stats while you enjoying the game.

Oblivion, i have to power up so it becomes fun. which is assinine. it's like Playing GRAW for 2 hours just so the game "allows" you to get your first gun. seriously, how does that even make sense. my character starts off as a semi adult in jail. so it's obvious he have some sort of skill set. atleast enough to Pwn a frakking goblin.

And perhaps i am bad at it. but the tutorial service is offering me nothing by way of combat advice, or insight into the game.

as for switching armor midbattle, no. i run about in light armor per my class, then switch to iron stuff as soon as i sight an enemy. since the sheild doesn't work as a defensive item, i need to extra protection.

which the bull**** about "oh you gotta deflect with the sheild?" seriously


you gotta crawl before you can sprint. how the hell am i supposedto know now i can do jujitsiu with my sheild. the ****ing thing can't deflect a small dagger. but it can knock a guy off balance? hell if were just making stuff up. can i mount an MG-40 on my horse? that'll level the playing field.

more and more i understand this set up is geared towards LARPers.

I'm sticking with KOTOR and perhaps final fantasy. Oblivions is mired in reality, and it's done so horribly.

22-Aug-2006, 07:52 PM
further, for those of you that like Oblivion. i'm going out tonight to grab the strategy guide, for a fukking walk through. thus far i think i pissed away $60 bucks.

Ive got the official guide in pdf form if you want it mate.

22-Aug-2006, 08:18 PM
hmmmmm, yes!


much thanks

22-Aug-2006, 08:35 PM
Check your email.
Its a big file

22-Aug-2006, 08:37 PM
isnt kingdom of loathing that stickman one?:)

heres another free mmorpg, its kinda like rayman meets crhono cross and any pc can play it, ive played it for about two months and its not bad but it does have the usual mmo "give me stuff free pweez" random bums, but hey its free.



22-Aug-2006, 09:20 PM
Check your email.
Its a big file

word, thanks again

isnt kingdom of loathing that stickman one?:)



yep that;s it. i got into it after urban dead took a ****.

i'll have to check that out, thanks.

22-Aug-2006, 09:28 PM
no prob, its cool for a freebie, none of that wow paying to move servers and **** its all free but payed for with cash shop items for hardcore players.
and theres no areas you cant go till you "pay for a premium service" its 100% all good but its a 300mb download , no bugs in it but can take a while.

hey maybe someone could start a hptof guild or something, itd be the next best thing till more people on here have xbox live.

23-Aug-2006, 10:27 AM
I find that striking then stepping back with a block is generally the way to go try and build up you athletics and speed (lots of running and swimming) when a journeyman of athletics press the stick 2ice to the left and forward this kind of dances around the enemy. this allows you to dance around opponents strikes and wack em in the back like they often do to you (well not to me anyways). also a good idea to build up on your restoration skills very useful in battle especially when you block back off and recharge your health. Also restoration is good for added strength, speed, etc... work on your alteration skills as this allows you to get bigger and better shielding magic thus taking less damage when hit.

The battles are quite stratigic, also if yu just hold a sheild up in front of you wouldnt it make sense for them hit around it to areas that are uncovered??

23-Aug-2006, 03:26 PM
The fights in Oblivion are great, not broken at all. They provide alot of fun, and many different weapons to try out. Manual blocking is great, and adds another element to the fights. Don't see anything wrong with them, really. I've yet to see a game that handles swordfights better.

As for RPGs, Oblivion is the best I've ever played. The Fallout games being in close second.

Japanese RPGs? Bleh. Now there's some ****ed up fighting systems.

24-Aug-2006, 03:21 AM
here's the combat as i see.

>lurks about.
"oh **** a goblin"
>switches to heavy armor, and engages with a bow.
"**** the bow missed! but i was aimed cenetr mass form 4.2 feet away, fuukkkkkkkkk".
>switches to short sword.
"shat, it's behind me now.
"ok, i'm blocking with my sheild but yet still taking damage WTF?
>attacks goblin
"no, now it's running away!"
>persues the goblin
>kills goblin
"finally, **** now i'm lost again"
>switches back to light armor, as not to get "fag-tigued" again
>wanders around some more.
>steps on a trap.
"wait a tic, the goblin i just killed ran through this trap and didn't activate it. how does that shat work?
>mutters about rascists traps.
>runs into human attackers in armor.
"gee i'm glad i have a sheild to stop this guy from mincing my ass"
>shield still doesn't work.
>rinse + repeat.


For the bow missing, did you hold the attack button down or did you just click it? If you just clicked it then it will not shoot far and you will miss at close range. Also, if your marskmanship is low if you hold the button too long you will miss your shot.

If your shield is damaged and not repaired it does not work.

As for the traps, I have no clue whats going on in your game, I have seen goblins get knocked down by boulders, impaled on spikes, and blown up by those mine things... thats all within the first Oblivion gate.

I really like the game, in fact, I am going to go play it now.

24-Aug-2006, 12:12 PM
I hate RPGs. I've never played one I liked (with the exception of Xenogears). But I own Morrowind (precurser to Oblivion) and think it's a ****in great game! From what I hear Oblivion is 10 times better?

24-Aug-2006, 01:16 PM
that's all well and good. but the point heer is i'm not finding a reason to continue on.

here within context let me try this.

I play a web based PRG called kingdom of loathing. and in some cases it paralelle Oblivion. In kol you start out weaker than hell, but it's still fun to play. so you stick with it, pay a couple rounds and increase yuour stats while you enjoying the game.

Oblivion, i have to power up so it becomes fun. which is assinine. it's like Playing GRAW for 2 hours just so the game "allows" you to get your first gun. seriously, how does that even make sense. my character starts off as a semi adult in jail. so it's obvious he have some sort of skill set. atleast enough to Pwn a frakking goblin.

And perhaps i am bad at it. but the tutorial service is offering me nothing by way of combat advice, or insight into the game.

as for switching armor midbattle, no. i run about in light armor per my class, then switch to iron stuff as soon as i sight an enemy. since the sheild doesn't work as a defensive item, i need to extra protection.

which the bull**** about "oh you gotta deflect with the sheild?" seriously


you gotta crawl before you can sprint. how the hell am i supposedto know now i can do jujitsiu with my sheild. the ****ing thing can't deflect a small dagger. but it can knock a guy off balance? hell if were just making stuff up. can i mount an MG-40 on my horse? that'll level the playing field.

more and more i understand this set up is geared towards LARPers.

I'm sticking with KOTOR and perhaps final fantasy. Oblivions is mired in reality, and it's done so horribly.

You have no patience at all, why have a battle ready character when most people would like to start from scratch so they can specialise in there chosen class. Perhaps you liike your games easy like KOTOR, I'm sure there is a mod out there which will make it easier, you are already 1 steap ahead with obtaining the Strategy Guide.

As for your armour, stick with the light if it's your guys class, the sooner you become an expert with it the sooner you get the benefits.

And the shield, it can be annoying if you haven't read the manual, but the blocking technique also works without a shield, your weapon can block blows too but it's less effective. Blocking isn't automatic, you will have to find the button which raises the shield into defence. RMB for the PC, I don't know what it is for the XBOX.

24-Aug-2006, 02:41 PM
>lurks about.
"oh **** a goblin"
>switches to heavy armor, and engages with a bow.
"**** the bow missed! but i was aimed cenetr mass form 4.2 feet away, fuukkkkkkkkk".
>switches to short sword.
"shat, it's behind me now.
"ok, i'm blocking with my sheild but yet still taking damage WTF?
>attacks goblin
"no, now it's running away!"
>persues the goblin
>kills goblin
"finally, **** now i'm lost again"
>switches back to light armor, as not to get "fag-tigued" again
>wanders around some more.
>steps on a trap.
"wait a tic, the goblin i just killed ran through this trap and didn't activate it. how does that shat work?
>mutters about rascists traps.
>runs into human attackers in armor.
"gee i'm glad i have a sheild to stop this guy from mincing my ass"
>shield still doesn't work.
>rinse + repeat.

So let me get this straight... Your aim is ****e, you have low block skill and you're wandering around with TWO sets of armors and yet you're still pissed when you get fatigued quickly?

Man, you must want everything in the game to do itself. If you aim your bow at the enemy, you WILL hit it. If you don't, then you have crappy aim. If you block with your shield, you will still take damage unless you're actually good at blocking (skillwise). Did you expect that a guy with 5 points in shield would recieve no damage at all when blocking?

As for your fatigue... Either be a warrior or a hunter. A hunter doesn't run around with heavy armor, and a warrior doesn't wield light armor. Stick to ONE armor type and that will greatly reduce your fatigue my son.

26-Aug-2006, 07:08 AM
i just finished the main storyline today after wasting 4 hours shutting about 9 oblivion gates:dead: and what a lame ass ending that was, nnow all i gotta do is the thieves guild quest and the mages guild ones to finish the game with all the gamerpoints done.

on that point were did anyone whos done it find the spells to use on the pillar in the aylied ruin for a mage quest?, ive got fire and cus im a nord ive got ice too but i cant find the damage and protect magicka ones anywere:confused:

26-Aug-2006, 03:26 PM
There is a chest in that ruin with the scrolls you need, I think it's next to the guy who translates the rune's for you.

26-Aug-2006, 03:33 PM
bugger i think i sold the scrolls:lol:

28-Aug-2006, 01:33 PM
ok finished it out after a week. Here's the recap.

1) the game is fun but deeply flawed. I can see why it takes time "to get into it", but that's no excuse for how poor the opening is and the fact there's no tutorial for FNG's to the series.

2) the main quest seems like it's crap. it's a poor rip on Lord of the rings, and a number of other fantasy series'.

3) having said that, once you get past the learning curve, the game is fun. the fact i've been playing for a week and i've all but abandoned the main quest is deeply cool.

4) Different guilds = alot of replay. I'm doing the assassins guild now and thus far it's interesting.

5) all and all the game is fun, once you figure it out. but i still don't think it's an Epic RPG.

but it is fun.

This lead to a couple of questions though.

1) what's an easy way to earn money ?

2) where do i and should i even bother buying a horse?

28-Aug-2006, 02:24 PM
To answer your questions:

1) Selling stuff doesn't get you far as the shopkeepers are capped at 1200 even when selling 100000000 gold items, which I think is flawed. From my experience it's best to pick up anything worth a bit of coin and sell it, also to get your alchemy up and make potions as they sell pretty good in bundle.

2) If you get up to the part in the main quest where you deliver the amulet to Jauffre and he tells you to find Martin, talk to each monk within Weynon Priory, one will give you a free horse out back in the stable. The horse will do until you complete a mission for the assassin guild, then you get shadowmare, the best horse in it.

28-Aug-2006, 05:31 PM
ok, i'll wait on the horses then. i'm in the Ass guild and i'm on mission 3 i think, so i'll just wait on that horse and go from there.


28-Aug-2006, 07:07 PM
Here is a glitch to get free money, if you want to go that route: First, you need a horse. Go to the Kvatch outpost and find the Orc woman that sells items. While on your horse with your best/most expensive item equipped, engage in a conversation with her. Go to the "sell" screen, and select the best/most expensive weapon or shield that you equipped earlier. Sell it, and you will notice that it doesn't go away. You can keep selling it over and over for free money. You have to be on your horse and you have to make sure its equipped.

Also, the best horses come from the Black Waterside Stables outside of Cheydinhal. Don't forget, when you close an Oblivion gate you get a unique Sigil Stone. If you use the stone on a weapon, it will greatly increase its power as well as its worth.

28-Aug-2006, 07:27 PM
ive closed all the oblivion gates and i gotta say those sigil stones arent that great for only a grand i made a ebony longsword at the arcane university that soul trapped and did 50 fire damage per stirke which rocks compared to a sigil stones 20 pts per strike.

and anyone know were to find black soul gems?:confused:

31-Aug-2006, 06:36 PM
ok finished it out after a week. Here's the recap.

1) the game is fun but deeply flawed. I can see why it takes time "to get into it", but that's no excuse for how poor the opening is and the fact there's no tutorial for FNG's to the series.

2) the main quest seems like it's crap. it's a poor rip on Lord of the rings, and a number of other fantasy series'.

3) having said that, once you get past the learning curve, the game is fun. the fact i've been playing for a week and i've all but abandoned the main quest is deeply cool.

4) Different guilds = alot of replay. I'm doing the assassins guild now and thus far it's interesting.

5) all and all the game is fun, once you figure it out. but i still don't think it's an Epic RPG.

but it is fun.

This lead to a couple of questions though.

1) what's an easy way to earn money ?

2) where do i and should i even bother buying a horse?

:D :D :D :D :D :D

How on earth do you get about without a horse. Half the fun is riding about the countryside stumbling on old ruins and dungeons then getting sidetracked doing some minor quest. Im 110 hours into this game and i know i haven't seen nowhere near most of the things that go on in Oblivion.

Great game

31-Aug-2006, 07:00 PM
for only a grand i made a ebony longsword at the arcane university that soul trapped and did 50 fire damage per stirke which rocks compared to a sigil stones 20 pts per strike.


how did you do this?

31-Aug-2006, 07:01 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D

How on earth do you get about without a horse. Half the fun is riding about the countryside stumbling on old ruins and dungeons then getting sidetracked doing some minor quest. Im 110 hours into this game and i know i haven't seen nowhere near most of the things that go on in Oblivion.

Great game

agreed, and i just walk around alot.

31-Aug-2006, 09:39 PM
:D :D :D :D :D :D

How on earth do you get about without a horse. Half the fun is riding about the countryside stumbling on old ruins and dungeons then getting sidetracked doing some minor quest. Im 110 hours into this game and i know i haven't seen nowhere near most of the things that go on in Oblivion.

Great game

really?, i just finished this game an hour ago 100% all quests done, all locations found and it only took 80 hours and i only got up to lvl 31.

01-Sep-2006, 04:50 PM
I spent a lot of time as a vampire which seriously disrupts the quest lines plus i don't use the strategy guide (even though i own it). A lot of the time was spent just riding about as i get tired of go here, kill this person, get this object, take back to original person, recieve weapon etc. It becomes repetitive so i wanted to savour the game by exploring a lot more.

02-Sep-2006, 02:45 AM
i never buy stragey guides they never help and nowadays cost about half the price of the game:bored:

02-Sep-2006, 05:52 PM
Strategy guides don't help? What?? They basically walk you though the game while holding your hand the entire way.

02-Sep-2006, 08:13 PM
I LOVE THIS GAME. When I frist bought it when it was relased, I played like crazy. I got in a good 80 hours. Then I got to the final battle in the main story and found it VERY difficult. Then I haven't played it in months and months. I'm going to get back into it, though.

03-Sep-2006, 02:57 AM
i was surprised how easy it was i didnt alter the difficulty and the guy in the blue robe whent down with about 5 hits ,though my blade and strength were both at 100 so that must have been it.:cool:

03-Sep-2006, 05:20 PM
word, thanks again

** Looks at rep power :D **

24-Sep-2010, 09:29 PM
I have not completed the main quest, yet. I cannot believe how long this game is.