View Full Version : If you could fold a piece of paper 100 times...

22-Aug-2006, 08:12 AM
0 - 1 0.1 x 10**-6
1 - 2 0.2 x 10**-6
2 - 4 0.4 x 10**-6
3 - 8 0.8 x 10**-6 finger nail thickness
4 - 16 1.6 x 10**-6
5 - 32 3.2 x 10**-6
6 - 64 6.4 x 10**-6
7 - 128 12.8 x 10**-6 thickness of a notebook
8 - 256 25.6 x 10**-6
9 - 512 51.2 x 10**-6
10 - 1024 0.1 x 10**-3 width of a hand (incl. thumb)
11 - 2048 0.2 x 10**-3
12 - 4096 0.4 x 10**-3 0.4m height of a stool
13 - 8192 0.8 x 10**-3
14 - 16384 1.6 x 10**-3 1.6m: an average person's height (yeah, a short guy)
15 - 32768 3.3 x 10**-3
16 - 65536 6.6 x 10**-3
17 - 131072 13.1 x 10**-3 13m height of a two story house
18 - 262144 26.2 x 10**-3
19 - 524288 52.4 x 10**-3
20 - 1048576 104.9 x 10**-3 quarter of the Sears tower (440m)
25 - 33554432 3.4 x 10**0 past the Matterhorn
30 - 1073741824 107.4 x 10**0 outer limits of the atmosphere
35 - 34359738368 3.4 x 10**3
40 - 1099511627776 109.9 x 10**3
45 - 35184372088832 3.5 x 10**6
50 - 1125899906842624 112.5 x 10**6 ~ distance to the sun (95 million miles)
55 - 36028797018963968 3.6 x 10**9
60 - 1152921504606846976 115.3 x 10**9 size of the solar system?
65 - 36893488147419103232 3.7 x 10**12 one-third of a light year
70 - 1180591620717411303424 118.1 x 10**12 11 light years
75 - 37778931862957161709568 3.8 x 10**15 377 light years
80 - 1208925819614629174706176 120.9 x 10**15 12,000 light years
85 - 38685626227668133590597632 3.9 x 10**18 4x the diameter of our galaxy
90 - 1237940039285380274899124224 123.8 x 10**18 12 million light years
95 - 39614081257132168796771975168 4.0 x 10**21
100 - 1267650600228229401496703205376 126.8 x 10**21 (12 billion light years) approx. radius of the known universe

22-Aug-2006, 11:58 AM
I just find the notion that a piece of folded paper could become a "light year" hilarious. They did this paper folding thing on Brainiac: Science Abuse (Sky One) and the most they folded a piece of paper was 9 times (with the assistance of a steel press thing). No matter how large or small the paper, the max you can fold is 8 (okay, 9 with assistance) ... but it's interesting to see what COULD be possible. Folded paper ... and light years ... it's a damn good thing I'm not schmokin' some cheeba cheeba right about now otherwise that'd fry my flux capacitor quicksmart.

22-Aug-2006, 01:25 PM
improbable, but interesting.