View Full Version : NOTLD is directly and unarguably responsible....

25-Aug-2006, 05:32 PM
for 20 other movies....this is not including movies like Evil dead or 28 days later or revenge of the living dead....

These 20 movies admit to be related to NOTLD....feel free to argue about or add to this list.

NOTLD spawned


1. Dawn of the Dead-orig
2. Day of the Dead-org
3. Land of the Dead-orig
4. Night of the Living dead-remake
5. Night of the Living dead 3-D
6. Night of the Living Bread. (should this be included?)


7. Dawn of the Dead-remake
8. Day of the Dead- remake
9. Return of the living dead
10. ROTLD 2
11. ROTLD 3
12. ROTLD 4
13. ROTLD 5
14. Zombie
15. Zombie 2
16. Zombie 3
17. Zombie 4
18. Shaun of the dead.
19. Day of the Dead 2
20. Children of the Living dead

I know all these movies are not recoginized by GAR but they all admit openly to wanted to be related to Night of the Living Dead.

Is there any movie that is resposible for more movies directly?

James Bond comes to mind are there any others?

25-Aug-2006, 05:39 PM
for 20 other movies....this is not including movies like Evil dead or 28 days later or revenge of the living dead....

These 20 movies admit to be related to NOTLD....feel free to argue about or add to this list.

But then we all know by now that I am Legend/The last man on Earth "spawned" or is responsible for NOTLD .... right?

25-Aug-2006, 06:03 PM
Matheson must feel special. Some rookie nobody rips off his novel and becomes one of the most monumental directors/writers in the modern zombie film genre. lol. Poor guy.

25-Aug-2006, 06:11 PM
Given Richard Mattheson's body of work, I doubt that he's at all concerned with a B-movie maker from Pittsburgh one way or the other....


25-Aug-2006, 06:34 PM
But then we all know by now that I am Legend/The last man on Earth "spawned" or is responsible for NOTLD .... right?

I know the idea was "stolen"/"barrowed" by GAR but GAR never tied NOTLD into that story. He never said this movie is based on that book/movie.

If that were they case I would have included all the zombie movies that obviously stole the idea from GAR's zombie works.

All the films I listed are based upon and continuations of NOTLD (except the NOTLD remakes which obv are not continuations of the story)

So while I agree I am Legend "spawned" NOTLD it wasnt responsible for it in the same sense as NOTLD "spawned" DOTD.

BTW who read this from the above wikipedia link....

I Am Legend, which has been filmed twice, under the titles The Omega Man and The Last Man on Earth. (A proposed third film version, under the novel's original title and involving star Will Smith...due to be released summer 2007.)

25-Aug-2006, 06:44 PM
BTW who read this from the above wikipedia link....

I Am Legend, which has been filmed twice, under the titles The Omega Man and The Last Man on Earth. (A proposed third film version, under the novel's original title and involving star Will Smith...due to be released summer 2007.)
"wikipedia" is NOT filled with facts. It's like IMDB, a bunch of "know-it-alls" that think they have the right info.

25-Aug-2006, 06:45 PM
While GAR has indeed said many times that the book, "I Am Legend", served as the inspiration for NOTLD...I (and most film freaks out there) tend to believe that NOTLD actually owes more to "I Am Legend"'s first film adaptation--The Last Man On Earth, than it does the Mattheson's book.

And, if you compare the two films directly, you'll see what I mean.

Although the vampires from "The Last Man On Earth" possess limited speech and memory, they look and function just like the ghouls from Night of the Living Dead -- recent corpses lumbering around, malevolent but practically mindless, able to use simple tools but incapable of strategizing, etc. Their only real drive is to feed on people. The overall look of the two films is nearly identical, with their stark black-and-white photography and occasional exterior shots showing the undead’s progression. Some scenes from LMOE could even be spliced into NOTLD relatively seamlessly--the undead banging on the doors and boarded-up windows of the house, smashing a car, etc. Some sequences in LMOE closely resemble...and may well have influenced...scenes in other zombie / pseudozombie films such as Cronenberg’s Rabid and Danny Boyle's 28 Days Later. In truth, The Last Man on Earth is an ostensible vampire movie that functions as the first modern zombie movie, anticipating the structure and concept that Romero would use in his own seminal film, which itself served as the template for nearly every subsequent entry into the subgenre.

And, just as a neat little bit of trivia, LMOE was set in the near future of when it was released....appropriately enough, in 1968 -- the same year Night of the Living Dead came out in real life.:D

BTW who read this from the above wikipedia link....

I Am Legend, which has been filmed twice, under the titles The Omega Man and The Last Man on Earth. (A proposed third film version, under the novel's original title and involving star Will Smith...due to be released summer 2007.)

Regardless, OddDNA...Wilkipedia sometimes is inaccurate, if you can find something wrong with the bibliography posted there as Mattheson's (which was the entire point of the link), then let me know.

Try this one instead:


It pretty accurately reflects the stuff posted at the first link.

25-Aug-2006, 09:50 PM
for 20 other movies....this is not including movies like Evil dead or 28 days later or revenge of the living dead....

These 20 movies admit to be related to NOTLD....feel free to argue about or add to this list.

Is there any movie that is resposible for more movies directly?

James Bond comes to mind are there any others?

Godzilla! Hail to the King (of the Monsters), baby!;)

Matheson must feel special. Some rookie nobody rips off his novel and becomes one of the most monumental directors/writers in the modern zombie film genre. lol. Poor guy.

I read a quote from GAR that he met Matherson at a convention at some point & apologized to him for cribbing the idea for NOTLD from "Legend". Matheson asked him if he got rich off of it, to which Romero replied no, not really, to which Matheson said (good naturedly) "Good! Serves you right!":D

26-Aug-2006, 01:46 AM
He never said this movie is based on that book/movie.

Alas, he did ... so stop making stuff up as you go along :lol:

darth los
26-Aug-2006, 03:01 AM
[QUOTE=OddDNA]I know the idea was "stolen"/"barrowed" by GAR but GAR never tied NOTLD into that story. He never said this movie is based on that book/movie.

If that were they case I would have included all the zombie movies that obviously stole the idea from GAR's zombie works.


Q: How did you come up with the idea of the living dead originally?

A: Well I always say I stole the idea from Richard Matheson's novel I Am Legend. That was vampires so to try to disguise my theft, I went with flesh eaters. His story was about the last man on Earth - vampires had already taken over the world - and I wanted to go from day one, because I thought it would be more interesting to watch it happen, and I thought it would be more right for metaphor. That was the late 60s and our idea was really about revolution. What I say is that if the real living dead in America would come back to life, maybe this administration and its policies wouldn't stand a chance.

Apparently he did say that .