View Full Version : Official Dead Rising [Help, Tips] thread

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18-Jul-2008, 09:27 AM
Just to let you guys know, im back on survival mode now! 7 days acheivment is as good as mine! Bwahahahahaha
Fer gawd sake, don't f*ck it up at the last hurdle again! :D

18-Jul-2008, 09:33 AM
Carlito killed me on day 1 im embarrassed to say, im really out of shape on this game, just gimme a chance to get my flex back and i'll do it ;)

24-Sep-2008, 10:48 PM
So I've decided to chase down my last 2 achievements in this game, PP Collector and Transmissionary. I got all PP photos and the achievement popped up, so I decided to go ahead and let the zombies finish me off....but I never got a message about my hockey-mask outfit being unlocked....anyone else experience anything like this? I'm not gonna play it and have to take all those pics again just to get the hockey mask, am I? I'd rather not, but I was really wanting that unlockable...

By the way, I noticed a couple of cool stores while playing that I'd never payed any attention to before: Bachman's Bookstore (or something like that), which I think is a nod to Stephen King's "Bachman Books" and another joint called Jill's Sandwiches, which alludes to the "Jill sandwich" line from the original Resident Evil, which hellsing mentioned in another thread recently.

All I've got left to get now is the Transmissionary achievement, then I'll have all of 'em....so when the hell is Dead Rising 2 gonna come out?:D

25-Sep-2008, 05:26 PM
So I've decided to chase down my last 2 achievements in this game, PP Collector and Transmissionary. I got all PP photos and the achievement popped up, so I decided to go ahead and let the zombies finish me off....but I never got a message about my hockey-mask outfit being unlocked....anyone else experience anything like this? I'm not gonna play it and have to take all those pics again just to get the hockey mask, am I? I'd rather not, but I was really wanting that unlockable..

Yes you have to complete the game to get the unlockable that goes with the acheivement.

26-Sep-2008, 12:32 AM
yeah, i started a new game and just chilled at the helipad the whole time, got a crappy ending, then was told my hockey mask was available.

now all i've gotta do is get transmissionary. wish me luck!

01-Oct-2008, 12:13 AM
i still have PP collector to do, am really struggling with that one for some reason.. its the only only acheivement i dont have on DR now. ill get around to it one day.

01-Oct-2008, 03:25 AM
I dont know how you got frank the pimp and save 50 people with out cursing your brains out. I still havent gotten them

01-Oct-2008, 09:50 AM
PP Collector - is that the one where you've gotta get 10,000 points in a shot or something?

If memory serves, at the start of the game, photographing the two people on the roof (the old couple) and snapping them when they hug nets you the achievement and the points ... if memory serves.

I swear I got an achievement about PP out of that shot.

01-Oct-2008, 06:18 PM
Yeah thats one of the photography ones, but it isnt PP collector, thats the last photography acheivement.

You have to get 100% score on every possible photo opputurnity.

01-Oct-2008, 08:38 PM
Yeah thats one of the photography ones, but it isnt PP collector, thats the last photography acheivement.

You have to get 100% score on every possible photo opputurnity.
Ah okay, then I deffo don't have PP Collector. :D

02-Oct-2008, 12:10 AM
here's a pretty good guide with illustrations to show you where to take the pics from....it's a pretty easy achievement and only takes a couple of hours. i just went from plaza to plaza, marking them off this list as i got them. good luck.

and cody, i'm pretty sure this is the guide i used to get frank the pimp:

18-Oct-2009, 08:42 PM
A Year later but i just got PP collector, meaning i now officially have 50 out of 50 acheivements on dead rising :D

18-Oct-2009, 10:31 PM
congrats....been debating on deleting my save file so i can go back and get those last two achievements....or re-get them or whatever the fucking term would be....:mad:

19-Oct-2009, 01:49 PM
congrats....been debating on deleting my save file so i can go back and get those last two achievements....or re-get them or whatever the fucking term would be....:mad:

Thanks man, After all that PP collector wasnt that hard at all, it was just about me sitting down and doing it.. took about 4 hours altogether, what 2 do you still need to get?

I Think my next goal for dead rising has to be to top the world rankings :p

06-Nov-2009, 09:47 PM
It's a little embarrassing but I just recently discovered the game "Dead Rising" (a few months ago) and started getting really addicted to it.

I have to say though that I haven't had my Xbox360 for a year yet. I mostly played my PS3 and last year I finally had to get an Xbox360 for Xmas when I heard that they were'nt going to make a PS3 version of Left4Dead and that's the main reason I wanted it, lol. That game looked so COOL. Until they came out with RE5 - they were NO Zombie games you could play "online" with others (all the RE games with just one person). Plus "running Zombies" looked scarey as hell and I was so into that! And having friends to play with and help eachother out sounded cool too. :p

Anyway, I just beat Dead Rising on level 35 and got ending "A" and alot of those achievments you guys mentioned (not all though - yet). But my problems now is - at first I still had all my "stuff" in my inventory when it loaded "Overtime" but I was so exhausted after the credits rolled that I just saved it up in the hideout with Carlo's sisters (her name escapes me right now, lol) and when I reloaded the game to play "Overtime" - all my "stuff" was gone! :eek:

I had 2 mini chainsaws with all 3 books to make them last like forever.....4 jugs of juice and a machine gun. I was devestated! I tried to run like hell when I got down the ladder and tried to make it to the food store and get some juice and a weapon at least but now I have those "alien space ships thingees" alerting my presence and the special forces to contend with - all with NOTHING in my inventory to help me!!! :stunned:

Can someone please help? OH and how do you get the "True Ending" and unlock Infinity Mode? I thought I would - I completed ALL the cases and made it to the helicopter in time so I'm a bit confused....:shifty:



06-Nov-2009, 11:00 PM
You get the true ending and unlock infinity mode by completing overtime mode, dont worry about the food in the store, just go for your objectives. Everything you need is along the way. Unless your very good at killing soldiers you will want to keep your exposed time to a minimun.

07-Nov-2009, 10:34 PM
but how do you stay alive in "Overtime Mode" .....

When you start out with completely nothing in your inventory?

You leave your safe room (the hideout) and those spacebots alert the soilders....you have NO weapons...no life (juice or wine, etc...)...so they shoot you down and kill you and your dead.....end of game.

At least for me it is. I haven't look up any guides or tips yet online though for "Overtime Mode" - I just thought I would ask you guys first if you knew what to do. ;)

Thanks for any help you can give me. I did so GOOD up this point - I wish I hadn't saved it after I conquered the game and just went straight into "Overtime" WITH my 2 toy chainsaws and juices and guns and stuff. :(


07-Nov-2009, 10:49 PM
Turn left instead of right as you come out of your hide out and go down that way, you should be able to get down there without the drones seeing you. There's a gunshop at the end, stock up there and fight you way back to the security room.

10-Nov-2009, 10:20 PM
Okay, thanks Andy. I'll give it a go! :p


09-Dec-2009, 02:54 PM
went ahead and deleted my save file from my hdd (goodbye, level 50 dude with laser sword:(), but in doing so, i was able to recover those last two achievements, so now i stand amongst gods like our buddy andy, a proud member of the "dead rising 50/50 club":D

now howzabout a release date on DR2?

09-Dec-2009, 02:57 PM
now howzabout a release date on DR2?
May 2010. So they say.