View Full Version : which gar zombie movie have you watched the most.

general tbag
26-Aug-2006, 02:32 PM
i have to say night of the living dead, i streamed almost every night at work for a good year, plus all the a and e airings and all the different vhs releases over the years. i have to give it at least 200 times watched, sometimes not all the way threw though.

dawn, i watched the second most as it was the only movie i had for like 6 months:lol: figure 50 times

day- under the 20 mark, however i do watch the opening sequence more than the whole movie.

land - wow at least 20-30 times, more than day.

26-Aug-2006, 02:55 PM
i've watched dawn several(at least 3, sometimes more) times a yr since i was like 15

i'm 33 now, you do the math :p

day, i've watched a good bit also, i'd say close to 50

night-68 i've been watching about as long as dawn

26-Aug-2006, 03:37 PM
day about 5 times
land once
yawn 04' twice
dawn 30 odd times
night 26 times...i think...

i guess its fair to say dawns my favourite.:D

26-Aug-2006, 03:58 PM
The original Dawn--probably around fifty times. Here's to another fifty. :) :clown:

26-Aug-2006, 04:30 PM
dawn about 200 times I guess, my fav movie since I was 8, 21 years ago.

Night prob about 20

Night '90 5-10 times I guess

Day prob about 20-30

Land 3

Dawn 04 2

Return of the living dead is about 20-30 too

Zombi 3 about 5-10

26-Aug-2006, 04:55 PM
ive watched day the most

26-Aug-2006, 05:00 PM
Night 68 - around 25
Dawn - around 30-35
Day - 6 or 7 times
Night 90 - about 15 times
Land - around 10 times

26-Aug-2006, 06:39 PM
Well I don't have **** on that... But I'd have to say Dawn, for some reason I can't stop watching that damned movie...

26-Aug-2006, 09:52 PM
definatly day more. it used to be part of my getting or work rutine. get off grab a beer and a shot glass, and sit down and play the day of the dead drinking game. ( i made it up, if you want official rules let me know! :) ) but anyway i used to play that game a lot so i needed to watch day to do it. but i often would passout halfway through it! :p but i have seen it prob like 50 times and going! then dawn i think. dawn if sooo fun to watch. me and my bro had a ball the first time we watched it. then prob night, then land. but those 2 are close. haha eveybody here seems so differant in this one! :) diversity is great isnt it?

26-Aug-2006, 10:02 PM
this is gonna sound ridiculous but the 1st 3 years i owned dawn i watched it EVERY NIGHT! so, after the first 1000, i would say about 35 times a year for the next 15...

so about 1500 times

to quote dumb and dumber... you are one pathetic loser

No, it's a good use of 3000+ hours

Thinking about 50 hours is a 3 credit college class (including homework/studying)

You can either be a DOTD expert or have 180 college credits (roughly a Masters degree).

I would take watching the DOTD too so dont feel bad.

26-Aug-2006, 10:56 PM
for sure dawn i lost count about five years ago,ive been watching it almost 20 yrs now and at my peak i use to watch it sometimes 2-3 times a day!;)

night is second i dont think ive seen it more than 50 times!

and day a low maybe 20 times

land is almost caught up with day in 1 yrs time!

26-Aug-2006, 11:32 PM
For Me I watched all of them A lot of times to many times to count But I think I have watched night Of the Living dead More :skull:

26-Aug-2006, 11:58 PM
All of 'em lots of times, I don't keep count. I'd have to say that the original dawn was my most watched. 'Er indoors gets really annoyed when I quote random bits of GAR movie dialogue apropos of nothing:o .

general tbag
27-Aug-2006, 01:38 AM
You can either be a DOTD expert or have 180 college credits (roughly a Masters degree).

i think if anyone had a masters degree on gar zombies flicks it have to be professor philly swat.great insight . of course that crazy idea of day coming b4 land was kinda out there.

btw my 420th post

27-Aug-2006, 05:12 AM
day once a week maybe two weeks

Guru ofthe Dead
27-Aug-2006, 05:45 AM
I've been watching Dawn since 1984. I would say i've seen it 2000 times, I watch it constantly just to see if I can pick out anything different. And with the new DVDs and such even more watching pleasure.

27-Aug-2006, 09:43 AM
rough gusstimates

Night 68 3
Dawn 20
Day 40
Night 90 15
Land 5
28 days later 30
Dawn 04 20
Other 50

Other would be the odd ocasional italian zombie movies(nightmare city, Zombie 2 and city of the dead, cemetary man(love this movie heaps)), Resident evil movies and a few others.

27-Aug-2006, 11:01 AM
Dawn of the Dead ... I think I've seen it somewhere in the 25 region.

Day of the Dead will be the next, with I duno, 15 to 20 viewings.

Night of the Living Dead is next with around 10 watches.

Land of the Dead, being the newest, is also the one I've seen least, I think around 5 times at the moment.

27-Aug-2006, 01:56 PM
I dunno. I haven't a clue as to how many times I've seen them. Just guessing, I would say that I've probably seen "Day" the most.

27-Aug-2006, 05:01 PM
Dawn of the Dead ... I think I've seen it somewhere in the 25 region.

Day of the Dead will be the next, with I duno, 15 to 20 viewings.

Night of the Living Dead is next with around 10 watches.

Land of the Dead, being the newest, is also the one I've seen least, I think around 5 times at the moment.

I would have expected it more, based on your post count and everything. Not sure why. I figured you'd be in the 500-1000 watches category like a couple others who replied.

With the exception of Land (three times or so), I've seen them all probably between 10 to 15 times. I've watched Dawn and Day the most, Night 90 and Land the least. The original Night falls somewhere in the middle. The Dawn remake, I've seen twice.

The thing is, I often put in the dvd's to watch (and rewatch) my favorite scenes, as opposed to the whole movie. If you counted that, it'd be a whole lot more.

27-Aug-2006, 07:09 PM
As a student of film my collection is far and wide, I simply don't have the time or patience to watch the same film hundreds and hundreds of times, once I get to that figure (not that I'd know it of course, as I don't really count) it'll be far down the track.

I was 14 when I discovered GAR's work. I also don't watch movies over and over and over again, like on a weekly basis, because that's just not my thing and I would personally end up becoming bored of the film. Of course, when I watch a film I really, intensely watch it, so it's like seeing the movie 3 times worth in one viewing as I'm watching so closely.

Duno how my post count would mean I spend all my time watching Dawn of the Dead, :lol:, surely it'd mean a really low post count ... I just have a lot to say I guess...:)

28-Aug-2006, 12:20 AM
Dawn..... ive seen the most lol

28-Aug-2006, 12:53 AM
As a student of film my collection is far and wide, I simply don't have the time or patience to watch the same film hundreds and hundreds of times

aye same here, since i took up film studies my dvd collection has grown exponentially and i really go a few weeks at least between viewings in fact its been a while since i saw battle royale....:sneaky:

darth los
28-Aug-2006, 12:53 AM
it's not even close, Dawn hands down with NOTLD 68' coming in second.

28-Aug-2006, 11:05 AM
I've been watching Dawn since 1993. Between 1999 and 2001 I watched it at least two times a week. Since then, I've had a rediculous amount of viewings... even days when I'd watch all three versions back to back.

I'd say my count is around at least 250-275.

The rest of the series isn't even close. I'll guess them.

Night (been a fan all my life) - I guess around 25 times.
Day - A measly 10 or 12 times.
Night 90 - also 10 or 12.
Land - One and a half times, haha.

28-Aug-2006, 04:28 PM
Well when you have your hubby coming in the room and saying..."You watching that AGAIN"?
I lost count on all of them along time ago. I would say I have watched NOTLD the most cause it being the oldest.SO I woul have to say I have watched all of them a bazillion times each. LOL
It seems I dont go too long without watching atleast 3 zombie movies per 5 days soo you do the math ...I have no idea!!!
I live to see a new zombie flick....or learn about one that I have not yet seen! Hey guys are we all deadheads or what??? lol GOtta love em'!!
ooh and lets not forget the zombie stories posted here! How many have you read? I love reading them too. We have some terrific authors here!!!
Kudos to those that are our writers...I cant write if my life depended on it!

28-Aug-2006, 07:14 PM
I think Watching GAR's Movies Is kinda like Being Hooked on Some kind of Drug , Funny thing is My Wife Dislikes Zombie movies Strongly And Can't See the appeal Any one else's Wife Or Significant other feel the same?

28-Aug-2006, 08:58 PM
I think Watching GAR's Movies Is kinda like Being Hooked on Some kind of Drug , Funny thing is My Wife Dislikes Zombie movies Strongly And Can't See the appeal Any one else's Wife Or Significant other feel the same?

Well, its like this, I saw NOTD when I was a young girl and it scared the begeebers out of me. No other horror movie has scared me like GAR's movies do!!So, that is the appeal to me I dont like gore exactly but, this stuff is so unreal so, unimaginable. NO not alike some kind of drug! I detest any kind of drugs! One of the things I love about the zombie genre it's mostly NOT a CHICK FLICK, it's NOT full of SEX, its about survival! I dont usually look real close at the gore...I love the you dont know whats going to happen next in the movie like other movies you can predict whats coming next! I guess it is the unknown ... will people survive and when they survive if they will make it a better world then before the dead rise up to kill. I hope that answers alittle bit why this "wife" loves the zombies!

29-Aug-2006, 03:13 PM
Night of the Living Dead was the first zombie movie I had seen, I got it in a bargain bin and it was the colorised version with green zombies. The whole thing just swept me in a way that it's sequals and remakes haven't.

29-Aug-2006, 03:21 PM
I'm 39.
I've seen the trilogy a bazzillion times.
Land - 10

29-Aug-2006, 03:30 PM
I cant say which one i have watched the most...Watched them all so many times i have lost count lol

30-Aug-2006, 10:07 AM
Definitely Dawn Of The Dead, I watch that one most of the time at least once a day especially at my new job which is at a porn shop and it is seriously boring there and I also read the script a lot.

general tbag
30-Aug-2006, 11:44 AM
at least were not star wars and lord of the ring fans who can tell you the exact number into the thousands.

30-Aug-2006, 03:58 PM
dawn of the dead

30-Aug-2006, 04:04 PM
Like many others who have posted I couldn't tell you the exact # of times I've watched GAR's films. They are numerous to say the least :D.

In terms of which I watched the most, here is the breakdown:

Dawn Of The Dead
Night Of The Living Dead
Day Of The Dead
Night Of The Living Dead (90)
Land Of The Dead