View Full Version : If Wierd Science had been with a bloke and two 15yr old girls?

26-Aug-2006, 07:42 PM
...Do you recon they would have got away with it?

Hmmmm.... Do I detect double standards :)

26-Aug-2006, 11:56 PM
Double standards schmubble schmandards ...

I find it highly bizarre that these guys create this complete babe, with the intension of rutting her senseless, and then don't go about it ... does that sound like a 15 year old lad's thinking? Er, no, all a 15 year old lad is interested in is hanging below his belt ... well, not hanging that much, if you know what I mean.

But true ... actually, it'd be kinda funny to see a flipside Weird Science. You might end up with a paedophilic manbot :stunned:, or someone just learns another life lesson...or the girls pounce on the manbot and do whatever it is 15 year old girls like to do with hot guys...er...what a strange topic Neil...:lol:

27-Aug-2006, 01:37 AM
this reminded me of something i saw the other day that mz might get a luagh or cringe from.


27-Aug-2006, 02:37 AM
If you plan to watch Weird Science again, it's a good double feature with My Science Project (1985).

general tbag
27-Aug-2006, 10:09 AM
If you plan to watch Weird Science again, it's a good double feature with My Science Project (1985).

i loved my science project, awesome 80s movie.

27-Aug-2006, 10:56 AM
Geebus, doesn't surprise me really, the guy is way to fancy free with his malesta la bresta behaviour, sooner or later you'll touch someone who doesn't want it, although you'd expect they'd expect such behaviour...if they were legal, damn, 12?!

Somehow I doubt Don Vito is a fiddler, he's just a drunk moron. He probably slapped their ass or made some comment about their chests coming along nicely or some other stupid sh*t. What an idiot...but hearing Bam chat about him on Radio Bam, Vito does sound like a complete and utter handfull you can't control...:stunned:

I laughed ... then I cringed.

27-Aug-2006, 01:55 PM
all 15 year old boys want sex more than anything else.

a lot less 15 year old girls think only about sex. most would rather be popular.

A better plot would be the 2 15 year old girls clone one of those boy band types and date him so everyone thinks they are cool. But that would be a lot like cant buy me love, no?

27-Aug-2006, 02:53 PM
all 15 year old boys want sex more than anything else.

a lot less 15 year old girls think only about sex. most would rather be popular.

A better plot would be the 2 15 year old girls clone one of those boy band types and date him so everyone thinks they are cool. But that would be a lot like cant buy me love, no?

I agree most teenage women think more on their popularity, looks etc... then boys while boys want to get laid. It would not have been a good flick if it was two women creating a man.

12-Mar-2008, 01:18 AM
Great topic Neil.... I love Weird Science and haven't thought of it the other way around - no they wouldn't have gotten away with it!

12-Mar-2008, 01:35 AM
If Wierd Science had been with a bloke and two 15yr old girls?

I don't know, but the idea is simple, yet sublime!

PS--How the hell did I miss this topic the 1st time around?

PPS--Sorry for participating in this necro-post with out taunting and pointing out the fact that it is a necro-post.

12-Mar-2008, 01:55 AM
I don't know, but the idea is simple, yet sublime!

PS--How the hell did I miss this topic the 1st time around?

PPS--Sorry for participating in this necro-post with out taunting and pointing out the fact that it is a necro-post.

but it's an awesome necro-post!! I, too, somehow missed this one.

Interesting idea. Would never work, expecially the bit at the end where she goes on to other schools to, i assume, help 2 other 15yo boys with their problems. That would be like the creeepy substitute teacher that has to move to schools in a different state due to past offenses. :eek:

Chic Freak
12-Mar-2008, 07:31 PM
...or the girls pounce on the manbot and do whatever it is 15 year old girls like to do with hot guys...

Get them to buy you alcohol :thumbsup:

all 15 year old boys want sex more than anything else.

a lot less 15 year old girls think only about sex. most would rather be popular.

Wise words. I'm sure a lot of girls at my school started having sex with their boyfriends in order to appear more grownup and cool, and thus become more popular (I wasn't one of them, I should point out!).

12-Mar-2008, 07:33 PM
kelly le brock looked awesome in this film...

12-Mar-2008, 07:50 PM

14-Mar-2008, 09:19 AM

Where do you find this stuff man? :D

14-Mar-2008, 12:06 PM
If the authorities got involved:

A) With a man-bot and two teenage girls. The man-bot would be banged up in jail and shagged by Bubba & Co for years and years.

B) With a femme-bot and two teenage boys, the authorities would admire their guile and give them a thumbs up while quietly saying "nice" ... "niiice". :D



14-Mar-2008, 01:58 PM

Where do you find this stuff man? :D

2 hours a day, every day, just looking through forums for this crap.

okay, not really, but ive got a photobucket full of 300 of these things.

14-Mar-2008, 02:36 PM
Oingo Boingo is definitely one of my top Ten Fav Bands. anyone else?