View Full Version : Diary of the Dead

25-Aug-2006, 02:33 AM

I really don't know what to think about this if it proves to be true. Sure another Romero zombie movie would be nice, but I was hoping a little bit more for a traditional zombie movie.

25-Aug-2006, 03:24 AM
is a good zombie movie.

Well.....maybe not "Children of the Living Dead".....or "Dawn of the Dead 2004"....or "Day of the Dead: Contagioum" or.....yeesh....never mind!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

25-Aug-2006, 10:27 AM

No. No. That's not true. That's impossible!

25-Aug-2006, 10:52 AM
i would like land 2! but another entry of romero is better than 1000 remakes!

25-Aug-2006, 11:42 AM
Sorry to say, but this looks retarded.
By the way, Sci Fi Wire (http://www.scifi.com/scifiwire/index.php?category=0&id=37652) is reporting the same news, so its probably real.


25-Aug-2006, 12:18 PM
Horror veteran Romero returns to "Dead" zone (http://today.reuters.com/news/articlenews.aspx?type=filmNews&storyID=2006-08-25T012327Z_01_N2470445_RTRIDST_0_FILM-ROMERO-DC.XML)
By Gregg Goldstein

NEW YORK (Hollywood Reporter) - The dead are rising again. Horror maven George A. Romero has signed on to write and direct "George A. Romero's Diary of the Dead," following in the tradition of his 1968 cult classic "Night of the Living Dead."

With a story mixing elements of "The Blair Witch Project" and the long-running "Dead" series, the film will follow a group of college students shooting a horror movie in the woods who stumble upon a real zombie uprising. When the onslaught begins, they seize the moment as any good film students would, capturing the undead in a "cinema verite" style that causes more than the usual production headaches.

After going more than two decades without making an independently financed zombie film, Romero told his production partner Peter Grunwald he was frustrated working within the system. "I was trying to convince Peter we could just run off and do it ourselves," he said.

Instead they convinced Artfire Films to finance the under-$5 million project, enough to work with union crew members who've been longtime friends.

Romero's new script replaces the original's static-filled radio with new technologies like smartphones to inform characters of impending doom. But fans can expect the classic Romero style.

"It has my sensibility, my sense of socioeconomic satire," he said. "And it has my zombies! They're not rushing around -- they're gonna be moving slow." Added Grunwald, "There'll be a lot of howling."

The film's four-week shoot is scheduled to begin October 11 in Toronto.

"Dead" is just the latest in a series of films with a recurring theme for Romero, including 1978's "Dawn of the Dead," 1985's "Day of the Dead" and 2005's "Land of the Dead." His other credits include 1982's "Creepshow," 1973's "The Crazies" and the 1974 TV documentary "O.J. Simpson: Juice on the Loose."

Reuters/Hollywood Reporter

25-Aug-2006, 12:49 PM
It doesn't really sound that great. But then again, this is Romero without studio influence (Romero at his best). And at least he's not rehashing what's already been done. Uhm, unless you count like... The Dead Hate the Living.

So, Ok. It might be good.

25-Aug-2006, 12:54 PM
Hrm...sounds different. I know I'll be there on opening day.:D

Good to know that he wasn't too pleased with "Land" due to the studio being involved...

25-Aug-2006, 01:21 PM
Somebody call Samuel. :D

I, Zombie
25-Aug-2006, 01:49 PM
Hhmmm.....sounds interesting. I hope what doesn't happen is that Romero relies heavily on the amateurish camera-work that made "Blair Witch" stand out. Please, George, use a vast majority of actual film stock!

And the fact that it's a group of college students sounds too much like a typical cheesy horror flick w/young hotties being picked off one by one as they off to have sex with each other.

What I like so far is that it sounds like he's making a film toward the beginning of the outbreak which is what I've been hoping for for a long time. Instead of making the films in a straight timeline, I've been wanting different films to take place at different times.

Hope it's as good as LAND.

25-Aug-2006, 03:40 PM
It sure is interesting. When you think about it Romero may just give Brad Pitt's production company an idea on how they can shoot World War Z either as a full-lenght feature film or as a Band of Brothers-type of mini-series.

25-Aug-2006, 03:45 PM
yeahhhhh, it sounds stupid....but stop groaning, it's Romero!

25-Aug-2006, 04:38 PM
yeahhhhh, it sounds stupid....but stop groaning, it's Romero!
Agreed. I mean, sure, this premise was done in both "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" and "The Dead Hate the Living," but both those movies sucked, and Romero could get it right.
I liked LAND but what really bugged me about it was the fact that it was too polished...part of what made the other entries amazing was what a gritty, down to earth apocalypse they portrayed. There's a feature on the DVD where you can see certain shots before they were digitally manipulated, and each time, I always felt that the shots looked more like a scene from the Dead trilogy before they had digital grading and CGI added. This sounds like a return to the grittier style of the previous films, and I'm all in favor of that.

25-Aug-2006, 04:51 PM
Somebody call Samuel. :D
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
"What are these God Damned mutha f*ckin kids doin' in these mutha f*ckin woods filmin' this mutha f*ckin' sh*t!!??"

25-Aug-2006, 05:31 PM
yeahhhhh, it sounds stupid....but stop groaning, it's Romero!

I'm not groaning, I was just really hoping for a continuation of Land of the Dead using some of the same characters since that's what he talked about at length in interviews when Land came out. Plus that Blair Witch comparison didn't help my opinion. I just hope Romero isn't following the other George by trying to continue a series long after its prime.

25-Aug-2006, 06:06 PM
Sorry George, the film sounds like pure, utter ****.

25-Aug-2006, 06:14 PM
Yeah I heard about this today too, sounds a bit sh*t to me to be honest ... no doubt it'll end up sinking like many of GAR's other prospective projects over the years. Diary of the Dead sounds quite crap, gimme World of the Dead damnit!

25-Aug-2006, 08:33 PM
Okay, with that, I don't mean we as fans should kiss the man's @$$ (George) regardless of what he says or does. But, we should at least give him a chance to redeem himself, especially since none of us as seen a shot of footage yet.

I was dumbfounded by this news. Seemed to come out of the blue, but maybe everyone has heard of it and I'm not up on the times.

Whatever happened with 'Diamond Dead', by the way?

Also, if George wants to go back to 'Night of the Living Dead' with a lower-budget zombie film his way, why not shoot it around Pittsburgh then and not Canada?!

:dead: Dawg

25-Aug-2006, 09:33 PM
Because shooting in Canada proved much cheaper than shooting in Pittsburgh (like with Land).

Also, just sayin' from the info about this "Diary of the Dead" makes it sounds like crap, also, the title is a pile of poo...if GAR is gonna do a zombie flick, make a real "of the Dead" flick for the series, otherwise make some other kinds of movies (or horror flicks), mix it up a bit...although I guess that's what this Isle thing is all about...

25-Aug-2006, 09:33 PM
Somebody call Samuel. :D

He can play the professor who send these little reatrds out ont heir quest.

"Alright you little snot nose muthephuckers listen up. The university will loan you the equipment but it's your ass if anything happens to this sheeet, and don't so something stupid like run out and re-hash the blair witch project cause if you do I will leave it out for Otto the harbage man to pick-up. And above all if you film in the cemetary... has some phucking respect for the dead, you dig?"

SAMUEL L. JACKSON must be cast in this film

25-Aug-2006, 09:36 PM
"Children Shouldn't Play With Pulp Fiction" ... I can see it now...:gossip:

25-Aug-2006, 09:37 PM

I really don't know what to think about this if it proves to be true. Sure another Romero zombie movie would be nice, but I was hoping a little bit more for a traditional zombie movie.

ALmost sounds like DAWG's The Dead: Live

I think he stole your concept DAWG... sue his ass off. :D

25-Aug-2006, 09:59 PM
I say let's give the man a break at least he is back to making his movies! Hopefully it will be good I have my eyes,fingers,toes crossed that this will be good. George please dont let us down!!!!
I too am glad he is disappointed in "Land" I liked it but, I think it could be different not better but different.
I know I will be in line at the theater when it comes out! Come on won't we all?

25-Aug-2006, 10:41 PM
Well, it'd be cool to see an indie offering ... but obviously a good one.

Now, I really can't see Diary being a sequel (or #2 in the "new" trilogy as GAR is going on about having a new trilogy after Land blah blah blah) to Land, because you can't go from Land to Diary, it also doesn't make any transitionary sense (Night/Dawn/Day had a clear progression, and sh*t, Land progressed from Day quite obviously). "Diary" should be renamed and just be a completely separate movie, it'd be interesting to see a GAR zombie flick, that ISN'T part of his most famous works, if you're getting my drift.

I suppose it's got a better chance of moving into production as it'll be an indie flick, but it needs renaming and removing from the main GAR zombie flicks ... "World" is clearly meant to be the actual successor to "Land". This new announcement should be a completely different, removed and solitary outing...

25-Aug-2006, 11:15 PM
i wonder if the movie will get a theatrical release...:rockbrow:

26-Aug-2006, 02:06 AM
Rename it. Other than that, I think it might be interesting to see a creator reimagine his own work.

26-Aug-2006, 06:39 PM

27-Aug-2006, 07:09 AM
A friendly reminder to look before you post, I've merged the threads to remind everyone to look before they leap. Cheers, MZ.

I am new hear but i came across this artical yesterday and today that i find exciting.

George A. Romero will write and direct George Romero's Diary of the Dead, which his company Romero-Grunwald Productions will produce with Artfire Films.

The storyline revolves around a group of film students who encounter real zombies when making a horror movie in the woods.

Voltage Pictures has picked up worldwide sales rights to the pic, which Artfire is fully financing. Production is slated to begin October 11 in Toronto.

Romero also is set to write and direct the thriller Solitary Isle for Ashok Amritraj's Hyde Park Entertainment. He most recently wrote and directed George A. Romero's Land of the Dead.

general tbag
27-Aug-2006, 07:37 AM
people said the same thing about the blair with project, with the guerilla type style and was not only a success but a decent pic.

look at it this way, if he bank rolls it , and is a hit, good chance hell bank roll the next dead series with no studio on his back. it a smart business/creative move.

27-Aug-2006, 10:59 AM
Of course, the thing is, Blair Witch has already been done...so perhaps people would feel jaded. It's like Blair Witch meets Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things at the moment ... and in that respect, to me, seems a bit pointless...on the face of it.

general tbag
27-Aug-2006, 11:12 AM
but take blair witch and add zombies, it be a better flick.

27-Aug-2006, 09:53 PM
ALmost sounds like DAWG's The Dead: Live

I think he stole your concept DAWG... sue his ass off. :D

I really don't think this is like mine at all.

'The Dead: LIVE' was about a news crew that stumbled upon an outbreak of the dead, and it wasn't filmed completely from a news camera point of view.

BTW- If this new trilogy goes from 'Land' to 'World of the Dead'. What would the third one be called? 'Universe of the Dead'?

:dead: Dawg

27-Aug-2006, 10:52 PM
The more I read the posts the more I think ...hmmmm I would really like to give GAR's "Diary of the Dead" a chance. I think he is looking at it from a different aspect instead of like NOTLD where they are trapped in a house or DAWN in a mall or Day in a cave or even Land in a caged in area....now Diary will be out in the wild, now thats sound interesting what he is going to to with it!
In another thread it was asked what would you do if this would happen the dead rising? This just might be one of those ..what would you do scenerio's!
I can't wait to see what he does with it!

28-Aug-2006, 10:59 AM
Land of the Dead
World of the Dead
Big Phat Zombie Boner Jam of the Dead?

28-Aug-2006, 12:30 PM
Land of the Dead
World of the Dead
Big Phat Zombie Boner Jam of the Dead?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

"Zombie Boner Jams 03"........."it must be a compilation of his favorite zombie boner scenes or something"

28-Aug-2006, 12:56 PM
SUCH a good movie isn't it? :lol:

How about:

"Like Something Bigger Than A World, But Not As Big As A Universe Because That Sounds Stupid Or Something of the Dead"? Catchy ain't it?

28-Aug-2006, 08:00 PM
i like the idea theres only so many dead films he can make in the same universe before it becomes tired and stale (cough phantom menace cough!) so i expect somethin' cool.

id love to see if romero takes this new direction and adds running zombies:lol:

The more I read the posts the more I think ...hmmmm I would really like to give GAR's "Diary of the Dead" a chance. I think he is looking at it from a different aspect instead of like NOTLD where they are trapped in a house or DAWN in a mall or Day in a cave or even Land in a caged in area....now Diary will be out in the wild, now thats sound interesting what he is going to to with it!
In another thread it was asked what would you do if this would happen the dead rising? This just might be one of those ..what would you do scenerio's!
I can't wait to see what he does with it!

very true horrors all about isolation and as good as a cabin in the woods is 28 days later style isolation in the open is mutch more interesting like a whole "what if the whole worlds after you" enemy of the state kinda thing, so i like the idea.

28-Aug-2006, 09:36 PM
wow look at this! :D

28-Aug-2006, 10:09 PM
which just makes it sound cooler, plus that site had some cool pics of spiderman 3:D

29-Aug-2006, 12:47 PM
Come on, guys, there have already been plenty of independent zombie flicks that take place in the woods. As most of you know, 95% of them turn out to be boring as cat ****.

This isn't that exciting of news for me. It was until I read what it would be about. :(

29-Aug-2006, 10:31 PM
now ive thought about it i kinda got to agree with him, people dont take the blair witch seriously cus its been parodied and ripped off to death, and theres as many flicks saying "as scary as the blair witch" (like that hole movie which was boring as frigg) as the ones that are ,apparently, as scary as shaun of the dead.

im gonna wait and see but i think if its a comedy like some sites said ill probably dig it if its serious i think itll be boring cus after land im starting to think that dead films are becomeing nothing but a one trick pony and when something like undead comes along that tries to be different, or even running zombies they just get heckled for differeing from the incredibly tired and dated "slow zombies made from bites of infected" thats been going for what?, a few decades now, theres only so long before it gets boring, but now its pretty mutch a cliche':bored:

30-Aug-2006, 06:05 AM
i wonder if the movie will get a theatrical release...:rockbrow:
At most it'll get a limited release and then go on DVD.

01-Sep-2006, 03:31 AM

No. No. That's not true. That's impossible!

LMAO, that is very funny man.

01-Sep-2006, 08:59 PM
Here is some updated news from Dread Central:


03-Sep-2006, 07:42 AM
Gotta give it a chance anyway. :D

03-Sep-2006, 08:09 AM
Maybe we can will this to be a good film... Otherwise, I think we just might be ****ed.

The premise, were this to end up as it reads AND not be a comedic take, just seems so hackneyed. Perhaps some minor revisions would help as production unfolds. Now, as far as the idea of a project with a more comedic take is concerned...I sure as hell hope not.

Either way, I'm happy GAR may just get get the chance to work on another Dead film :)

*Crosses fingers*


Diary is a project he is making for his fans independent of all the usual Hollywood rules and regulations. Romero also assured me that there will be the right kind of gore in the film that we all know and love, and he is in talks with Greg Nicotero of KNB to do the effects.
Now that sounds promising, at least!

08-Sep-2006, 06:55 PM
Don't care what the scenario is, although I agree a LOTD sequel would have been nice to finish the storyline, because another zombie film by GAR is all I need to hear.

So many ****ty zombie ripoffs at BlockBuster these days.