View Full Version : Oh No creepshow 3

27-Aug-2006, 11:59 AM
so they have just brought out creepshow 3 :(

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creepshow_3 from the makers of Day of the Dead 2: Contagium i have not seen contagium but i heard it sucked so i am not entirely looking forward to creepshow 3 but im still going to see it

http://www.creepshow3.com/ here is the outline for the first 2

Alice is a snotty sixteen year old with an attitude problem,particularly towards her oddball neighbor Professor Dayton, an inventor and, quite possibly, a mad scientist. Then her Dad buys a strange remote control that seems to affect time and space. Everytime her Dad presses a button the real world changes, and so does she, all for the worse… Is Alice getting her just rewards or is it just her perception of things?

"Rachel the Call Girl"
Rachael is a sexy, savvy, serial killer with a taste for men looking for paid sex. Victor is a sexy, savvy vampire with a taste for call girls. A match of titans?

these sound like good stories :skull: (sarcasm)

27-Aug-2006, 12:23 PM
I am so pissed that those self agrandizing morons that did that direct to dvd are going to butcher the rep of a great tradition , Creepshow ...:mad: I am thoughly MAD as max ... The dvd of Day of the dead 2 was so putrid :barf: ... the extras , which I watched out of boredom , were of the directors :moon: fawning over how great this movie was and follows the tradtion of GAR >>>>>>>>>>Call George right now ! I dont care if hes asleep ,: I ll call TOM and well make real slaughter ....ugh ,ugh... I AM ..... :mad: livid . stay away from me .... BY ALL MEANS , DO NOT RENT OR BE FOOLED INTO :barf: , OR BRIBED TO , WATCH , Day of the Dead 2:contagium ... If I had known GAR had nothing to do with this waste of money , I wouldntve rented it ... I didnt read the box ...I thought anybody that is going to actually call thier movie "Day of the dead 2 " had to be a good film maker , WRONG WRONG WRONG ...I want my $3.98 back and the 1:45 I spent watching it !!!!ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGHHHH!!!! ok...:) I'm fine now ... what was the thread about ...? ahem , see ya ... I just looked at the actors ,seems it might have something remotely in the hemisphere of something close to what some might conclude to be a sort of movie ... BUT NOT AS BAD AS >>>> ARRRRGGHHHHHHHHH ...sorry . Is it x rated ?I'll see it if its x ...

27-Aug-2006, 01:38 PM
WHile I enjoy and share the same thoughts as you about Craptagium... Please for the love of all that is holy and gruesome keep the smilies out of your body of text I felt like Forrest Gump trying to read that. :D

27-Aug-2006, 03:42 PM

27-Aug-2006, 04:38 PM
Creepshow 3 just sounds plain stupid. And the bad thing is after this movie they'll butcher another series. Watch. It'll happen.

28-Aug-2006, 12:02 AM
I've known about the third for a while. And knowing Taurus' track record...


28-Aug-2006, 12:34 AM
I too have knowqn about Creepshow 3 for several months, when it was metioned on the Rotten Cotton forums.

Why is it that anyone who has the power and money to make a good movie, never has an original idea. ugh. :mad:

28-Aug-2006, 12:41 AM
...oh dear.

28-Aug-2006, 11:18 AM
WHile I enjoy and share the same thoughts as you about Craptagium... Please for the love of all that is holy and gruesome keep the smilies out of your body of text I felt like Forrest Gump trying to read that. :D
Sorry , I sincerely apologize ... I was upset and went waaay too far expressing the feeling . Please accept my sincere apology - I have re-worked the post ...w/ out so much expressive stuff . Thanks :skull:

28-Aug-2006, 03:24 PM
Well since you guys are so excited about this one, then keep your eyes peeled, for our favorite hacks over at Taurus are also talking about raping George's classic "The Crazies" as well!

talk about a company that can't do ANYTHING original or by themselves, it's as if Taurus wouldn't even exist as a company if they didn't have the rights to a lot of George's work.

I can see thier company mission statement right now:

Our mission is to hack, desecrate, and destroy every classic horror film that the great George A. Romero every made! (Oh, we mean re-invision!)

Thanks Rubinstien, hope you enjoyed what little money you made off selling the rights to these classics to Taurus!