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View Full Version : Live Chat With Ken Foree

28-Aug-2006, 03:49 AM
Well I've mentioned it before and here it is , the very first LIVE Q & A chat with Ken.

This will happen on Friday, Sept 8th at 10 pm est (7pm west coast time)!

What you need to do ... :

Register at the forums if you haven't already kenforee.com/forum (http://www.kenforee.com/forum/index.php)

update your flash player at the Adobe.com website or click this link:

Make sure you DO NOT have your pop up blockers on or you won't be able to access the chat room.


Thats it... then ask Ken whatever questions you can think of ..

I'll also be posting this on Kens forum so check there for any updates .

28-Aug-2006, 03:53 AM
Well I've mentioned it before and here it is , the very first LIVE Q & A chat with Ken.

This will happen on Friday, Sept 8th at 10 pm est (7pm west coast time)!

What you need to do ... :

Register at the forums if you haven't already

update your flash player at the Adobe.com website or click this link:

Make sure you DO NOT have your pop up blockers on or you won't be able to access the chat room.


Thats it... then ask Ken whatever questions you can think of ..

I'll also be posting this on Kens forum so check there for any updates .
SWEEET DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

28-Aug-2006, 04:05 AM
Nice i will try to drop by.:D

28-Aug-2006, 04:53 AM
man, the only person who'd miss this would be the sucker who can't afford $10/month :p

that said, i'll probably forget about it but i'll try to remember

28-Aug-2006, 05:41 AM
Damn, I have to work! Could somebody please post a chat log after it is all said and done.

28-Aug-2006, 01:54 PM
Will there be question moderation, or anything goes, like a normal chatroom?

28-Aug-2006, 11:09 PM
I figure it'll be anything goes, 99% of the crowd is adult, so I think it'd be pretty casual...

28-Aug-2006, 11:40 PM
VERY cool! He's one of my all-time favorite movie heroes!:D

28-Aug-2006, 11:42 PM
id love to know what he thought about the dead remakes;)

29-Aug-2006, 05:53 AM
it might get a little crazy in their

29-Aug-2006, 09:36 AM
This will happen on Friday, Sept 8th at 10 pm est (7pm west coast time)!

Grrr! And what time is this GMT? Grrr! Going to be tooo late for lil'ole'me :(

ps: I've had a little telephone chat with Ken before, and he seemed a really nice guy! Hope he can type as well as he can talk :)

29-Aug-2006, 09:59 AM
I think that would be around 3 am your time Neil....

29-Aug-2006, 11:01 AM
damn i dont no what time that would be here in cyprus i would unless anyone knows what time it would be ?

29-Aug-2006, 05:10 PM
what is that in real time?

29-Aug-2006, 05:40 PM
If it's 3 AM GMT, then it's 5 AM Cyprus time.

06-Sep-2006, 09:42 AM
Just a reminder , this is happening THIS friday...

08-Sep-2006, 09:27 PM
This evening at 7 pm pacific time, 10pm eastern, and I'm not quite sure what the time difference is for members in the UK , Ken will be in the chat at his forums for an undetermined amount of time ...as he put it ... "as long as it takes "
so drop by , regiser and shoot the breeze with WGZK !!

Our forums had a bit of a catastrophe , and I've had to rebuild it..due to corruption of some database files... so we have plenty of room for new members there. .
( talk about cleaning the slate Neil...never try anti spam mods .... they cause more trouble than good)

The chat is up and running fine and Ken tells me it will be a free for all as far as questions go & he'll stay on for as long as he can,he says it will go down as the longest Q&A in history, so I'm really hoping to see some of you folks there

09-Sep-2006, 05:19 AM
Just got back from the chat...what a character! I admit I was having to take care of other business during the session, but I saved the log to read over items I missed. I personally will be posting the log on my site tomorrow and if necessary will post the link to that log so anyone interested can get an insight to this mans love of good food. Hahaha...

09-Sep-2006, 05:20 AM
Well after 3 hours, a ton of questions and one hell of a night on the phone, I think it was a success!!

I want to thank EVERYONE who showed up for making it such a great time!!!
You fans are awesome, Ken had a great time , which I'm sure he'll tell you himslf somewhere on his board, and I hope all of you enjoyed it as much !!

- DC (very sleepy, very beat )

09-Sep-2006, 10:37 AM
Just got back from the chat...what a character! I admit I was having to take care of other business during the session, but I saved the log to read over items I missed. I personally will be posting the log on my site tomorrow and if necessary will post the link to that log so anyone interested can get an insight to this mans love of good food. Hahaha...

Looking forward to seeing what I missed!

09-Sep-2006, 06:26 PM

note that the first couple of minutes and the last couple of minutes are just the chatter hanging out. Ken shows up at 10:04. I'm too lazy to edit all the stuff out. :)

10-Sep-2006, 02:22 AM
Well im sure im going to get blasted for this but i read the chat log for this and it screams FAKE FAKE FAKE...... I'm sorry but come on he talked about his favorite porn movie?????? Talked repeatedly about food......come on sounds to me some guy just faking the whole thing. THIS IS MY OPPINION:mad:

10-Sep-2006, 03:35 AM
Well I got in there about 9:30pm California time and Ken was still in there. There were less than ten people in chat at that time and it was just mindless silly chat. Ken barely responded. He did answer a few of my questions, but the others were just typing stupid jouvenile stuff. I seemed to be the only one who wanted to ask him about Dawn and his career. Maybe it was better earlier on.

10-Sep-2006, 03:38 AM
come on sounds to me some guy just faking the whole thing. THIS IS MY OPPINION:mad:

....but you weren't there were you?? Nope , you weren't, I was on the phone with him for the entire three hours that it went on ...

I don't appreciate being called a liar or being accused of faking things like this, I run his site and he, finally, after 8 months, agreed to do this. It was a success, the fans loved the whole event ...too bad you missed out, there's always next time , maybe you'll actually be part of something rather than sitting back after the fact and throwing out negativity and accusations.

Yeah Trip, you did catch on at the tail end of things , most of the users had already asked most of their questions, and we had been on for 2 hours already,and it was starting to slow down a bit.
After the initial excitement died down, the questions came in slower. Ken types slow so he did have a hard time keeping up with folks, by the time he finished answering one question there were already 3 more posted...

10-Sep-2006, 03:49 AM
And like i said its my oppinion dont get so ticked off this is free where we can voice our own oppinions. To me it just looked very unprofessional with how all he said came out.

10-Sep-2006, 03:51 AM
Totally understandable. I was grateful for the reponses that I got. Actually, I was shocked that he was still in there at that time.

10-Sep-2006, 03:59 AM
Well im sure im going to get blasted for this but i read the chat log for this and it screams FAKE FAKE FAKE...... I'm sorry but come on he talked about his favorite porn movie?????? Talked repeatedly about food......come on sounds to me some guy just faking the whole thing. THIS IS MY OPPINION:mad:

You should probably get blasted for this but it looks like you've gotten off easy so far.

I wasn't there but I read the transcript. Wish I'd been there. Seems like a regular guy to me, which is refreshing. So he enjoys chatting with a group of fans and lets it all hang out. What's so bad about that? He's human, too. I guess it'd be more believable to you if he came into the chatroom with a "star trip" instead.

As for the food thing, big-time movie stars gotta eat, too.

10-Sep-2006, 03:59 AM
It was a relaxed chat, walkingdude. It was also the first time I or Ken ever tried anything of the sort... you know how hard it is to get folks to slow their minds down when they're excited to talk to a celeb??
It makes it tougher when the poor guy has to try and keep up to the questions when he can't type fast or see the question asked because of other users bantering here and there... For a first, the turn out was good in my book, the next will more than likely be an audio chat, which I'm trying to set up to prevent the same thing from happening.
If you were really interested ...you would have taken the time and shown up to see for yourself, like hseiken and TripleRex.

10-Sep-2006, 04:02 AM
well unfotunally i had to work during that time so i couldnt show up to check it out for myself or i would of been there. I for one like to beable to talk to celebs when they take time out to chat. I use to go to alot like that when i was hosting over in MSN.

10-Sep-2006, 04:05 AM
Well maybe next time then .... as I said I'm looking into setting up a streaming server to run the audio add-on to the chat we use (same as Neil's here, Flashchat) and then the users will type their questions and Ken can just vocally respond.
I think that would be a better format and easier to moderate.

Oh just one more thing...keep in mind, I'm in MA, Ken was in LA and the other mod I had assisting me Rich Booth was in England, so assisting him wasn't an easy task, it was pm's for me and rich and as I said I was o the phone with him going through the whole thing keeping up with the questions for him... not an easy task...

10-Sep-2006, 02:51 PM
I defintately think that'd work a lot better than his (probably) hunt-and-peck typing skills...hehe...however, if we want to save the log, would there be a stenagrapher for Ken so that his comments can still be saved into a log?

10-Sep-2006, 04:01 PM
Well im sure im going to get blasted for this but i read the chat log for this and it screams FAKE FAKE FAKE...... I'm sorry but come on he talked about his favorite porn movie?????? Talked repeatedly about food......come on sounds to me some guy just faking the whole thing. THIS IS MY OPPINION:mad:

I missed it because of work but I read some of the transcript. did not sound exciting. I would think people would ask him in depth questions but it seems it was just all idle chat. I am not putting it down. It is still cool never the less to get to chat with ken.