View Full Version : the wicker man (2006)

29-Aug-2006, 08:50 PM
so anyone else seen the trailer yet, cus speaking as a long time fan of the origional whos said this will be nothing but crap i gotta say...it actually doesnt look that bad a movie, it wont be as good as the origional on the 'wtf' metre but it certainly looks like one of the better remakes around.


its wierd that i heard they made lord summerisle a woman in this one but when you think about it, cage may make a good hollywood versionof howie but who else could have been summerilse but christopher lee?

29-Aug-2006, 10:27 PM
Hmmm ... looked like poopy to me from the trailer, saw one of those cardboard cut out thingies in the cinema today. Guaranteed it's just a pile of poo that'll sink into obscurity in a couple of years, like most remakes. The original's notoriety and cult status is long, long established, so the original will be what lives on ... I'll most likely not see the remake, I sat through the original, wasn't "into" it really to be honest, but I respected it.

29-Aug-2006, 10:59 PM
Just a point of contention, but back in the 70's when all the Hammer flicks came out, people then said they were crummy remakes of classic 50's horror that will soon be forgotten.

Today it's "The Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing flicks are SOOOOOO much better then todays garbage".

On and on. :)

30-Aug-2006, 09:55 AM
Ahhhh, but, the originals haven't been forgotten either. In fact, the original Frankenstein (and the others) are still more famous and iconic than the Hammer flicks. Of course, the Hammer flicks were doing something 'new' with the formula, back in a time when remakes weren't all the rage. They also weren't putting Nicolas "Box Office" Cage in their movies, nor CGI, and didn't have punchy advertising campaigns...:D

30-Aug-2006, 04:21 PM
i dunno after writing essays and exams on the origional i think this one looks pretty good, if a little 'silent hill-y'.

this is one ill probably go see in the cinema.

30-Aug-2006, 10:05 PM
I'm still up in the air about this one. On one hand, I'm sick to death of remakes, but at the same time, I'm a fan of both Cage and LaBute. I'll wait for the DVD release--which, I suspect, won't take very long.

30-Aug-2006, 10:09 PM
They also weren't putting Nicolas "Box Office" Cage in their movies, nor CGI, and didn't have punchy advertising campaigns...:D


I'm curious as to whether or not you've seen the trailer for next year's "Ghost Rider". Guilty, guilty, guilty.:p

31-Aug-2006, 01:11 AM
i still cant believe theyve made a movie of that, how the frigg does that plot work?:confused:

31-Aug-2006, 10:07 AM
At least Ghost Rider is an adap, rather than a remake...I think I might have seen the trailer, although I cannot remember anything in it ... don't really know anything about Ghost Rider and besides, Nic Cage doesn't really strike me as the demon badass type, he's more the good guy who can occasionally kick your ass (The Rock, Con Air)...

Remakes suck winky until proven otherwise in my eyes :p ... like Hills06, now that stepped up to the damn plate. :thumbsup:

31-Aug-2006, 09:42 PM
i still dont think it looks so bad, as for ghost rider hes a motorcycle riding vigilante with a flameing skull for a head, but you know hell end up fighting to save the films romantic intrest.:barf: