View Full Version : What GAR films have you seen on the BIG screen and how many times?

Mister Chrome
30-Aug-2006, 08:25 PM
The title asks the question, but here goes anyway:

What George A. Romero films have you seen on the BIG screen, and how many times have you seen them?

(Yes, this is a big nerdy pissing contest, but aren't those just a blast?!?)

I've seen Night of the Living Dead 3 times on the big screen (twice at the Music Box in Chicago, once at a drive-in theatre in Aurora).

I've seen Dawn of the Dead twice on the big screen (once at the 25th anniversary of Dawn celebration at the Pittsburgh Comicon).

I've seen Day of the Dead once on the big screen (at Flashback Weekend in Chicago).

I've seen Land of the Dead twice on the big screen (both times on opening day - once in the suburbs in the afternoon, and then later that night in the city).

Okay, now how about you?


30-Aug-2006, 08:35 PM
I saw NOTLD in '68 on the big screen and actually I believe I saw all of them either at the drive in theater or theater and I enjoyed every one of them!!! NOTHING like that surround sound!!!
I love the surround soo much my hubby surprised me with a cheap set for Christmas this past year...only thing my tv is too old (over10yrs) alot of the dvd's I play in it goes dark. :(
But, I still watch my zombie movies and eventho I cant see them real good I have the theater feel of it. YAY!! Oooh forgot to answer how many times I went to see them...hmm one time each!
DVD now hundreds~~THOUSANDS of times!!

30-Aug-2006, 08:50 PM
Sadly, only one. I saw "Land of the Dead" three or four times in theater.

30-Aug-2006, 09:06 PM
I saw Night 90 once on opening night. I saw Land 4 times in the theatre. I saw Night68 outdoors at Horrorfind 2003. I saw Dawn 78 (full screen Cannes extended edit, belonging to Lenny Lies) at the 2003 Pittsburgh Comicon.

30-Aug-2006, 09:36 PM
i have seen all 5 dead films on the big screen.

night 68 4 times (all on halloween) and day twice at an art theater in cincinnati (which sadly has become the cincinnati shakespeare company - no i have nothing against old will but it was nice to see old horror and bergman movies on the big screen)

i have seen dawn 3 times- twice at aforementioned art theater and once at the danbury theater one summer when they were playing fri/sat midnight showings of classic horror flicks. saw friday the 13th I, II, fright night, suspiria, and halloween the same summer.

night 90 twice when it came out originally.

land twice when it came out.

30-Aug-2006, 10:01 PM
Land twice. And Day once, (at horrorfind)

i am 15, so seeing land in theatres was a big deal to me

30-Aug-2006, 11:12 PM
I went to see "Day" on it's U.K release at a near empty Odeon in Leeds.
Saw all three, one after the other at a special showing at the wonderful Hyde Park cinema, also in Leeds. What a night, I'll tell you about it some day, think Terrence Mckenna meets George Romero,:eek: :evil: .Don't try this at home kids. seriously.
Saw "Land" in a soulless multiscreen, great movie, crap venue.
Part of the joy of this stuff is the places we were at in our lives and the friends we saw these movies with, not to metion the reluctant ones that were dragged along and ended up loving these great films.
Btw, I first saw "Dawn" in the heady days before the stupid video recordings act
put payed to our fun. It's one of those thoughts that slaps you in the face and makes you think; "f@*k !! I'm getting old.:dead:

31-Aug-2006, 05:19 PM
I've only seen "Land" on the big screen. :(

31-Aug-2006, 06:45 PM
Land twice for me only

31-Aug-2006, 07:27 PM
Only one i have seen on the big screen was Land......I live out in the middle of nowhere and dont get to many good pics around these parts but i did see it 3 times.

31-Aug-2006, 11:40 PM
I saw NOTLD in '68 on the big screen and actually I believe I saw all of them either at the drive in theater or theater and I enjoyed every one of them!!! NOTHING like that surround sound!!!
I love the surround soo much my hubby surprised me with a cheap set for Christmas this past year...only thing my tv is too old (over10yrs) alot of the dvd's I play in it goes dark. :(
But, I still watch my zombie movies and eventho I cant see them real good I have the theater feel of it. YAY!! Oooh forgot to answer how many times I went to see them...hmm one time each!
DVD now hundreds~~THOUSANDS of times!!

how old are you, 100?:eek:

i saw land and night 90' in theatres one time each!

01-Sep-2006, 12:40 AM
none, im allways broke so i never get to go to the cinema nowadays:mad:

I, Zombie
01-Sep-2006, 01:09 AM
Of course LAND was the only film I saw on the big screen when it was released (and that was only once), but as for the others, they were all at special screenings or film fests......

NOTLD - 2x
DAWN - 1x
DAY - 1x
NOTLD '90 - 1x

01-Sep-2006, 03:41 AM
Not a single one :(

I feel dead inside.

02-Sep-2006, 04:28 PM
For NIGHT unfortunately I was not alive

Same goes for DAWN

I was only 4 for Day of the Dead

I did see Land of the Dead 8 times in the theater that included the Pittsburgh Premiere

03-Sep-2006, 02:50 PM
Never seen Night 68, only saw Dawn projected at the 03 Pitt Comicon, got to see Day at a drive-in in 85, Night 90 in the 2nd run theatre at the "dirt mall" once, and Land 3 times. My father saw Night 68 & Dawn on a double feature midnight movie in 79 (on 2 hits of orange sunshine), so when the fam got it's first VCR (82/83), Night & Dawn were the first VHS tapes we owned.

03-Sep-2006, 04:09 PM
Sadly, none. No place around here tends to show old zombie movies on a regular basis and Land was one that I couldn't have gotten anybody to go with me.

04-Sep-2006, 03:06 PM
I saw land on the big screen but sadly that is the only one. :(

Doc Foster
04-Sep-2006, 03:37 PM
"Dawn": I'd guess about 10 or so times.

"Day": Just once (because what was shown in theaters over here was the heavily censored German version).

"Land": Three times.

Other, "non-Dead" Romero films I saw in theaters included "Creepshow" (three times, I believe) and "The Dark Half" (once, which was more than enough).

05-Sep-2006, 12:01 AM
i seen land 2 times, creepshow once, and monkey shines once.

05-Sep-2006, 01:08 AM
Some of the members here have listed seeing some of the films at a convention. I don't really count seeing a dvd shown on an outdoor screen or a 16mm version(Dawn at the 03 Pitt comicon) as seeing them on the "big screen".
I've seen 35mm prints of NIGHT 68 and CREEPSHOW at special midnight shows. I saw DAY three or four times when I was 14 in October of 1985 when it played my hometown of Savannah, GA. I also saw CREEPSHOW 2 and NIGHT 90 when they first were released. I saw a 35mm print of BRUISER at an art school in Chicago in 2000. And of course LAND several times as well.

05-Sep-2006, 01:49 AM
Some of the members here have listed seeing some of the films at a convention. I don't really count seeing a dvd shown on an outdoor screen or a 16mm version(Dawn at the 03 Pitt comicon)

I'd count that as a viewing since it was the Cannes Extended Edit. Was that ever screened other than Cannes?

A DVD screening, yeah I wouldn't count that.

05-Sep-2006, 03:21 AM
I'd count that as a viewing since it was the Cannes Extended Edit. Was that ever screened other than Cannes?

That screen we watched it on was like one of those grade school portable screens. Same with the little projector. I don't count that viewing as being a big screen viewing. Big screen means a real movie theatre screen with a 35mm projector.

05-Sep-2006, 10:23 AM
Have only gotten to see one once: Land of the Dead, opening night here in the UK.