View Full Version : Bush Assassinated?

darth los
31-Aug-2006, 11:09 PM
A british filmaker is debuting his new film at the toronto film festival where he envisions bush being sniped. Check it out. What do you guys think?


Maybe this will Let George "tin Ear" bush know how the rest of the world feels about him.

31-Aug-2006, 11:16 PM
I think that if this guy were an American, he'd be in the can for this.:confused:

darth los
01-Sep-2006, 12:12 AM
you know that no one is allowed to disagree with the administration on it's policies. If you do go against the GOP you are labled a defeatist and compared to pre-WW2 Nazi appeasers. You have to be crazy or intellectually inferior if you don't rubber stamp what bush wants. This is looking less and less like a democracy/Republic every day.

01-Sep-2006, 12:15 AM
sounds more like a troma film to me, at least they'd get away with it.

01-Sep-2006, 12:16 AM
Pretty much, bro.

But, what I was referring to is the fact that it's against the law to talk about killing the President--even when it's a joke or when you don't really mean it.:|

01-Sep-2006, 12:28 AM
:bored: :bored: :bored: :bored:

17 months left guys, better get it all out before he's no longer President.

01-Sep-2006, 12:38 AM
yeah thatd be wasting film a bit wouldnt it?:D

darth los
01-Sep-2006, 12:48 AM
Pretty much, bro.

But, what I was referring to is the fact that it's against the law to talk about killing the President--even when it's a joke or when you don't really mean it.:|

Since i'm pre-law you know i had to go look up the case law on this.:D

Here's a brief

Brandenburg v. Ohio, 395 U.S. 444 (1969)

Facts: Df was the leader of KKK group in OH. He telephoned a TV station and invited a reporter to attend a rally with a camera man. Portions of the film were later broadcast showing 12 hooded figures, some w/ guns, gathered around a large wooden cross that was burnt. Most of the words were garbled, but scattered phrases were understood as derogatory toward Af-Ams and Jewish-Ams. Df was seen making a speech conditioning future action on the acts of executive, legislative, and judicial branches of Govt. 2nd film made similar assertions against Af and Jews.

Issue(s): Whether OH’s statute can punish advocacy without defining or distinguishing advocacy that involves incitement to imminent lawless action?

Holding: No, the statute punishes mere advocacy and forbids assembly with others who merely advocate the type of action in violation of 1st and 14th Amends.

Procedure: Convicted under OH law for advocating the duty, necessity, or propriety of crime, sabotage, violence, or unlawful methods of terrorism to accomplish change, and for assembling w/ any group for that purpose–criminal syndicalism. Fined $1K and sentenced 1-10 years. OH intermediate app. Ct Affirmed; OH S.Ct dismissed appeal b/c no Const’l issue; USSCt Reversed.

Rule(s): 1st and 14th Amend.

Rationale: Hx’ly advocating violent means to effect political and social change involves a danger to the security of a state which allows a state to outlaw that activity. But, free speech and free press principles do not allow states to forbid advocacy of the use of force or illegality EXCEPT when advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to produce that effect.

However, abstract teaching for others to resort to force and violence is not the same as preparing a group for violent action and preparing for that result. A statute which does not distinguish between the types of advocacy impermissibly intrudes on the 1st and 14th Amend guarantees.

CONCURRENCE: J. Black, No Clear and Present Danger Test when interpreting the 1st Amend.

J. Douglas, ditto b/c threats are made serious only by judges who are aligned with the status quo, and the test is twisted so as to make teachers of Marxism all out political trials. Apart from rare instances, speech is immune from prosecution. There is no line between advocacy of abstract ideas (Yates) and advocacy of political action (Scales). Govt has no power to invade the sanctuary of belief and conscience.


So it's not actually against the law to threaten the president. If you intend to harm him or intend to incite others to harm him then you're going down. That's what my professors constantly try to drill into my head. Intent is what criminal law is all about. Now how you would actually go about proving intent if all someone said "was death to bush" for example? Ive said many times in anger " i'm gonna kill you" , although i never intended to follow through on it. That is not illegal, even if it is said about bush's candy ass.

01-Sep-2006, 12:50 AM
I think that this could be a very thought provoking movie. It's kinda like the movie sliding doors only on a global level. I hope that I get a chance to see it.
You have to admit it takes balls to use the actual presidents name though. Most would have used a good likeness in character similar to primary colors during the clinton years.

01-Sep-2006, 02:26 AM
maybe itll be like that skit in robot chicken were wimpy throws himself off a bridge cus no-one would buy him a hamburger:D

speaking of:


01-Sep-2006, 07:44 AM
In the whitehouse Bushes security service stand outside the living room.
Bob: "so whats he watching?"
Jim: "Some film about a assasination."
They hear a gunshot on the TV, followed by the sound of glass shattering in the room then the bellow of the beast....
They drop to their knees covering their ears and trembling, the doors to the room are smashed outwards and a tall horned demon emerges snarling, flames spewing from it's nostrils.
"I want food, and make it blonde virgin." the beast says
"Yes sir Mr President."

01-Sep-2006, 11:36 AM
sure does!

01-Sep-2006, 03:02 PM
Personally, I want every US president (and other major leader) responsible for the thousands of civilian deaths in the Middle East and South America to be lined up and shot. First in the kneecaps.

01-Sep-2006, 04:23 PM
Personally, I want every extremist Muslim terrorist and the people who enthusiastically support them (especially the blow-job artists who cheered in the streets on September 11) lined up and shot.

But, not in the knee-caps--up through their assholes, buckwheat-style.

01-Sep-2006, 06:40 PM
Just think how scary to have Cheney as pres though lol Dont go hunting with him lol:sneaky:

01-Sep-2006, 08:02 PM
I'd rather not watch a piece of fiction in which I guy that I joked around with years ago getting gunned down. I know its fiction, but it hits too close to home.

02-Sep-2006, 08:19 AM
This just in:


John Beyer, wanker leader of MediaWatchUK (aka a bunch of British homophobes who can't stand that my generation is taking over from his), is, yep, such a wanker - somehow I doubt this film, which comes after several years of Bush's administration, would inspire a real life assassination - surely people would do it of their own volition, or for political reasons, rather than "the TV told me to do it".

02-Sep-2006, 04:13 PM
Here's something else to fire your hate of the American President.


Ohhhh scarey


02-Sep-2006, 05:58 PM
They filmmakers made this way too convoluted. Just show Bush eating a pretzel. Nature and bad genes would take care of the rest.

03-Sep-2006, 03:45 AM
cant he only be president for 2 or 3 more years anyway?

as mutch as i dislike bush and am all for brit films getting recognition this sounds like pretenious crap to me.

03-Sep-2006, 03:06 PM
Yeah, American presidents can only serve two terms (which would make up 8 years) ... hmmm ... why can't we have something like that here? And you Americans appear to have an election definately every four years, none of what Labour do, trying to put off the next election by a year (it should be 2009, but they keep saying 2010, er, f*ck off you complete bastards!)

When Bush is out, good, cos it's about time you guys got a president that can inspire confidence ... because while being able to appear in public and not choke on a pretzel or call OBGYN doc's lesbians is not the whole job, it's certainly an important part of it. Quite frankly, if a guy can't stand up and deliver a convincing, well pronounced and coherant speech ... and then walks into a closed door ... then he doesn't command my respect...that's my view.


If only a President/PM could be like David Palmer ... *gushes* (24 season one bash this week you see).

03-Sep-2006, 04:52 PM

:lol: hahahahaha! Great picture off that website.

04-Sep-2006, 02:26 AM
A film....

Aww, when I saw that thread title I thought it was Christmas!

04-Sep-2006, 02:50 AM
Me too... "Curse you for breathing you slack-jawed idiot." :p (j/k)

Blast you for teasing me and making me think the world is now a better place. Now I have to go back to the rotten cesspool of life in the DC suburbs and wonder how long before my town and the 25 other communities surrounding it will be wiped off the map because this dickface is still in office.