View Full Version : Guinea Pigs Series

01-Sep-2006, 09:30 PM
Anyone else here enjoy these films alot? Groundbreaking in the SPFX world.

The film "Flower of Flesh and Blood," originally banned in the US. got on a tape from Chas Balun (rotten cotton artist, and horror guru) that circulated around california as a a snuff film (real muder on film). Somehow the tape got to actor Charlie Sheen, and was reported to the FBI! It had already been investigated in Sweden and Japan, so they knew close to after they saw it that it was indeed just makeup effects.

But, if you havent seen any of them, I reccomend my personal favorites, He Never Dies and FLwoer of Flesh and Blood.

02-Sep-2006, 07:08 AM
I saw the Mermaid in a Manhole episode. Fun stuff--put me in the mood for pasta. :elol: :barf: