View Full Version : Zombies???

02-Sep-2006, 03:25 AM
People always talk about zombies and voodoo and GAR's zombies and the infected from 28 days late....what is a zombie what isnt a zombie, what wikipedia says and what webster says....

Im thinking, the word 'zombie' isnt used in NOTLD and used once in Dawn. Where did the public get the notion that GAR's dead movies were about 'zombies'? Was it before Dawn when they were refered to as zombies?
Did GAR think of them as zombies during shooting NOTLD or did he think of them as ghouls, which they are called in the movie....

The real question is who determined that GAR was making 'zombie' movies as opposed to 'ghoul' movies or 'living dead' movies both of which seem more fitting than zombie.

02-Sep-2006, 04:05 AM
ghouls traditionally were cannibals that resided in mediveal cemetertys, homeless with no life to speak of they lived by eating the dead and as such were commonly asssociated with vampires and the like, but i guess george jsut revesred the idea for the dead to eat the living instead, cus a movie about a group who just eats dead people would be boring...though i think i have seen a movie about that very fact.

there basically ghouls reversed not zombies thats just a slang term associated with em, csu in romeros usinverse do you think in the 60's people all hiding fromt eh outbreak suddenly called em zombies without major widespread knowledge of voodeedoo and stuff.

and in 28 days and resident evil they were just sick people in the origional resi they werent even dead in fact you find a diary of a guy who describes himself decomposing which is infamous to horror games fans, i guess eventually the sickness gets into there heads adn they lose it.

..a.ctually i think the fanboy answer is "the cells eat up portien to save themselves from the t virus but need to be constantly replaced, and thats were human flesh comes in".

now im off after dispensing more nuggets of info cus chappelles shows starting........bitches.

02-Sep-2006, 11:12 AM
GAR originally had titled the movie "Night of the Flesh Eaters". Later, it was felt the "Living Dead" sounded better and they changed it, didnt copyright the new name, and hence he has no rights to the movie. He did not intend them to be "zombies" per se, but seeing as they were dead and were now alive, and they was a history of using the word "zombie" in association with that situation (voodoo and such) and hence people just made the association. Seeing as Peter's grandad was a voodoo priest, he naturally said the word, even though no one else does, until Kaufman says "Zombies man, they creep me out".

02-Sep-2006, 02:47 PM
ghouls traditionally were cannibals that resided in mediveal cemetertys, homeless with no life to speak of they lived by eating the dead and as such were commonly asssociated with vampires and the like, but i guess george jsut revesred the idea for the dead to eat the living instead, cus a movie about a group who just eats dead people would be boring...though i think i have seen a movie about that very fact.

there basically ghouls reversed not zombies thats just a slang term associated with em, csu in romeros usinverse do you think in the 60's people all hiding fromt eh outbreak suddenly called em zombies without major widespread knowledge of voodeedoo and stuff.

and in 28 days and resident evil they were just sick people in the origional resi they werent even dead in fact you find a diary of a guy who describes himself decomposing which is infamous to horror games fans, i guess eventually the sickness gets into there heads adn they lose it.

..a.ctually i think the fanboy answer is "the cells eat up portien to save themselves from the t virus but need to be constantly replaced, and thats were human flesh comes in".

now im off after dispensing more nuggets of info cus chappelles shows starting........bitches.

What part of this makes sense? Highlight that part for me so I can re-read it :)

03-Sep-2006, 03:30 AM
GAR originally had titled the movie "Night of the Flesh Eaters". Later, it was felt the "Living Dead" sounded better and they changed it.

i thought the allready was an old film called that and thats why, that or a brain fart.

10-Jul-2007, 02:21 AM
I always liked the term "ghouls" better. Sounds more menacing. Plus at the time of NOLD's release there had been other movies that featured "zombies" and all were about voodoo curses and the like. None of those films were remotely scary or creepy and I remember associating the term "zombie" with those flops and the term "ghoul" with romero's very creepy universe or scariness.

darth los
10-Jul-2007, 02:57 AM
GAR originally had titled the movie "Night of the Flesh Eaters". Later, it was felt the "Living Dead" sounded better and they changed it, didnt copyright the new name, and hence he has no rights to the movie. He did not intend them to be "zombies" per se, but seeing as they were dead and were now alive, and they was a history of using the word "zombie" in association with that situation (voodoo and such) and hence people just made the association. Seeing as Peter's grandad was a voodoo priest, he naturally said the word, even though no one else does, until Kaufman says "Zombies man, they creep me out".

I always liked the term "ghouls" better. Sounds more menacing. Plus at the time of NOLD's release there had been other movies that featured "zombies" and all were about voodoo curses and the like. None of those films were remotely scary or creepy and I remember associating the term "zombie" with those flops and the term "ghoul" with romero's very creepy universe or scariness.

I think that Gar never intended them to be refered to as zombies but as ghouls , as previously mention. I think it was whoever is responsible for coining terms in popular culture. I believe that they were refered to as zombies specifically because of the trancelike state they seem to be in that resemble the more traditional vooddo zombies. The media made the connection and ran with it. Then Gar realized this and that's probably why he uses the word zombies in dawn. What? Everybody else can capitalize off name recognition except him? Lord knows it's been done to his films enough.