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View Full Version : Bees build nest in starving dogs tumor

02-Sep-2006, 04:30 AM
this guy makes me sick :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: i hope he gets prison (http://www.cumberlink.com/articles/2006/08/16/news/news23.txt)

02-Sep-2006, 05:08 AM
bloody hell some people just shouldnt be allowed to have pets....

....and i sound like my grandad:lol:

02-Sep-2006, 05:33 AM
Where the heck did you read that. I wanna check it out.:confused:

02-Sep-2006, 05:51 AM
click the link "i hope he gets prison"

02-Sep-2006, 06:08 AM
That person should be taken out back and made to suffer just like the dog had to.:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

02-Sep-2006, 06:12 AM
this guy makes me sick :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: i hope he gets prison (http://www.cumberlink.com/articles/2006/08/16/news/news23.txt)

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr I get soo mad at people that abuse pets...afterall, dogs have feelings too. If you have an amimal watch when you come in the house from being away for just a few minutes or hours..how their little eyes light up and they wag their tail. Than MAN is disgusting he should be put away for awhile!!!

02-Sep-2006, 11:35 AM
Me & a friend broke into a farm nearby last christmas because he had spotted a badly neglected dog there while doing some work,we took the dog (a very friendly alsation) to my car in the dead of night & took her to my house,where we fed her & got my parents to call the RSPCA & police.The dog was malnourished,covered in sores & has a nasty infection round her eye.She had been kept in an old hut,locked in 24 hours a day in her own ****,& only fed when the owner could be bothered.The sad part was the RSPCA werent bothered,the woman seemed very annoyed that we were calling at 11 o' clock at night,and the police said we could be charged with taking the dog,so we had to take her back & put her in that cage again,with the promise that someone would be sent round to investigate in the morning.When previous inspectors had gone round there because someone else had reported it,they denied the dog existed & it wasnt looked into!
Anyway the police went round the next day,saw the dog & were upset by it,but they had to let the owner off with a caution.The owner also signed the dog over to be put down by a vet,because he didnt want to pay for her treatment :mad: it would have been expensive but she would have been ok & was a really nice dog :( we couldnt take her in because this bloke would know we took the dog from his property & would press charges,he was going round demanding to know who had "grassed him up" for it.I felt we did the right thing,but was sad that it ended in the dog been put down,& angry that the RSPCA werent interested!!heres a pic of her we took on a mobile the day before we broke in

02-Sep-2006, 03:42 PM
You know i thought I have seen everything but apparently not. That is so sad. I mean there is no excuse for it.

02-Sep-2006, 04:04 PM

The treatment the animals get is the exact same treatment that should be forced upon the owner.

Why even get a pet if you're just going to neglect it?!

unf*cking real...

Tricky - i'm not sure which story pissed me off more, the first one, or the yours because of the fact that the idiot got away with it for the most part. :mad:

02-Sep-2006, 04:23 PM
We've rescued two dogs like that, and trespassing laws be d****d. They were chained up without water or food. Let the police come for me.
