View Full Version : Really Bad Idea.

02-Sep-2006, 06:52 PM

Death penalty for solidgers, thats not going to help enlistments.

We sent them there with killing as part of their mission. They fought over there and survivied I think they faced death enough.

02-Sep-2006, 08:22 PM
We sent them there with killing insurgents as part of the mission, not civilians or innocent bystanders. Thankfully, the vast majority of Coalition forces don't engage in conduct unbecoming, but the few who do must face the consequences.

03-Sep-2006, 02:30 AM
If this was WWII would this be ab issue? I'm not saying its right, I'm just saying it happens.

If you're gonna make an omlet....

03-Sep-2006, 03:39 AM
i aint touchin' that one with a 20 foot poll.:|

03-Sep-2006, 03:40 PM
Problem is they're already convicted by the non-Fox news, if I remember correctly. Kind of hard to get a fair trial that way. Also considering they're being imprisoned in far worse conditions (shackled hands and feet 24/7, no access to lawyers) than the enemy, I'd say that should serve to keep enlistment way down. You've gotta be an idiot to want to sign up now, having seen soldiers being accused of murder (ON THE BASIS OF THE TESTIMONY OF THE ENEMY, I SAY F****!!!).

Oh for the days when our leaders believed our soldiers over our enemies...