View Full Version : Nature finally gets Steve Irwin (Merged)

04-Sep-2006, 04:39 AM

the Croc hunter goes down from a Sting Ray, damn :(

04-Sep-2006, 04:55 AM
i dunno, yahoo news, ill wait till i see it on a more reputable site, but if its true poor bugger.

04-Sep-2006, 04:55 AM

the Croc hunter goes down from a Sting Ray, damn :(

Dude was always taking chances. I feel real sorry for his wife and kids.

04-Sep-2006, 06:59 AM
Man, that sucks. No more Crocodile Hunter. I knew this would happen one day. I remember when that crazy guy came over here to the States and crawled into a rattlesnake den.

Moon Knight
04-Sep-2006, 06:59 AM

Seems true, damn, who wouldv'e thought a stingray? R.I.P. Steve.

04-Sep-2006, 07:11 AM
damnit why can I never be first to post news :mad:

this guy was a hero of mine. R.I.P, dude even chuck norris was weak in his presence

04-Sep-2006, 08:55 AM

What a horrible shame!

04-Sep-2006, 09:40 AM
R.I.P steve!i loved his TV show as well,& used to do the catchphrase "he's getting cranky" while trying to take my dogs bone off him :lol:

04-Sep-2006, 09:49 AM
Damn, I too was about to post this news...

It's a damn shame, but I'm surprised it didn't happen sooner, with the way he was carrying on he was on borrowed time and it was inevitable. Like you said Neil, sorry for the wife and kids.

I've just remembered that early South Park episode with a version of him on the TV going around the earth jamming his thumb in animal's arseholes. It was funny, funny stuff...

RIP Steve Irwin.

04-Sep-2006, 11:27 AM
"and im gonna sneak up on it..and jam moy thumb up its butt-ole!":lol:


04-Sep-2006, 12:39 PM
It's unfortunate, but let's be honest--with the way he tormented those animals, it was just a matter of time. :(

04-Sep-2006, 01:21 PM

Sorry......RIP Steve Irwin.

04-Sep-2006, 01:54 PM
Oh my! is he really dead? I always pixtured him dieing from a croc bite or a snake. He lead a very full life .

04-Sep-2006, 02:49 PM

i just cannot beleive this........ :stunned: :(

04-Sep-2006, 03:37 PM
He was one of the worst animal handlers I've ever seen. I refused to let my kid watch his crap because he used awful technique and antagonized animals just to make 'good' tv.

I was just suprised he hadn't died sooner.

04-Sep-2006, 03:42 PM

i just cannot beleive this........ :stunned: :(

I merged the thread since it was duplicative of an earlier post.

04-Sep-2006, 06:54 PM
He was one of the worst animal handlers I've ever seen. I refused to let my kid watch his crap because he used awful technique and antagonized animals just to make 'good' tv.

I was just suprised he hadn't died sooner.

You should read more about what he did for conservation etc...

04-Sep-2006, 08:03 PM
You should read more about what he did for conservation etc...

how was he a bad handler? he was never pmce bitten by a poisonos snake

04-Sep-2006, 08:42 PM

Well,its bad taste,but inevitable

04-Sep-2006, 08:47 PM
lol, bad taste indeed, but I laughed, Stingray rocked! (Got them all downloaded, shame the synchronicity is off :()

Stand by for ACTION!

04-Sep-2006, 08:53 PM

Well,its bad taste,but inevitable

And they can't even get the grammar correct FFS!

05-Sep-2006, 02:47 AM
Oh my! is he really dead? I always pixtured him dieing from a croc bite or a snake. He lead a very full life .
You beat me to it..I always figured a big croc would get him or a poisonous snake..wowww
He sure put a great light on animals and nature, he really cared for the animals even out in the wild he treated them with the utmost respect...I thought he was soo interesting to watch and all the knowledge he had for the animals.God bless his family and loved ones!

05-Sep-2006, 03:10 AM
He was one of my favorite hosts for any show and he will be greatly missed. My dad and I used to watch his show all the time and my dad would always say "One of these days one of those animals is going to get him." I guess he was right.

R.I.P. Steve Irwin, you will always be the man!

05-Sep-2006, 03:56 AM
Really sucks::(

05-Sep-2006, 09:18 AM
It is a terrible shame this happened, Irwin was a great champion for animal conservation and was also a top bloke. I had the pleasure of meeting him and his wife last year while visiting his zoo, he was great to talk to and his knowledge and love of animals was inspiring. The world has lost a great man.

05-Sep-2006, 01:57 PM
It's unfortunate, but let's be honest--with the way he tormented those animals, it was just a matter of time. :(


He was one of the worst animal handlers I've ever seen. I refused to let my kid watch his crap because he used awful technique and antagonized animals just to make 'good' tv.

I was just suprised he hadn't died sooner.

agreed. he may have had training in how to handle large predatory animals, but none of that came across during his shows. South Park completely nailed him.

how was he a bad handler? he was never pmce bitten by a poisonos snake

check you facts, i'll try and dig it up. but there's a "behind the scenes" special that Animal planet runs, where they outright state stevie's been bitten a number of times by varringly poisionous animals.

not to mention countless non poisionous critters.

I'll grant everyone he did raise a ton of money for animal refuges, and overall conservation. but he was the poster boy for Social darwinism. further i'm curious exactly what he was doing to the sting ray that tagged him.

because we all know sting rays are know for their outright fericiousness.

05-Sep-2006, 11:01 PM
heh, I love sarcasm....none on my end p2501...sting rays put Bears guarding their cubs to shame..man..

altho, it could have been one of those freak things that seems to happen in nature...

RIP Croc Hunner'

06-Sep-2006, 06:34 AM

06-Sep-2006, 07:47 AM
It's really a shame that some have to bash a man that has just died. What does that say about us as humans.....Shows total lack of compasion at all. I feel very sorry for his family and there loss and even if i didnt like the man i certainly would give enough respect not to sit and slam him. Really a sad state of affairs that some people have nothing better to do than that.:(

06-Sep-2006, 02:18 PM
It's really a shame that some have to bash a man that has just died. What does that say about us as humans.....Shows total lack of compasion at all. I feel very sorry for his family and there loss and even if i didnt like the man i certainly would give enough respect not to sit and slam him. Really a sad state of affairs that some people have nothing better to do than that.:(

fair enough but are what point does sympathic turn into blatant ignorance?

I fell kinda bad for his family, but only so far as i get to the thought that maybe someone in the family should have told him to chill on the dangerous animals untill his kids get older, but hey.

as for anything else. seriosuly, who didn't see this comming? two years ago this same dip**** was feeding a 12 foot crocidile with one hand and holding his infant son in the other. simply put the guy was overtly reckless about so many things, and finally it got the better of him.

I'm not going to bash him, for doing what he loved. But at the same time i'm not going to treat this as some huge tragedy.

06-Sep-2006, 09:18 PM
I agree, but you gotta admit, the man did do alot with his life...who else can say that they've been wrestling crocodiles since they were 9, that they have contributed millions of dollers to conservation, and even helped save a man from dieing?

He led an incredible life, altho, I thought he was going to die ages ago...but I think it is a tragedy, both for the outlined reasons above, and for the simple fact that he was a father, and a husband, friend to many, and loved by millions of people.

07-Sep-2006, 12:48 AM
*sigh* ...I never bothered to comment on this subject till now...
But Steve Irwin was awsome....
Im going to miss him and the quirky posse he leaves behind...