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View Full Version : LMS mod for Land of the dead road to fiddlers green!

04-Sep-2006, 04:11 PM
Ok guys I had to post this. Its a new mod Trin is working on for Land of the Dead. Its called Last Man Standing. Instead of explaining it all I will let you watch the video it seriously kicks ass!! More people need to get playing this game its become easily the top zombie game out there in my opinion thanks to all the hardwork that people have put into it. I will mention the coolest thing though, when you die you play as a zombie and try to kill the remaining humans. ok watch the video! Note it look slaggy but that is due to FRAPS.


There is a server out there currently running it and Trins trying to keep it up as much as possible for people to play. Once its fully done itll be hosted on the main Undeadgames servers as well.

By the way if youve played Land of the Dead before and experienced any slowdowns when downloading thats all fixed now too, maps, and mods download in seconds now rather than minutes. Another thing people fixed about the game.