View Full Version : Tom and Jerry, Flintstones, Jetsons to be censored.

06-Sep-2006, 04:10 AM
Scenes showing characters smoking to be banned from Tom and Jerry and HB cartoons on TV in UK.

This item was on the news tonight in Australia, along with footage of cartoons showing characters blowing each other up, or beating each other senseless, where an incidental character happened to have a cigar in their hand.

Don't know if this will affect DVD releases. Might have to go for region 1 releases. One of the affected shorts is an Oscar-winner.

Also saw this on tonights Nightline.:rockbrow:

Guess no tv show or cartoon is safe anymore, Whats next to go back and delete the charator of the Cigarette Smoking Man from the X-Files or take out scenes of NOTLD because they had people smoking????????

06-Sep-2006, 04:58 AM
damn id love to see what the more serious cartoons like the xmen or spiderman from the 90's would be judged like, j.jonah jameson with his cigar, thats just wrong!:D

06-Sep-2006, 05:27 AM
Oh im sure they will get to those next. They just wanna screw up everything we grew up with. Heck i didnt start to smoke because of a cartoon.......I did it over a woman lmao

06-Sep-2006, 05:44 AM
thats just stupid cartoons dont cause kids to smoke

oh and on the random note is france really gonna outlaw public smoking? here in florida its outlawed to a extent

06-Sep-2006, 05:47 AM
thats just stupid cartoons dont cause kids to smoke

Yeah, MTV causes them to!

06-Sep-2006, 06:02 AM
thats just stupid cartoons dont cause kids to smoke

oh and on the random note is france really gonna outlaw public smoking? here in florida its outlawed to a extent

thats nuts i ****ing hate smoking with a passion it killed me great grandad and but i think banning it from bars pubs and resturants is as far as it needs to go.

06-Sep-2006, 07:34 AM
Well speaking as a bartender, banning smoking from bars, esspicially in my neck of the woods would kill alot of the business. I know they have those laws out in Cali and other places but come on. They say they dont want to hurt the small bussiness but around here it would nail the final nail into the coffin of alot of these places. I myself kinda get tired of hearing people whine about smokers. They got just as much right to be someplace and if someone doesnt like it they can always get up and leave too and go someplace else. This is just MY OPPINION not trying to start any fights.:mad:

06-Sep-2006, 08:57 AM
Whats next, editing all references to zombies out of GAR's films?

06-Sep-2006, 11:06 AM
Posted this a while ago...but...kids don't take cartoons seriously, so therefore you'd imagine they wouldn't take any smoking in them seriously. They just laugh at the cartoons - what makes a kid smoke is living in a smoking atmosphere (like their parents smoking) or bowing down and sucking off peer pressure because they're too worried about being "popular" with some retard smokers round the back of the bike shed.

This is the sort of retarded censorship Britain is known for...:mad:

06-Sep-2006, 11:25 AM
Guess no tv show or cartoon is safe anymore, Whats next to go back and delete the charator of the Cigarette Smoking Man from the X-Files or take out scenes of NOTLD because they had people smoking????????

At least that scene where Fran was smoking at the begining of Dawn.... I mean she was preggers fergosh sakes ::Tongue firmly in cheek:::p
