View Full Version : Swarmwatch - Viral Marketing Zombie Site

06-Sep-2006, 03:10 PM
Swarmwatch (http://www.swarmwatch.com)

Not really recommending the site, because it feels like it was put together by a marketing team that doesn't really get it and that they're trying too hard to be hip. That being said, there are a couple of cool things worth checking-out and wanted to post it for you completionists.

I like the video of the zombie girl walking through downtown and seeing people reacting to her. It's amazing how people really act, when something weird/scary/possibly supernatural is happening. There's not a lot of self-preservation going on...

Point in case: I used to like to watch Scare Tactics to study this natural fear. One of my favorites was a girl in a mountain cabin, into which a Jason clone carrying a machete was trying to break-in. Okay, you and I would like to think our first thoughts would be get a weapon, dial 911, get a light source, and escape, in whatever order made sense. This chick just stood there saying to herself, something like, "Why is this happening to me. I'm not supposed to be here. This shouldn't be happening to me..." all with a glassy-eyed dazed look. Meanwhile, Jason has already broken a window trying to get in and is breaking down the door.

I'm just saying people can react to fear in really odd ways. I guess that means that they get to be zombie chow, and we, the prepared, get away!



07-Sep-2006, 12:29 AM
wierd man, very wierd, and though i hate show like fear factor there were a few eps of scare tatics that were pretty cool like the hitchiker with the head in a bag one and the ufo crash site one that was cool.:cool:

07-Sep-2006, 04:13 AM
Trying to find thatvid of the girl walking down the street? Had a quick look on the site, cant seem to find it? Any chance of a direct link? ta

07-Sep-2006, 04:33 AM
click on the "before and afterlife" button, its not too great just a small ,literally, vid of someone walking a little, not too much of any reactions or anything.

which reminds me there was that scare tactics were some dude is at work gardening and his boss tells him hes dropping off these coffins and stuff and wouldnt ya know the bodies get up out the coffins and the guy freaks, really freaks, which means either A: totally rigged or B:people ARE as stupid as we think we are.

07-Sep-2006, 07:04 AM
I kinda thought the site was somewhat a:bored: musing lol