View Full Version : Question for people with cats....

07-Sep-2006, 03:06 PM
anyone (with cats) noticing more attention (the last month or so) from their feline friends?
I have several friends with cats and we've all been getting alot more "affectionate" attention (or physical) from our cats. But only in the last month-ish.
I know this is a weird question, but, I always trust animals' behavior patterns and this one is a little odd. Especially since Mr. Sneakers is more loving and not hiding as much.
(one friend of mine adopted a feral cat from an alley - lately, he's been hanging out inside and not meowing to be let out).
I'm sure I'll get alot of silly responses, Hell, I have several floating around my brain as I type - seriously, tho.....

just curious,


07-Sep-2006, 03:11 PM
No change here, but my cat has always been loving and more of a homebody. ::shrugs::


07-Sep-2006, 03:28 PM
My cat is still a sneaky good fornothing bitch, who if you turn your back for 5 seconds will scratch you and run and hide. This is her way of saying I love you... now feed me you FAT FVCK!

07-Sep-2006, 05:47 PM
My cat is still a sneaky good fornothing bitch, who if you turn your back for 5 seconds will scratch you and run and hide. This is her way of saying I love you... now feed me you FAT FVCK!

HAHA! I had a cat exactly like that before. One day she went out and never came back. She was young and healthy, so we're pretty sure she didn't drop dead. We also live in a giant apartment complex, so cats never go near streets... so a car running her over is out of the question. I kind of think maybe she got bitchy with the wrong person that tried to stop and pet her.....

No, Andreno, I haven't seen any change in my cats behavoir.

07-Sep-2006, 06:07 PM
My cat's been a bit more vocal than usual, and perhaps more affectionate. but nothing really drastic.

07-Sep-2006, 06:09 PM
Nope havent noticed a change at all still gives me the same old look like WHAT DO YOU WANT-

07-Sep-2006, 09:23 PM
One of my cats has been more needy and affectionate recently but the other one is still just crazy. :D

07-Sep-2006, 10:02 PM
My cat is still a sneaky good fornothing bitch, who if you turn your back for 5 seconds will scratch you and run and hide. This is her way of saying I love you... now feed me you FAT FVCK!

Our resident FLB (furry little bastard) is much the same as ever; tolerates me 'cause I feed him, loves the Missus and the Boy.
No change in his behaviour, I.E sleeps twenty hours of the day and spends the other four licking his own arse and eating.

07-Sep-2006, 10:02 PM
Hopefully the cats haven't caught the scent of a world-ending catastrophe, because if they have, maybe they're snuggling up now for the remainder, or trying to warn us by meowing like mad?

I can't be doing with cats ... fussy buggers, they just poke me ... dogs, now there's a loyal friend ... but I'm too clean-freak to have one...

07-Sep-2006, 10:18 PM
I use a laser pointer to play with my cat...made the fat prick run into a wall by accident with it...if theres any change in behavior, it'll probibly come from his cranium smashing against the wall

08-Sep-2006, 01:11 AM
ive got two cats right now and there the same as ever, one skinny bastard thatll scratch 'fook out of you if you go near her and the fat one that lays there sturgglinh to breath like a very small, very out of shape lion:lol:

08-Sep-2006, 10:24 AM
ive got two cats right now and there the same as ever, one skinny bastard thatll scratch 'fook out of you if you go near her and the fat one that lays there sturgglinh to breath like a very small, very out of shape lion:lol:

That's the same state my cats are in, except the skinny one must be over 100 years old in cat years. There is a gland in a cats throat that becomes more active in older cats, it makes them more active and burns off more fat than they can eat, hence my old bony cat. Apparently, you can get the gland cut out if you want.
The fat one is blind so we can't let her out by her own as the tends to waddle into next doors garden who have 3 dogs. She is generally a big softy but tends to take your hand off mid-clap for no apparent reason.
The old one is quite friendly now, but in the younger years she was a bit of a loaner.

08-Sep-2006, 01:34 PM
At night, my cat has lately starting to come into my room and sleep on my bed, but she usually does that in periods. For example, one night she just decides to go into my room and sleep there. I love cats, so I pet her for like twenty minutes before going back to bed.

So the next night she remembers that she gets alot of attention in my room, so she comes back in and the procedure repeats. But sometimes she forgets about it, and won't come into my room for weeks.

She's not as playful anymore tho. Before she used to hide under our rocking chair (quite well, actually) and pounce on any feet walking past. So now everybody slows down when walking past that rocking chair, because sometimes she can take you by complete surprise and you'll drop whatever it is you're carrying. Like glasses... plates...

08-Sep-2006, 02:07 PM
Sorry guys. The end of the world is coming, the cats know this, and are doing their best to say goodbye to you all.

You think I'm kidding, don't you?

08-Sep-2006, 02:54 PM
Sounds like paranoia to me like all the cats of the world are going to act different all at the same time. cats are always strange creatures. I like cats. They are fun to tease:p