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09-Sep-2006, 08:01 PM
..That 8 out of 10 people who have had sex in their lives have or are carrying the HPV virus that can cause genital warts?:eek: ive been for a check up this week and was told that,the doctor said it with no concern,just that theres a possibility they could appear in the future,but in most people they dont,since then ive felt dirty & been checking myself every 5 minutes!before that i'd never even given it any thought!theres no test for blokes by the way,the only way you'd know is if you actually got warts,but even if you dont your probably still carrying the virus & condoms dont protect you.Pointless but alarming fact of the week!

09-Sep-2006, 09:13 PM
There is now a vaccine in development, unfortunately it won't work if your already infected. There is talk of giving it to young girls before they become sexually active.


09-Sep-2006, 09:30 PM
What about us blokes then?! A bunch of girls all clean but a bunch of blokes sporting a spotted dick? :lol:

Sex is too complicated ... nothin' like a good visit to Rosy Palm's, ha! :p

09-Sep-2006, 10:51 PM
genital warts are very common

they just dont tell you about how many
people out there have them

just another club
you can get lucky and become a member of

09-Sep-2006, 11:21 PM
What about us blokes then?! A bunch of girls all clean but a bunch of blokes sporting a spotted dick? :lol:

Sex is too complicated ... nothin' like a good visit to Rosy Palm's, ha! :p

I was concerned,i asked if by knowing that ive come into contact with this virus,should i tell any future sexual partners before things get heavy?they said no,because the chances are the person is already carrying the virus anyway & bringing it up would probably unnessacarily make them run a mile!regular smear tests for women will show the virus,but as for blokes,unless you actually get warts,carry on as normal!

10-Sep-2006, 10:44 AM
"Ignorance is bliss" is the mantra of the day then, eh? Nice, likin' it...