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12-Sep-2006, 03:42 AM
Sorry if these were posted previously. I agree that this may make Day 2 look good!





12-Sep-2006, 03:49 AM
dude, are those contagium pics?:eek:

12-Sep-2006, 03:51 AM
dude, are those contagium pics?:eek:

They do reek of Contagium, don't they?

12-Sep-2006, 03:57 AM
yeah they do, i cant tell if thier screenshots or not. hmmm. the one on top looks like the loser doctor. i only watched the POS once.

12-Sep-2006, 04:06 AM
Dang a couple look like me in the morning lol.:elol: :elol: :elol:

12-Sep-2006, 04:55 AM
well, he did title it day of the dead 2. does he not know this movies out already? :mad:BURN IN HELL CONTAGIUM!!!!:mad:

12-Sep-2006, 10:17 AM
They do reek of Contagium, don't they?

I'd swear they were out takes from Craptagium, even the hospital setting looks familar....hmmmm this doesn't encourage me in the least........:dead:

12-Sep-2006, 02:37 PM
well, he did title it day of the dead 2. does he not know this movies out already? :mad:BURN IN HELL CONTAGIUM!!!!:mad:

According to Fangoria's site, they are in fact Day of the Dead remake pics.

Sorry, I accidentally labeled them wrong.



12-Sep-2006, 03:05 PM
I don't know why but this just screams "I'm going to be a piece of ****!" at me.

12-Sep-2006, 03:30 PM
Those look like pics from DAY 2... I am almost positive on that. Hey DEADCENTRAL do you still have any of the crap Jim "Elmer Fudd" Dudelson sent us when we did the contagium site. I swaer those are pics from COntagium.

12-Sep-2006, 04:19 PM
Yeah, that first pic looks like the Contagium zed that carried that head around.

Oy, i don't like the looks of this...

12-Sep-2006, 04:36 PM
thats so lame, and no it doesnt make me want to watch it, it puts me off more than night 3-ds text message scene.:mad:

12-Sep-2006, 05:08 PM
Steve (HOUSE) Miner directed the new DAY, with Ving Rhames (from the 2003 DAWN remake, but playing Captain Rhodes here),

Sometime fangoria doesnt know what the hell they're tlaking about

12-Sep-2006, 06:28 PM
Damn, that's the first thing I thought too!

Besides, they're effects based pictures, pulling off a decent looking zombie isn't that hard a task (for instance, you all know how I feel about Yawn04, but the effects were cool - case in point, effects are easy to make good - making a movie, especially a remake, good is a completely different ball game). That said, those zombies just look like actors wearing zombie make up.

My view, the zombies in pic 2 look stupid though, GAR's Day zombies were great, they felt bloated and sagging and they looked like they reeked to high heaven - they actually looked like real zombies, not actors in zombie make up, there was so much detail and decay ... these ones above are passable-ish, but ug ... Day of the Remake is just gonna "do sack" for about eight years before picking up a meth habit. :lol:

12-Sep-2006, 07:03 PM
CRAP. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
These photos looks like a direct to dvd movie. 18 million budget????? come on...

12-Sep-2006, 07:10 PM
Hey, you all want conspiract theories...



*insert smiley ****ting himself*

12-Sep-2006, 08:32 PM
My god those pics look TERRIBLE :eek:
Contagium written all over them.
It just goes to show what little sense these people have if they don't realise that releasing pics like this will have a negative effect on the movie on the internet.

# shakes head #

12-Sep-2006, 09:01 PM
Those look like pics from DAY 2... I am almost positive on that. Hey DEADCENTRAL do you still have any of the crap Jim "Elmer Fudd" Dudelson sent us when we did the contagium site. I swaer those are pics from COntagium.

I still have EVERYTHING!! and these new pics ar NOT encouraging.... now all I need to see is a Ryder van somewhere in the background and I'll know for sure that this is:
a remake-of-the-sequel-that's-also-a-prequel-that-wound-up-an-unofficial-sequel-and-is-being-remade-so-it's-an-original-remake. :elol:

did you get all that??

I dunno...vegitarian zombies, 20 something cast, plotted to be a standalone rather than sequential, and now these lame-o pics of poorly done zombies in the SAME hospital setting as the worst Z film ever made ......it's a sad sad world ..... I don't think even Ving could bring this one to a respectable level.

12-Sep-2006, 10:07 PM
I still have EVERYTHING!! and these new pics ar NOT encouraging.... now all I need to see is a Ryder van somewhere in the background and I'll know for sure that this is:
a remake-of-the-sequel-that's-also-a-prequel-that-wound-up-an-unofficial-sequel-and-is-being-remade-so-it's-an-original-remake. :elol:

did you get all that??

I dunno...vegitarian zombies, 20 something cast, plotted to be a standalone rather than sequential, and now these lame-o pics of poorly done zombies in the SAME hospital setting as the worst Z film ever made ......it's a sad sad world ..... I don't think even Ving could bring this one to a respectable level.

Shows how good the original Day looked... Romero's Day was fantastically well produced really!

darth los
12-Sep-2006, 10:13 PM
We tend to pick apart Gar's dead films, in a loving way of course. For all their flaws and inconsistencies these next gen dead film makers seem hard pressed to do better. In my view that elevates gar's work even further.

12-Sep-2006, 11:15 PM
Shows how good the original Day looked... Romero's Day was fantastically well produced really!
Romero's Day of the Dead was genius!

We tend to pick apart Gar's dead films, in a loving way of course. For all their flaws and inconsistencies these next gen dead film makers seem hard pressed to do better. In my view that elevates gar's work even further.
yes, because the "next gen dead film makers" fail. (I'm referring to the remakes, not the good ones with original plots that have been made - and there ARE a few of those floating around out there)

13-Sep-2006, 01:46 AM
It looks like they are wearing soldier uniforms of some sort (green shirts), but in the second photo, the one looks like blue scrubs or blue patient top.

Maybe it is suppose to be a military base or military hospital?


13-Sep-2006, 03:14 AM
It looks like they are wearing soldier uniforms of some sort (green shirts), but in the second photo, the one looks like blue scrubs or blue patient top.

Maybe it is suppose to be a military base or military hospital?


If you're one of the unfortunate folks whose seen Contagium, you'd know the shoddy plot line of how a mad house wound up where a military base once stood. :eek:

From seeing this, I don't doubt the connection possibility being made between this remake and Contagium.

13-Sep-2006, 07:16 AM
What kills me is this: How the **** do the filmmakers not realize that Contagium sucked? I mean there's NO WAY you can't tell!

I mean, when you do something badly, most of the time if you can review it you know it's bad... I'd imagine they'd just want to wash their hands of Contagium... What the **** is the world coming to?

14-Sep-2006, 06:54 PM
from the IMDB forums :

Did anyone else get this PM?
by - Art-At-War 31 minutes ago (Thu Sep 14 2006 11:17:29) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

-- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
I'm sending this to you directly because I don't want to start some long thread on IMDB, but I read your posts on the new DOTD remake and just wanted to give you props for making well thought out arguements. Check out www.fangoria.com tomorrow or Monday to read how Steve and I developed the script. I try to diplomatically state it in the article, but the "producers" that everyone's worried about had nothing to do with the script or project. Steve Miner was the driving force behind the film and fought tooth and nail to make a strong horror film...which I strived to deliver. We're both horror fans who respect George Romero's work...and we didn't want to tarnish it. But we didn't want to go the "Psycho" route and just remake the same movie with a bigger budget. Also, Ving Rhames signed on because he liked the script - it wasn't a nefarious plot to fool people. And when Ving wants to do your project, you don't turn him down. :)

You're right about the two pics that look poorly lit. They were taken from a scene shot at a hospital where the "real" lighting was out because of the zombie attack and the emergency lighting is on...thus the harsh, greenish tint. Plus the scene has to be color corrected. I put that in the thread, but apparently people don't read them all.

Anyway, I just wanted to drop you a note. If you hate the movie AFTER seeing it, feel free to let me know. I take constructive criticism very well. But I've seen the footage and a few scenes edited together and it looks great.

Jeffrey Reddick

Weird. It's from a jeff-230


14-Sep-2006, 06:59 PM
It's blatantly obvious they're going to say 'the footage is looking great!', you don't often hear 'jesus, this film is complete sh*t, why am I working on this slut?' (The director of Children of the Living Dead was a very rare - and entertaining - case though).

Also, again with the "respect" these people have for GAR's work. If there really was respect for his work there wouldn't be this slew of GAR remakes out there now would there? It wouldn't be so bad if the remakes - and coming remakes - were good ... but they're just ass.

14-Sep-2006, 07:54 PM
It's blatantly obvious they're going to say 'the footage is looking great!', you don't often hear 'jesus, this film is complete sh*t, why am I working on this slut?' (The director of Children of the Living Dead was a very rare - and entertaining - case though).

Also, again with the "respect" these people have for GAR's work. If there really was respect for his work there wouldn't be this slew of GAR remakes out there now would there? It wouldn't be so bad if the remakes - and coming remakes - were good ... but they're just ass.

I dunno, I saw the pics and felt a little vomit rise in my throat. I will probably still go see it in theaters. Why not right? Gotta support the genre. We don't need another dry spell.

14-Sep-2006, 10:56 PM
i am sad. i will go to see the movie to support the zombie genre.but i donīt wanna go to see the movie. i donīt want to support remakes... what can i do??:(

14-Sep-2006, 11:10 PM
DJ, i hope your not judging the film before you see it, just like the guys over at ZN about deadlands. Though I have doubts, I woun't bash it untill i've seen it.

Will it be as big of a release as DAWN04?

15-Sep-2006, 01:10 AM
I dunno, I saw the pics and felt a little vomit rise in my throat. I will probably still go see it in theaters. Why not right? Gotta support the genre. We don't need another dry spell.

Why not? A dry spell would be more productively and creatively original than anything we're getting at the moment...

15-Sep-2006, 01:29 AM
Why don't they just post the damned script? Who the hell is going to read it anyway besides people like us? What'll motivate habitual moviegoers to go see this movie (barf) are the advertisements on television and the previews at the theaters themselves. They won't be losing anything by doing it, probably end up increasing ticket sales if they'd just stop pussy-fottin' around. I don't like farting smoke!

I have to admit, I thought those pictures were from Contineum as well. I literally took that DVD (I think I got it for $5?) and stepped on it in anger after watching it in shock.

With $18 million dollars in a foreign location.....perhaps they should have consulted with GAR and gone ahead with his original Day of the Dead script. It's already been written, and I'll bet GAR wouldn't mind seeing it finally come to life! That's what I would have done. But, I suppose they're not real "fans" of George Romero after all...

15-Sep-2006, 01:59 AM
I went to the source ...I was able to contact him through some of my sources and this was his response to the criticisms,this is what he told me ...

"FYI, Taurus is in no way involved in this remake. Honestly, Steve Miner and I were pretty much left alone after they approved our story. I've got to be politically correct and I've never seen their other films, but the fans fears are unfounded. I was hesitant to give Fango the pics they put up because they were from an un-color corrected scene, which...in the movie...happens in a hospital with the emergency lights on. So I knew people might think that was the actually look for the film and complain.

I'm trying to get some more pictures approved for release by Nu Image, but it's like pulling teeth. They're concentrating on The Wicker Man and The Black Dahlia right now, they're not focusing on DOTD right now. "
- Jeffrey Reddick 9-14-2006

15-Sep-2006, 02:10 AM
He didn't explain the vegetarian Bud. All our fears aren't unfounded. :D

Thanks for the update there DC. Maybe Riddick can get us something like homage pictures or even a script.



15-Sep-2006, 02:21 AM
I will be speaking with him soon... I've got quite a few questions for him and the answers WILL be at my site...
I will make an announcement here once i get as much info as I can for everyone ...DOTD is my favorite of GAR's films and I don't want another Dawn '04 for the remake of it, nor a Craptagium, so I'm doing my best to get the lowdown on this one for those who are truly interested.

15-Sep-2006, 11:51 AM
even if the lights would be ok,the zombie make up is cheap .pretty unoriginal and reminds me the bufffy the vampire slayer vampires. the eye lenses are unbelievable. i really hope they could correct it with some cgi.

19-Sep-2006, 09:30 PM
I'll be speaking with Jeffrey Reddick by phone sometime today, unfortunately I don't have my recording software up and running on this pc yet , but I will be writing as fast as I can to fill you guys in, I'll probably post the meat of it here, but most will be on D-C.com ...
Hope I can get enough info to enlighten everyone more than the current available info does....

19-Sep-2006, 10:52 PM
cool! i hope he expalin us that crappy make ups and the vegetarian "bud"
today i found more set photos:





19-Sep-2006, 11:08 PM
Hrmm.....Sarah.....in a military uniform. Yup, these guys never watched the original....

20-Sep-2006, 12:17 AM
Hrmm.....Sarah.....in a military uniform. Yup, these guys never watched the original....

What does that have to do with the price of beans?

Yeah, I felt like typing something an old person would say about something they felt was equally innane. Come on. There's no reason someone on a militarybase and/or seconded to a group effort with the military would ever wear a military uniform?

Now give me some shuck n' jive about the theme of the clashing of military and civilian mentalities inherent to the original Day, and how Sarah wearing a uniform flies in the face of that. Or we could wait till we see the movie, and then you can hate it, and I may or may not enjoy it based on how I feel about seeing it.

Methinks though doth protest too much, sir :sneaky:

(Don't take this too seriously, just putting forth my thoughts on the matter in a melodramatic fashion. And, yeah, it looks more and more like this film may just suck :( )

20-Sep-2006, 12:58 AM
Well that's what I'm hoping to find out in about an hour...once I get the rundown , I'm hoping I can get some NON fan pics (sirjacktorrence) and get some actual set pics to display & hopefully they may look better than the images I saw in the post 2 above this... plus I want to kow about plot & changes ....
..... and just what happened with my favorite Z of all time BUB !!

I don't think that particular change will hearten any of the diehards like myself, but maybe I can at least get an explaination.

20-Sep-2006, 01:00 AM
Thanks DC. I'll keep my eyes out for updates.

*Finger's Crossed*

20-Sep-2006, 01:05 AM
forgive me if these also were previously posted. just thought i should throw them in! looks like ok makeup anyway:p http://img86.imageshack.us/img86/7319/dayofthedead06set02nl1.jpghttp://img178.imageshack.us/img178/4548/dayofthedead06set01fv9.jpg

20-Sep-2006, 01:19 AM
lol looks pretty dead to me... I saw those previous too...
I'm really hoping to come through on this with some positive things, I'm trying to be open minded...it's tough when it's your favorite film though...
Jeffrey is a great writer , Final Destination 1,2 & 3 and Tamara are his and I thought all four of these films were pretty good, so I'm giving this remake the benefit of the doubt...for now.

20-Sep-2006, 01:21 AM
lol looks pretty dead to me... I saw those previous too...
I'm really hoping to come through on this with some positive things, I'm trying to be open minded...it's tough when it's your favorite film though...
Jeffrey is a great writer , Final Destination 1,2 & 3 and Tamara are his and I thought all four of these films were pretty good, so I'm giving this remake the benefit of the doubt...for now.

your outlook is better than mine :p hahaha i am REALLY scared. yeah day is my fav also!

20-Sep-2006, 05:30 AM
What the hell is Sarah doing wearing a uniform? Ok, perhaps it’s a surplus uniform she found in the bunker. No, wait, it has pin-on rank...the rank of 'Corporal'? Ok, perhaps they have her as a 'military scientist'. Nope, the military's uniformed scientists are officers.......perhaps they should have hired a military advisor to sit on the set for 15 seconds. Or JUST LEFT HER THE HELL ALONE AS A CIVILIAN!

Sounds petty, but if you're going to make an effort to correctly imitate something, than you might as well make an all out effort to do so....or don't do it at all!

I don't know what's worse, a teen-age looking girl who's supposed to be a scientist.....or a guy who looks like he was yanked out of a retirement home to play a Captain.

20-Sep-2006, 09:06 AM
As far as Final Destination 1, 2, & 3 being good films... That is a strecth. Final Destination 1 was original, but I wouldn't say good. Final Destination 2 had that amazing car crash, 3... well 3 just wasn't that good.

20-Sep-2006, 09:38 AM
final destination 2 was fun,but fd 3 and tamara was poor and boring ....

20-Sep-2006, 10:21 AM
I don't know what's worse, a teen-age looking girl who's supposed to be a scientist.....or a guy who looks like he was yanked out of a retirement home to play a Captain.

Well Jim, have you ever taken a good realistic look at our military? 89% of it consists of young people under the age of 25, and their superiors are in the 35 to 50 bracket , and serious longterm rank, so it's actually not really off the mark.

DJ Final 1 was the only script untouched, 2 was rewritten by someone else and to my correction, 3 wasn't Jeffrey. Tamara was watered down by the studios quite a bit and a good portion of the script wasnt filmed...anyhow off to work...I'll write it up tonight & post my findings....

20-Sep-2006, 11:57 AM
Well, I spent 8 years in our military, and I can't say I ever saw a Captain like Ving. Currently, officers in the active Army are making Captain in 3 1/2 years after commissioning, and are actually having their records looked at for Major maybe five or six years after that. So, sure, there are officers that are 35-50, but most I'd bet my ass there aren't any Captains that were born in 1959. He's almost 57...he could be a retired four star...Joe Pilato was 36 I think.

As far as Sarah, she's a scientist....which requires how many years of advanced education? Post-Doct? Residency requirements? Internships? Perhaps she's a genius....personally, I think it's a bad casting to have someone so young. And to have her as a Corporal....a junior rank associated with leading privates? What the hell does a scientist know about that?

Just plain stupid, like I said, they should have had a military advisor sit in on this. He'd know what the hell I was talking about.

20-Sep-2006, 12:01 PM
What does that have to do with the price of beans?

Yeah, I felt like typing something an old person would say about something they felt was equally innane. Come on. There's no reason someone on a militarybase and/or seconded to a group effort with the military would ever wear a military uniform?

Now give me some shuck n' jive about the theme of the clashing of military and civilian mentalities inherent to the original Day, and how Sarah wearing a uniform flies in the face of that. Or we could wait till we see the movie, and then you can hate it, and I may or may not enjoy it based on how I feel about seeing it.

Methinks though doth protest too much, sir :sneaky:

(Don't take this too seriously, just putting forth my thoughts on the matter in a melodramatic fashion. And, yeah, it looks more and more like this film may just suck :( )

"Methinks"(whatever the f*ck that means.....ever pass 2nd grade?) that you're an idiot. Don't take it too seriously.:|

20-Sep-2006, 01:25 PM
Yeah, it's an archaic term, I'll grant you. Wrack it up to hyperbole, if you like. As for calling me an idiot because you don't agree with what I say, or how I say it, well, I'd say that's asinine and that I would expect better from you, Bassman, but I will do as you ask in this case and not take you seriously.

20-Sep-2006, 10:53 PM
Well I've posted a summary of the "interview",it was more like a long friendly chat with an old friend rather than an interview. Jeff was VERY open and it didn't take many questions to get him rolling with the information.
Stop by DEAD-CENTRAL.COM to read it, or Click HERE (http://dead-central.com/news.php?readmore=14) I just finished typing it up so I felt it would be easier just to let you all know it's there for your interest.
I believe he'll be sending me some pics very soon, it was discussed and I will be talking with him again as the film goes through post...
enjoy !:D