View Full Version : Laugh of the Day

14-Sep-2006, 10:35 AM
A six-year-old boy told his father he wanted to marry the little girl across the street.

The father, being modern and well-schooled in handling children, hid his smile behind his hand. "That's a serious step," he said. "Have you thought it out completely?"

"Yes," his young son answered "We can spend one week in my room and the next in hers. It's right across the street, so I can run home if I get scared of the dark."

"How about transportation?" the father asked. "I have my wagon, and we both have our tricycles," the little boy answered.

The boy had an answer to every question the father raised. Finally, in exasperation, his dad asked, "What about babies? When you're married, you're liable to have babies, you know."

"We've thought about that, too," the little boy replied. "We're not going to have babies. Every time she lays an egg, I'm going to step on it!"

14-Sep-2006, 01:29 PM
:lol: :lol: :lol:
That was cute DJ.

14-Sep-2006, 07:04 PM

Kids say the damndest things *imagines the clip from Family Guy with Bill Cosby ... chuckles heartily*.

Oh man ... I wonder when (or if) I have kids, will I find such a situation terrifying or hilarious...hmmm. Answering kid's questions can be a bitch sometimes...cheeky blighters.

14-Sep-2006, 08:49 PM
well, that put a smile on my face. I think a laugh might have come out of my mouth as well. Did somebody post this on the forum a long, long, long time ago? Sounds familiar.

14-Sep-2006, 09:53 PM
If they did I am not aware so my apologies if it was posted already