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14-Sep-2006, 04:54 PM
and the P$3 goeth...........


Reports: Nintendo Wii out November 19 at $250 with one game

According to a variety of print news sources--USA Today and the New York Times chief among them--the Nintendo Wii will come out in North America on November 19 at $250, with one game, Wii Sports, included alongside the console. Nintendo had previously announced that the system would not exceed $250, which the company delivered on.

While a few people were expecting an even lower price, the inclusion of a pack-in title should help ease the pain. Another widely held assumption was that Nintendo would try to release the system before Sony's PlayStation 3. Instead, it's coming out two days later, though in much higher quantities: 4 million consoles worldwide by the end of the year to Sony's 2 million.

Among other tidbits reported:

+ There will be 30 Wii titles on shelves by the end of the year, with 25 available at launch. Nintendo's titles will sell for $50--the same amount that Microsoft has sold its internally produced Xbox 360 titles for. Prices for third-party titles have yet to be revealed.

+ In addition to the retail-available games, about 30 classic games will be available on the Wii's virtual console. Titles from Mario, Zelda and Donkey Kong franchises from the NES, SNES, and N64 will be available for $5 to $10--the same price as most Xbox Live Arcade games.

+ Unlike Nintendo's previous consoles and portables, which shied away from performing multimedia functions, the Wii will include Web-surfing and photo-viewing capabilities to complement the previously announced DVD playback.

That blurb about Sony's ship numbers seems out of date. i thought their global projections were only 1 million? (500k for Japan, 400K for the us, and 100k to the UK?)

Either or, the P$3 just died horribly.

14-Sep-2006, 05:30 PM
Yeah, I believe that the P$3 is fairly well doomed for this gen as well :evil:.

Nintendo & MS have their sights squarely on Sony & are firing away http://www.websmileys.com/sm/violent/sterb324.gif.

I know I'll be getting the Wii to compliment my 360. :cool:

14-Sep-2006, 05:39 PM

wii.com has some cute and short movies running that show how the controller will tie into everything. also they're offering console only TV channels for the wii, which look very promising.

i'm really impressed with where Nintendo is going on this system. thus far it's really quite amazing, and a totally different experience from anything out there right now.

14-Sep-2006, 06:33 PM
Can't wait for Wii, definetly my most anticipated videogame related purchase this year.

general tbag
14-Sep-2006, 07:14 PM
well from reading alot about the wii, i have to say im pretty disappointed myself about all that was announced. im still gonna buy one, but 250 for a all white console with a lame tech demo is asking alot considering it going to be 213 in japan . the cost for VC games are within reason, but wii points ???? come on, the rumored nintend coins was far better name . also it gonna be kinda hard to fork over 10 bux for the same n64 game i can get used for 5 bux.

also all the wii multimedia software looks pretty sub par, and paying for a web browser is unheard of. no mention of mp3 playback or video files other than dvd. no mention of the USB ports to allow hdd . all the news is bitter sweet for me.

im still buying a wii , but kind alet down by both the potential and price point.

14-Sep-2006, 07:25 PM
wii points are effectively the same thing as what microsoft has in the XBL marketplace.

further using an third party currency removes the marketplace from being charged sales tax for online purchases, by the state and fed Govs. so that's more money in our pockets.

as for the price point. $250 is fine by me. it's still in keeping with the idea you can buy a 360 and a wii for the cost of a p$3. so to that end cudos on MS and nintendo.

techwise, i'll talk smack on it when i see it. thus far i'm considerably impressed by everything they've shown.

for me this was anything but a letdown.

14-Sep-2006, 08:07 PM

New video showcasing all the games that have been revealed so far.

14-Sep-2006, 11:08 PM
I think the essence of wii is enough to entice me. I'm actually quite exhuasted of every damn electronic device trying to do everything it's not intended to do (especially phones). Why can't the simple act of playing games be enough nowdays? Everyone's expecting web browsers, mp3 players, hard drives, dvd playback, the kitchen sink, a flame thrower, zombie repellant, etc...jeeze, it's going to allow you to play games in a manner quite unlike you've ever played before, shouldn't that be enough? I was sold the minute I found out it was going to have a DS style approach to gameplay. I sold my PSP a month after I bought my DS based on gameplay alone (of course the fact that PSP failed to deliver top shelf titles for almost a year didn't help either...where was Tekken when I actually HAD my system, hunh?)

At any rate, who cares what it can do extra? More than likely, you've got 20 zillion gadgets that already cover those bases. Why does wii need to retread boring stuff? Game + wii + controller = me happy. Especially for $250. Graphics Schmraphics (to quote a quite hilarious mock-up game). Give me gameplay over useless garbage and eyecandy anyday. To prove my point, Robotron and Defender have 20 times more gameplay than any single PSP game and they ran on a 1-2 mhz motorola 680000 chip. Where's the bang for your buck nowdays?

Wii came, Wii saw, Wii kicked X-Barf and P-"ehhh"'s 3's ass.

15-Sep-2006, 04:44 AM
250 for a all white console with a lame tech demo is asking alot considering it going to be 213 in japan

Wii sports does not come with the Japaneese version, only the US version.

I am excited by the news released today. From what it seems, the Wii will have quite a bit of fun and innovation in it's games. I will be up all day and night playing mine when I get it, I know that for sure lol.

general tbag
15-Sep-2006, 05:31 PM
well to add more to my rant after reading more. :P what the hell is nintendo thinking launching 2 days after the ps3 ??? that just stupid in my books. i figured a oct launch or pre ps3 launch at the very least. not to bright of nintendo. And no dvd player ? WTF it is using dvd technology already how hard is it to add the video codec or add on like the xbox dvd remote....
MP3 has been confirmed abit limited within the photo editing. hopefully we get a player so we can add custom soundtracks.

Also about the price it appears inflated as nintendo has stated they wil make money off of every wii hardware sold. I think that horrible. If anything sell it at cost. I think if a 360 core unit does drop to 249 , it could steal alot of nintendos thunder. IT now a tough call aboutbuying a wii on launch if i do go buy a couple of ps3s 2 days before.

15-Sep-2006, 06:51 PM
you know I just might buy one of these damned things

15-Sep-2006, 07:04 PM
well to add more to my rant after reading more. :P what the hell is nintendo thinking launching 2 days after the ps3 ??? that just stupid in my books. i figured a oct launch or pre ps3 launch at the very least. not to bright of nintendo. And no dvd player ? WTF it is using dvd technology already how hard is it to add the video codec or add on like the xbox dvd remote....
MP3 has been confirmed abit limited within the photo editing. hopefully we get a player so we can add custom soundtracks.

Also about the price it appears inflated as nintendo has stated they wil make money off of every wii hardware sold. I think that horrible. If anything sell it at cost. I think if a 360 core unit does drop to 249 , it could steal alot of nintendos thunder. IT now a tough call aboutbuying a wii on launch if i do go buy a couple of ps3s 2 days before.

did you even read the article??
the Wii will include Web-surfing and photo-viewing capabilities to complement the previously announced DVD playback. seriously. ..... Reading It's Fundamental.

as for everything else. it's nintendo's call to launch when they want to. i'll admit the 19 being a sunday is kinda a weird day to launch, but screw it. further as previously stated the Xbox isn't going to rop in price at any point soon. even MS has stated the price will remain where it's at for Xmas 06.

and i have no idea how your saying the price is inflated. $250 for the complete wifi capable system and 4 integrated games. that's a friggin steal.

seriously, up your meds or something.

15-Sep-2006, 07:08 PM
I have a Wii reserved, I cant wait to hook that sucker up to my 42 inch HD widescreen we just got :D

general tbag
15-Sep-2006, 08:30 PM
actually it was announced dvd playback has been removed.

i guess for 250 i expected abit more than a tech demo and one controller, or at the very least a retro controller pack in with it. 199 would of been a better price, or else Z:tp packed in .

15-Sep-2006, 09:27 PM
Where was it annouced that DVD playback was removed? Last I heard it was still in. And how is Wii Sports a tech demo? Just because it has multiple games doesn't mean there isn't any depth to them. At least they pack a game in, unlike the other two companies. Count me in for the following:

Wii System (with Wii Sports)
extra remote
Zelda: Twilight Princess
Red Steel or Excite Truck...not sure.

16-Sep-2006, 06:13 AM
IT now a tough call aboutbuying a wii on launch if i do go buy a couple of ps3s 2 days before.

Good luck on getting one ps3 let alone a couple. There will not be many of them around.

Where did you read DVD playback is out? I have not seen that anywhere and I have been following all the news on the Wii quite closely. The only negative thing I can find about the Wii is that the Wii Remote and the nunchuck attachment are sold seperatly.

general tbag
17-Sep-2006, 05:49 AM

and no region free either.

dindt read about the nunchuk being seperate either, that really sucks.

22-Sep-2006, 01:35 AM
i whent into my local gamestation and theyve ordered 20 consoles for in store on launch day, which is a lot compared to the...uh 2 360's they had.

and remember how i said that the ps3 pre-order poster was over the reduced bin?, well since they havent had ANY pre-orders theyve taken it down and havent actually ordered any for the launch, its lookin bad for sony, but on the plus side this would mean the wii ro 360 would get future final fantasy titles and not just the spin-offfs.

as good as crystal chronicles was:D