View Full Version : "Why didn't they...?" #5 (Dawn of the Dead)

14-Sep-2006, 05:22 PM
...install a deadbolt lock on the door upstairs.

After all, they hauled up food, water, furniture and set up a workable kitchen area.

They were smart enough to do all that and secure the mall entrances but no one ever thought about putting a lock on a fuc*en door?!?! :rockbrow:

14-Sep-2006, 05:43 PM
They didn't seem to have long-term security in mind, I guess. They surrounded themselves with the creature comforts, but not alot in the defense mindset.

Anyone else notice that the fake 'wall' they built was kind of ... well, kind of shoddy?

:evil: Angry312;"Well, it did hold back Steven for a minute or two." :evil:

14-Sep-2006, 05:46 PM
In addition to a deadbolt, how about a neat little barricading system like they built on the basement door in Night of the Living Dead. In stead the end would have been something like this...

Fran: What is it?

Peter: Its Stephen, they're coming up.

Fran: Should we get to the roof?

Peter: Nah, lets just latch the door and chill for a while. We've got a months worth of food in here. We can slowly stock up the chopper, and maybe figure out a way to reclaim this piece. Now help me pile some of these boxes against this door, woman!

Now for the wall. As weak as the wall was, they could have easily stacked some stuff behind it it to make it inpenetrable. Why did they not reinforce it? They obviously didn't plan to use the door again. They had a great idea in building the wall, but then didn't follow through with any more rational thinking.

14-Sep-2006, 09:19 PM
I don't know how you could feel comfortable sleeping at night with zombies all over the place and the only thing possibly separating you from them is a flimsy cardboard-like wall and a door that doesn't lock.

Wasn't that survival step #1 since NOTLD? Secure all doors and windows!

14-Sep-2006, 11:14 PM
This is a good point. They did not do a very good job on creating the false wall, it was indeed very shoddy and flimsy. If nothing else, if those materials were all that they could use to build the wall, they could have barricaded the crap out of the backside of it. Another good point about the door upstairs, no safety whatsoever. They could have easily put a big slide board there and several locks, none of which they did. Axlish makes a good point, with the apartment door properly barricaded, they wouldnt have had to be in such a rush to leave.

14-Sep-2006, 11:24 PM
This is a good point. They did not do a very good job on creating the false wall, it was indeed very shoddy and flimsy. If nothing else, if those materials were all that they could use to build the wall, they could have barricaded the crap out of the backside of it. Another good point about the door upstairs, no safety whatsoever. They could have easily put a big slide board there and several locks, none of which they did. Axlish makes a good point, with the apartment door properly barricaded, they wouldnt have had to be in such a rush to leave.

...which would've resulted in a less memorable ending. Personally, I liked seeing Peter on the brink of self termination only to come back to cheesy march music jump kicking and punching zombies. If that scene didn't pump you up, nothing will!

14-Sep-2006, 11:28 PM
...which would've resulted in a less memorable ending. Personally, I liked seeing Peter on the brink of self termination only to come back to cheesy march music jump kicking and punching zombies. If that scene didn't pump you up, nothing will!

Yea, Peter Kung-Fuing zombies was pretty amazing.

Everytime I watch that movie I think, "Is there anything he CAN'T do?"

Everything from abortions to 5 star cooking to fighting zombies, Peter is an all-around amazing guy.

14-Sep-2006, 11:49 PM
Yea, Peter Kung-Fuing zombies was pretty amazing.

Everytime I watch that movie I think, "Is there anything he CAN'T do?"

Everything from abortions to 5 star cooking to fighting zombies, Peter is an all-around amazing guy.

You didn't even mention his skill in performing abortions :cool:

14-Sep-2006, 11:52 PM
You didn't even mention his skill in performing abortions :cool:

Oh contrare. Read my lower bit.

Everything from abortions to 5 star cooking to fighting zombies, Peter is an all-around amazing guy.

15-Sep-2006, 09:56 PM
Every time I see Dawn, I think about how much they could have done to better secure themselves considering they were inside a shopping mall with an abundance of materials and plenty of time on their hands.

Before I built that flimsy little sh*t 'door hider'....I would have brought in materials for a security blockade behind it. A strong, thick brick or cider block wall would have worked. They surely could have found the materials (take the water fountain apart?). Once the flimsy wall was up, one could easily put his brick wall together when not out on shopping sprees or trying to cockblock Stephen for a piece of Fran's ass. If Fran wasn’t pregnant, they could have broken up the stairs and put a ladder up to the door. What about collapsible stairs?

Phase 2 would be to put deadbolts and door bars on both the upstairs door and the door that leads up the stairs. With all this successfully in place, Fran and Peter would have access to weeks worth of supplies, the mall's utilities, and of course the air ducts for 'aero-mall' transportation'.

Perhaps an additional idea would be to close off a small store in the mall as well? Fill it with supplies, brick it up on the inside, and conceal it on the outside by putting a "Coming Soon" type construction wooden platform around the front of the store? Looters might not know the difference as they didn't with the flimsy door...

16-Sep-2006, 06:04 PM
yeah i always wondered why there was no lock on
the door

and the wall came down way too easy
it should have been stronger

but there are so many things about dawn....

17-Sep-2006, 01:24 AM
out of all these "why didn't they" theories this one is the only one that really makes a decent arguement IMO :eek:

i kinda wondered myself why they didn't secure their area a tad better

17-Sep-2006, 01:51 AM
its makes no sence to me why they didnt secure that area to the tits, but like i said in another "what if thread" it would of taken away from the action. if they would of secured it on the other hand it would of filled in alot of the major plot holes in the movie.
even with all this what if stuff we all have to agree that dawn 78 is one hell of a movie.

17-Sep-2006, 03:24 AM
Well I agree with all of your ideas about how flimsy their security measures were in both movies but,if, say they did do a good job at all you all are saying should have been done and done well... Dont you think hungry zombies would somehow would find a way in..my thoughts: this makes me think of a criminal not being able to hide all their tracks no matter how clever they are... soo, I am saying why no matter how well fortified you think you are board up all holes... there is that one hole left that you forgot!
Don't you think that would be interesting to the plot if they thought they had it all covered and didnt and and BOOM!! ZOMBIES BAM!!! They got ya!!!

17-Sep-2006, 03:50 AM
even with all this what if stuff we all have to agree that dawn 78 is one hell of a movie.

No doubt, we wouldn't be having the conversation otherwise.