View Full Version : September 26 dvd releases

14-Sep-2006, 11:18 PM
Is anyone else looking forward to the 26th? What a great day of dvd releases...Universal's Frankenstein and Dracula 75th annv. sets, Texas Chainsaw Massacre special edition, Nightmare on Elm Street infifilm special edition, Dead Zone & Pet Semetary special editions. Not a bad day for horror dvd fans.

14-Sep-2006, 11:35 PM
I already got the Dracula and Frankenstein Legacy Collections. But I probably will get the new TCM and I know for sure I'm getting the Stephen King movies plus the Nightmare on Elm Street infinifilm. Plus I'm going to see it in theaters on the 21st.

14-Sep-2006, 11:41 PM
Didn't know about any of that, I imagine they'll get released in region 2 format soon as well. Thanks for the info.:D

14-Sep-2006, 11:47 PM
I'm game for the Nightmare on Elm Street. Unfortunately, I hear that they still aren't porting the deleted scenes over from the laserdisc. I hope I am wrong.

I am considering getting the TCM DVD. I am not that big of a fan, but it looks like a pretty sweet DVD.

15-Sep-2006, 01:42 AM
In all honesty, I think I'm more excited about the TCM2 dvd than the original.

15-Sep-2006, 06:01 AM
Surely it was an oversight when you left out modern classics like "The Fast and the Furious Tokoy Drift" and "Curious George." Sure those old movies are good, but come on now!

Geez, I feel dirty for even trying to joke about that. If any ladies want to spank me for it, let me know.

15-Sep-2006, 07:00 AM
i'll be geting nightmare and tcm for sure , petsemetary would be nice to have as well. to bad GAR never got to direct this film like he was suposed to.