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12-Mar-2006, 03:51 PM
I would have to say "The Stuff". I believe drillers found a white stuff in the ground that tastes like ice cream and they package and sell the stuff. But it is some sort of alien life form that takes over your bodies and everyone is obsessed with eating the stuff except this one child. I have not seen it in 15 years. Thats all i remember of it.

12-Mar-2006, 04:04 PM
i would have to say that 'SHOCKER" BY "WES CRAVEN" IS ONE OF THE STRANGEST movies i have ever seen.

12-Mar-2006, 04:57 PM
Hotel... It had some big names in it, and was the wierdest film!!!


12-Mar-2006, 05:05 PM
Deffinitely Mulholland Drive. I'm pretty sure most of you will agree with me on that.

12-Mar-2006, 05:13 PM
That's a tough question but im leaning more towards "Waking Life". It's a Linklater film that was shot on camera and then had crazy drawings drawn over to give it a very cool look.....very trippy. Alot of the dialogue is pretty crazy(very philosophical) but the art is incredible.

This gives you a slight idea of what the film looks like...

I highly recommend this film to the "thinkers" around here.

12-Mar-2006, 05:36 PM
The Wall and Lost Highway.

12-Mar-2006, 05:40 PM
Linklater's latest film is done in the same way isn't it, I've got a foggy head - cold coming on I think - hasn't come out yet I don't think - SCANNER DARKLY - that's the hammer. That's going to be in the same way - Waking Life must have been a 'test' so-to-speak.

12-Mar-2006, 06:27 PM
"Normal" films would be the likes of Shivers, Lost Highway or Mulholland Drive.

However, the strangest films I've ever seen are:

Un chien andalou (An Andalusian Dog), which was co-written by Salvador Dali and is just wierd. This film is most well known becuase of the opening scene involving the cutting open of a eye.

The film was directed by Luis Buñuel, I've only ever seen two other films by this director and they are both very very strange. They are Le Fantôme de la liberté (The Phantom of Liberty) and Le charme discret de la bourgeoisie (The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie).

It's worth pointing out that these films are part of the surrealism movement and hence they are supposed to be pretty odd.

12-Mar-2006, 07:43 PM
8½ - 1963 by Federico Fellini


12-Mar-2006, 07:53 PM
Ooh, ooh - "Dogstar Man" - we saw it in the first year as part of the 'basics' film class in the first semester. It's a really weird visual piece, just a bunch of colours, shapes and stuff (like a dude climbing a snowy hill) for like 70 minutes ... most of the people buggered off a few minutes/30 minutes in - I was one of the few to stick out the whole thing - and stay awake (so many times we'd see people catching some sleep in the screenings if a film wasn't particularly engaging - I did the same thing sometimes).

But yeh, Dogstar Man...I liked it :)

12-Mar-2006, 10:45 PM
definitly Requiem for a Dream, even after the credits are rolling your still stairing at the tv asking yourself what the f*@% was that.

12-Mar-2006, 11:12 PM
terrorvision, doll man , demonic toys, toxic avenger, class of nukem high , invisible maniac, the raggedy ann and andy movie.

13-Mar-2006, 12:09 AM
Ruben and Ed. It's a movie by Chrispen Glover that came out like 12+ years ago and is friggen strange all the way around, I don't even know how to describe it.

13-Mar-2006, 04:28 AM
The strangest movie I have ever seen is called "What is it?" by Crispin Glover. If you haven't seen it try to catch a screening of it if there is one near you.

I really can't describe it, so look it up.

13-Mar-2006, 10:28 AM
Spellbinder. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0096152/ It will f**k you up by the time you see the twist ending. A very rare Hollywood picture that is for sure.


13-Mar-2006, 10:40 AM
That is an excellent movie - if you wanna turn your kids of drugs, show them that flick. It's just utterly twisted, shows the "highs" of drugs - doing them and earning all that money fairly easily - but then it shows how it always ends up, the lows. Everybody ends up...

either having a septic arm chopped off, in jail, in a nuthouse or prostituting themselves - all of them having lost their dreams

Excellent flick - have you read "Last Exit To Brooklyn" - Hubert Selby Jr wrote Requiem For A Dream as well as LETB - it's a good book ... haven't seen the movie yet though.

13-Mar-2006, 03:18 PM
hmmm, Rabid Grannies come to mind. :D

13-Mar-2006, 04:19 PM


All hail the new flesh!

13-Mar-2006, 05:57 PM
Oh! Lost Highway! Ya that was bizzare. Is not that actor that got accused of killing his wife in that one. I forgot his name. I remember seeing that movie in the dollar theater. It made my mind lock up.:dead:

13-Mar-2006, 06:04 PM
The Strawberry Statement
Massacre at Central High
Looking for Mr. Goodbar
Four of the Apocalypse

15-Mar-2006, 06:10 AM
id like to say the happieness of the katakuris, but i saw a spanish film once that starts as a proper comedy, a buisnessman gets caught in a red phone booth and people laugh at him they try to help him out, involving three stooges style antics, then near the end they all leave and he is abandoned then some men arrive, pick p the box with the man inside and put it on a vans bakc hlaf, it drives off, stops at a railway crossing and another green van with a red phone booth and a guy inside are seen, they all go to a factory where they are being sorted and the guys booth is set down next to one where a corpse in a suit has a phone cord around its own neck, it ends with the guy screaming like the dude at the end of wickerman and the film ends.

pretty creepy stuff.

oh and my film prof at collge showed me part of a film called ...eraser head i think and the start is like inside pyramids head.

after that we watched that "rosebud" film, and it sucked balls.

15-Mar-2006, 10:07 AM
You didn't like Citizen Kane?! :eek:

Granted, it's not something I watch a lot and it's not my preferred genre of horror and zombies and blood and gore :D, but personally I thought it was cool. We saw it on one of the film units at Uni (I did a film degree) and the lecturers were all really chuffed we had a real 35mm print of it from an archive or something - well it certainly LOOKED like it came from an archive, lol. Each to his own really...

As for Eraserhead, I got the video of that when I was like 15 ... have only managed to watch it once, it freaked me out too much. It took me like four months to get through the whole flick, I could only stand 10 minutes at a time or thereabouts, just too damn freaky! :confused: :eek:

15-Mar-2006, 12:44 PM
oh and my film prof at collge showed me part of a film called ...eraser head i think and the start is like inside pyramids head.

Ah, yes, Eraserhead. Classic Weirdness.
The first time I watched this flick I was left confused and anxious. Then, I dosed up on some quality LSD (this was in the 80's) and it all made since. I watched it about a month ago and was amazed at how wonderfully bizarre this movie is. The little thing that dances and sings inside the radiator in his room still creeps me out.
http://www.film.org.pl/images2/eraserhead/10.jpg "In Heaven, everything is fine. You've got your good things. And I've got mine. "