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View Full Version : Land of the Dead: A belated review and comments. (minor SPOILERS)

12-Mar-2006, 04:15 PM
Now much to my own personal shame I never got around to seeing Land of the Dead (LotD) at the cinema and only got a around to buying it last weekend.

I watched it last night.

Over all it was a fun movie, not as good as Night or Dawn, but IMO better than Day. It does fit in with the other films in the sense that it still deals with a group of people (in this case quite a large group) trying to survive in the zombie world and when due to the actions of certain members of the group the whole thing comes crashing down.

I read the script for the film a while ago, and this lead to me not really being very excited about the film and no doubt was one of the many reasons why it’s taken me this long to see it. The one thing I really hated about the script was the one thing I really disliked in this film – learning/intelligent zombies. The whole Big Daddy character really grated on my nerves, the caring side of a zombie? Who wants to see that?

Also some of the zombies look “funny” *(see Big Daddy, again) … more like the vampires from Buffy than zombies. Others looked really good – the badly decayed ones which were nearly bone were quite impressive.

It’s a good zombie film and a welcome edition to my collection. The DVD extras are good as well – lots of time with GAR and the Simon Pegg/Ed Wright mini-documentary was quality.

12-Mar-2006, 05:05 PM
agreed land was alot of fun, but "big daddy" can go to hell

12-Mar-2006, 06:43 PM
Regarding the 'look' of the undead, I agree with you.

I actually preferred the zombies in the original Night or in Dawn 78 to those in Day or Land - apart from Nurse Zombie anyway :dead:

Big Daddy doesn't look particularly dead, just a bit wrinkled!

I dont like thinking zombies either, dead people should be 'all messed up', I dont want touchy-feely compassionate zombies, thank you very much.

20-Mar-2006, 06:28 AM
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