View Full Version : Did anyone but I, notice how much LOTD is very much like living in Pittsburgh?

17-Sep-2006, 10:01 PM
Did anyone but I notice how much LOTD is very much like living in Pittsburgh?
I believe that the entire series of zombie movies is about us, we, the people, who live in Pittsburgh, when there's a baseball game the zombies come out and watch the fireworks, it's like clockwork(not orange).

The people of Pittsburgh and perhaps some other places where Mr Romero has frequented are who this whole thing is about.

It's as plain as the zombie make up on your face!

Welcome to the LAND OF THE DEAD!!!
a.k.a. Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Thank you

17-Sep-2006, 10:03 PM
Did anyone but I notice how much LOTD is very much like living in Pittsburgh?
I believe that the entire series of zombie movies is about us, we, the people, who live in Pittsburgh, when there's a baseball game the zombies come out and watch the fireworks, it's like clockwork(not orange).

The people of Pittsburgh and perhaps some other places where Mr Romero has frequented are who this whole thing is about.

It's as plain as the zombie make up on your face!

Welcome to the LAND OF THE DEAD!!!
a.k.a. Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Thank you

Welcome to the board. Stick around and have some fun. :D

18-Sep-2006, 06:56 PM
Yep back to his roots awesome huh? Did ya see Mt. Washington mentioned in Land of the Dead?
Welcome to the forums!!!

19-Sep-2006, 12:27 AM
Yep back to his roots awesome huh? Did ya see Mt. Washington mentioned in Land of the Dead?
Welcome to the forums!!!

Ummm, I live in Mt Washington.

I really didn't mean the obvious connection to Pittsburgh in the movie itself, that's too obvious.

But the actual story, I believe is directly pointing a finger a Pittsburgh, if the people here (The mayor, govt. citizens) would see what Mr. Romero was perhaps trying to tell us all.

People in Pittsburgh really believe that it's so beautiful here, but if you look a little harder you'll see that this land of the zombies is very real.

I'm really suprised that no one else replied to this thread, OK, so... now that makes you and I, The only one's who made that connection.(unless you misunderstood my meaning?):confused:

LotD was more like everyday life in Pittsburgh than anything I've ever seen.

I applaude Mr Romero for doing this because everyday life in Pittsburgh is in essence identical to LotD.
I'd say verbatim, but these zombies are alive, not dead and walking.

You should see how the zombies drive, OH MY GAWWWWD, it's like a demolition derby without an rules, these bastards will hit the drivers door and take you out.
Look at what happened to Big Ben Roethlisberger!

Lastly, I'd like very much for Mr. Romero to know what we think about this last movie of his and how it mimmicks everyday life in this (coughs) great city.

IE: The new 26 yr old mayor wants to show how beautiful Pittsburgh is to the rest of the country, nay... the world.

It's true Pittsburgh is very beautiful and so totally full of history, archeologists should be digging here for remnants of the wars that took place here in Pittsburgh.

For some, the war hasn't ended.

Some of my best friends were born and raised in this area and I love them unconditionally and very dearly.

But those damned (literally damned) zombies have absolutely ruined this place and until the mayor and everyone else works to literally clean this city up, it wont change!

We need more fireworks!


NHT Dead
19-Sep-2006, 01:36 AM
That is a very interesting take on it. Being born and raised in Pittsburgh I can see how the current Pittsburgh in Land is a lot like it is now where everything is run down and old. The zombies even remind me of Yinzers (for people not familiar with that word, Yinzers are people who are born, raised, and die in Allegheny county and never leave for any reason) just kind of moping around the city not wanting to die. Lastly, just like reality many of the humans decide to get out of the city since there is no future there.

R.I.P. Rolling Rock Brewery :(

31-Oct-2006, 02:35 PM
That is a very interesting take on it. Being born and raised in Pittsburgh I can see how the current Pittsburgh in Land is a lot like it is now where everything is run down and old. The zombies even remind me of Yinzers (for people not familiar with that word, Yinzers are people who are born, raised, and die in Allegheny county and never leave for any reason) just kind of moping around the city not wanting to die. Lastly, just like reality many of the humans decide to get out of the city since there is no future there.

R.I.P. Rolling Rock Brewery :(

Hence my reasons for moving out of the burgh in two months!

31-Oct-2006, 05:46 PM
R.I.P. Rolling Rock Brewery :(

Damn, I'm fond of a drop o' Rockin' Roll. Does this mean RR are finished completely? The stores still sell it where I live in the UK.

31-Oct-2006, 06:09 PM
R.I.P Rolling Rock Brewer indeed my friend.

13-Feb-2007, 01:41 AM
My wife and I came up to Pittsburgh to attend the Comicon '04 and check out the Monroeville Mall. (You can tell we are Romero Fans)

We have fond memories of Pittsburgh (we are from Los Angeles) and nearly immediately fell in love with the town. Practically everyone we met was extremely polite and friendly, the food was outstanding (better than anything we have on the West Coast) the cost of housing was reasonable (unlike Los Angeles), the town has a real sense of history, the streets comparably safe to walk, public transportation doesn't really blow too hard, the artistic community doesn't seem too pretentious (again, unlike Los Angeles)

So either Pittsburgh rules, or Los Angeles really, really sucks.

(For those Los Angelenos out there who might read this, please don't flame a native citizen. You know Los Angeles sucks too, but that I meant it in a respectful way)

13-Feb-2007, 01:53 AM
Did anyone but I notice how much LOTD is very much like living in Pittsburgh?
I believe that the entire series of zombie movies is about us, we, the people, who live in Pittsburgh, when there's a baseball game the zombies come out and watch the fireworks, it's like clockwork(not orange).

The people of Pittsburgh and perhaps some other places where Mr Romero has frequented are who this whole thing is about.

It's as plain as the zombie make up on your face!

Welcome to the LAND OF THE DEAD!!!
a.k.a. Welcome to Pittsburgh!

Thank you

Welcom to this comunity. I hope that you be very happy with us!. Greetings from Spain!.