View Full Version : Two small things LAND had that NIGHT 90 did...

18-Sep-2006, 02:24 AM
I was watching NIGHT 90 for the first time tonight (that's right, the very first time. :eek: ) and two things stuck out at the end that were also shown in LAND. One, the little ring used for a zombie and a human to get at it for entertainment. In NIGHT 90, we saw the zombie and the guy in the wooden circle while a circle of rednecks and beers with sticks stand around in amusement. We see it in LAND, when Slack is thrown into the ring with the zombie to dance with death. Another is when the zombies are hung for target practice. In NIGHT 90, in the same area as the first part, is the zombies hung from trees with red necks shooting at them for target practice and fun. In LAND, we see the zombies hung with targets on them after Big Daddy has the butcher zombie knock out some wood.

This is nothing more than a waste of your time. But I felt compelled to share my observation. Have a nice evening. :D

18-Sep-2006, 11:58 AM
There was probably thousands of Death Rings and Target Practices set up all over the country in the early stages of the outbreak with people thinking they could use the apocalypse for fun an games. Obviously they were WRONG! lol

24-Sep-2006, 12:32 AM
I was watching NIGHT 90 for the first time tonight (that's right, the very first time. :eek: ) and two things stuck out at the end that were also shown in LAND. One, the little ring used for a zombie and a human to get at it for entertainment. In NIGHT 90, we saw the zombie and the guy in the wooden circle while a circle of rednecks and beers with sticks stand around in amusement. We see it in LAND, when Slack is thrown into the ring with the zombie to dance with death. Another is when the zombies are hung for target practice. In NIGHT 90, in the same area as the first part, is the zombies hung from trees with red necks shooting at them for target practice and fun. In LAND, we see the zombies hung with targets on them after Big Daddy has the butcher zombie knock out some wood.

This is nothing more than a waste of your time. But I felt compelled to share my observation. Have a nice evening. :D

Here is a real brainburner. While purely speculation, perhaps the same zombies inhabiting those rings (and the carnival like attractions) in Land were the same rednecks that subjected zombies to that in Night. The same zombies hanging with targets on them in Land could be the same rednecks who were hanging zombies from trees in Night. Karma has a way to come back and bite you. As if anyone from Night 90 (including Barbara) survived another 4-5 months :D

25-Sep-2006, 10:44 AM
Here is a real brainburner. While purely speculation, perhaps the same zombies inhabiting those rings (and the carnival like attractions) in Land were the same rednecks that subjected zombies to that in Night. The same zombies hanging with targets on them in Land could be the same rednecks who were hanging zombies from trees in Night. Karma has a way to come back and bite you. As if anyone from Night 90 (including Barbara) survived another 4-5 months :DWell, that would certainly be poetic justice.;)

25-Sep-2006, 10:24 PM
The Barbara character in NOTLD 90 says "we're them and they're us." whilst watching the target practice etc. It's just a narrative device to demonstrate the interesting ways that people will behave when societal norms have been removed. With these norms and laws are gone or at least temporarily suspended people are free to indulge their baser appetites. All the nasty stuff that we keep locked away comes bubbling to the surface, those interested should read a bit about what really went on during the Cultural revoloution in China.
A world in which the dead walked would bring out the very worst in people.
It would be Hell.

25-Sep-2006, 10:50 PM
Yea, the "We're them and they're us" is a very overhanded statement about George's social commentary, his consistent theme of humans losing their humanity while the zombies gain more of it.

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 02:07 AM
The Barbara character in NOTLD 90 says "we're them and they're us." whilst watching the target practice etc. It's just a narrative device to demonstrate the interesting ways that people will behave when societal norms have been removed. With these norms and laws are gone or at least temporarily suspended people are free to indulge their baser appetites. All the nasty stuff that we keep locked away comes bubbling to the surface, those interested should read a bit about what really went on during the Cultural revoloution in China.
A world in which the dead walked would bring out the very worst in people.
It would be Hell.

This goes for you too mait. I feel like i'm in philosophy slass all of a sudden. Good stuff guys. Like ben said, 'it doesn't take long for the world to fall apart does it?" You have to look no further than katrina and what went on at the superdome to see what evil lurks within the hearts of men once societal norms have been removed.