View Full Version : George Carlin - Who really owns America

18-Sep-2006, 10:54 AM

Lot of profanity if that kind of thing offends, but an interesting perspective on American life.

18-Sep-2006, 10:57 AM

Lot of profanity if that kind of thing offends, but an interesting perspective on American life.

DAMN Network firewall at work... Blocks the damn vid because it is on myspace.


18-Sep-2006, 01:09 PM

18-Sep-2006, 02:38 PM
that is great and the dead on frakkin truth. that is why i favor a few things:

1. the general cancellation of all debts. erase them and start over. just like the athenians did at the start of their democracy.

2. a fixed upper limitation at 10% on the amount of interest anyone can charge on anything.

3. public ownership of all utlities, mines, fossil fuel resources. if it comes out of the ground or it is water or electrictiy the public owns it- NOT some power hungry, greedy corporation.

4. the extreme taxation of property and wealth from anyone worth more than 2 or 3 million who is not engaged in an artistic occupation. there is no such thing as wealth creation by corporations/business - only usurpation. it isn't wealth until some ass puts a fence around it and says "you can't touch this anymore it's mine" the scumbags who run wal-mart (and most other corporations) are making zillions while they gleefully expolit the hell out of people by paying them 6 or 7 dollars an hour and then expecting them to pick up the tab on a good part of their health care.

5. the institution of a national assembly that has to approve every single act of congress. meeting 2-3 times a year via the voting booth.

6. going robespierre on the entire upper 5% in this country. anyone know where a sharp guillotine can be had?

18-Sep-2006, 04:09 PM
6. going robespierre on the entire upper 5% in this country. anyone know where a sharp guillotine can be had?

That would be unnecessary because the top 5% would be jumping from their penthouse windows should ever the first 5 options happen.

18-Sep-2006, 06:57 PM
4. the extreme taxation of property and wealth from anyone worth more than 2 or 3 million who is not engaged in an artistic occupation. there is no such thing as wealth creation by corporations/business - only usurpation. it isn't wealth until some ass puts a fence around it and says "you can't touch this anymore it's mine" the scumbags who run wal-mart (and most other corporations) are making zillions while they gleefully expolit the hell out of people by paying them 6 or 7 dollars an hour and then expecting them to pick up the tab on a good part of their health care.


6. going robespierre on the entire upper 5% in this country. anyone know where a sharp guillotine can be had?

Very entertaining, but for one thing, IT HAS NEVER WORKED WHEREVER IT HAS BEEN TRIED. Remove the profit motive and you make unproductive drones out of most people. Simple human psychology. Also, why give artists a pass?


18-Sep-2006, 07:18 PM
that is great and the dead on frakkin truth. that is why i favor a few things:

1. the general cancellation of all debts. erase them and start over. just like the athenians did at the start of their democracy.

2. a fixed upper limitation at 10% on the amount of interest anyone can charge on anything.

3. public ownership of all utlities, mines, fossil fuel resources. if it comes out of the ground or it is water or electrictiy the public owns it- NOT some power hungry, greedy corporation.

4. the extreme taxation of property and wealth from anyone worth more than 2 or 3 million who is not engaged in an artistic occupation. there is no such thing as wealth creation by corporations/business - only usurpation. it isn't wealth until some ass puts a fence around it and says "you can't touch this anymore it's mine" the scumbags who run wal-mart (and most other corporations) are making zillions while they gleefully expolit the hell out of people by paying them 6 or 7 dollars an hour and then expecting them to pick up the tab on a good part of their health care.

5. the institution of a national assembly that has to approve every single act of congress. meeting 2-3 times a year via the voting booth.

6. going robespierre on the entire upper 5% in this country. anyone know where a sharp guillotine can be had?

Why punish people who are earners and achievers? Youd be out of a job. Its not the poor, angry, and dependant on the government who are keeping the economy going, its the "evil capitalists". Theyre powering this forum and your computer as we speak. Contrary to popular beleif not all millionaires and billionaires earned thier wealth by robbing other people, many times they built it by helping other people.

18-Sep-2006, 08:19 PM
Why punish people who are earners and achievers? Youd be out of a job.

Lot's of people are out of a job without punishing them. The earners and achievers are too busy sending those jobs to cheap labor sheetholes.

18-Sep-2006, 09:08 PM
Lot's of people are out of a job without punishing them. The earners and achievers are too busy sending those jobs to cheap labor sheetholes.

Those jobs go to cheap labor "sheetholes" because its typically uneducated monkey work. We arent a 3rd world country, and we dont need 3rd world country jobs. Which are the jobs that left. If you are out of a job in America and are broke, there is no excuse. This country makes it SO easy to make money that its utterly inconcievable to me anyway that anyone can be homeless or destitute if they are healthy and able to work.

Its not the jobs of these earners and achievers to babysit the people of this country, its thier job to make profits. Period. They still however keep jobs here that are not liable to be shipped for a cheaper labor force. Now, the people who have failed in this equation are not those seeking to build thier companies profits. Its the ungrateful lazy Americans who are too short sighted to get thier educations, or to get themselves thinking properly. Instead of looking for a job with security people should be looking for ways to invest whatever time/money they do have into assets that produce income.

If you, in this day and age are expecting to be taken care of by the Government, your company, or charity then you deserve to be destitute, unless of course youre disabled legitimatly, then you should be given support.

The job economy has changed, and yet people still hold onto these notions from the 1800s, that working harder for other people will make you rich. its simply not true. people need to wake up and see the world we are living in. In this day and age, you need to make your money work for you, not you work for it. If you dont, thats your fault, not the guy seeking a higher profit margin.

Those are the rules of living in a free society. If you dont like it, I suppose one could always move to Cuba, I hear over there you dont have to do much and you get a bare minimum of rations from the government.

18-Sep-2006, 11:08 PM
Well I finally got to watch this. Wow, not only did he hit the nail on the head but he did it in such a comical way that I was literally laughing my ass off for 5 minutes straight.

Has anyone noticed how political George Carlin has gotten over the years... especially for a guy who freely admits he does not vote!

19-Sep-2006, 05:25 AM
Those jobs go to cheap labor "sheetholes" because its typically uneducated monkey work. We arent a 3rd world country, and we dont need 3rd world country jobs. Which are the jobs that left. If you are out of a job in America and are broke, there is no excuse. This country makes it SO easy to make money that its utterly inconcievable to me anyway that anyone can be homeless or destitute if they are healthy and able to work.

Wow, you really don't know what your talking about. Outsourcing is occuring because it is CHEAPER for the big companies to exit the country, pay pennies to the extremely poor to make their product and then pay the import/export taxes applied to their products, than for them to actually pay an American worker minimum wage to make the same product. Come to Michgian and tell people that there is no reason for them to be out of work. Come here and see how much of our industry has been outsourced to Mexico because it is cheaper to pay a Mexican worker $0.25 an hour than to pay minimum wage here. Do a little research on what you are saying next time before you post something as insane as that.

As for the original reason for the post, George Carlin in the man. Enough said.

19-Sep-2006, 07:28 AM
Those jobs go to cheap labor "sheetholes" because its typically uneducated monkey work.

Try telling programmers that have had their jobs outsourced to India that drivel.

19-Sep-2006, 01:00 PM
Wow, you really don't know what your talking about. Outsourcing is occuring because it is CHEAPER for the big companies to exit the country, pay pennies to the extremely poor to make their product and then pay the import/export taxes applied to their products, than for them to actually pay an American worker minimum wage to make the same product. Come to Michgian and tell people that there is no reason for them to be out of work. Come here and see how much of our industry has been outsourced to Mexico because it is cheaper to pay a Mexican worker $0.25 an hour than to pay minimum wage here. Do a little research on what you are saying next time before you post something as insane as that.

As for the original reason for the post, George Carlin in the man. Enough said.

I dont see how you could quote exactly what I said and still not have gotten it. The reason those jobs go overseas is because the American standard of living is so high that that wages required to keep it going are going to bankrupt the majority of these jobs after long. WHy do you think Ford cant keep up? Its dying slowly because its committed to keeping its manufacturing in the USA open and they have to pay the assembly line workers something like 50K a year. For monkey work. ANd theres not assurance it will stop there, every year Unions demand raises, more holidays and so forth and so on. You cannot compete in a global market if your labor is that expensive.

So they do the right thing (business wise) and move thier jobs to where the labor is cheaper. I would too if I had shareholders to be responsible to. THat in turn does what? Makes thier product cheaper, thats right. THe reason why you can usually afford a Toyota vs a Ford isnt because of quality differences. Its because 1 was made with cheaper labor and 1 was made with overpayed bloated salary union workers.

I feel for the people in Michigan, I do really. But you cannot blame the achievers for doing whats right for them. THese people in Michigan need to come up with a new plan, having someone else take care of them isnt it. They need to start to figure out ways to make thier money work for them, instead of living paycheck to paycheck.

One of the things they can do is support the privitization of social security into some kind of an annuity fund. This way they can invest thier capital and make the money work for them. Anything would be better than than the current broken system. But thats another topic.

I think youre thinking a bit much with your heart in this case than your brain, which is ok at 1st because its an emotional issue. But I can assure you, crying about greed, and capitalism isnt going to bring back jobs that dont belong here anymore.

Like I said, those manufacturing jobs are 3rd world jobs, they fit in the United states well from the 1800s to the mid 1950s, but we arent an industrial nation anymore. We have grown past that. We are living in a fast paced infomation technology age, which means people need to change with it. People who think going to work for a paycheck and a pension at the plant is the way to go are wrong, its like tilling the fields with oxen instead of a gas powered combine.

People need to get educated and figure out how to manipulate the system to make thier money work for them. Thats where we are in this day and age. And if someone doesnt want to accept that they can strangle the plant job they still have ever tighter until it has to eventually close down or move overseas to a place where the workers arent the major cost of production.

Try telling programmers that have had their jobs outsourced to India that drivel.

In terms of "work" in this economy coding is basically monkey work for kids fres out of school. Didnt you watch office space? I have several friends in the industry, they all tell me its chump work. I dont blame those companies for going overseas, if those Indians (in a 3rd world coun try) can do the work as well as educated people in the msot welathy and richest nation on earth then why pretend the jobs are anything more than they really are?

19-Sep-2006, 01:33 PM
One of the things they can do is support the privitization of social security into some kind of an annuity fund. This way they can invest thier capital and make the money work for them. Anything would be better than than the current broken system. But thats another topic.


I dont blame those companies for going overseas, if those Indians (in a 3rd world coun try) can do the work as well as educated people in the msot welathy and richest nation on earth then why pretend the jobs are anything more than they really are?

Nobody's going to privatize Social Security. The Congress likes using those funds as a cash cow for projects and the people are afraid they'll get screwed in the Stock Market so they LET the Government use that money and fill the till with IOU's that will never be repaid. Social Security, begun by the now sainted FDR will stumble along the next few years and expire about the time most of us plan to draw from it. Which is why I don't plan to.

As far as Indian workers doing the work as well as Western workers. I suggest you try calling the AOL help line sometime to dispell that notion.


19-Sep-2006, 01:49 PM
Nobody's going to privatize Social Security. The Congress likes using those funds as a cash cow for projects and the people are afraid they'll get screwed in the Stock Market so they LET the Government use that money and fill the till with IOU's that will never be repaid. Social Security, begun by the now sainted FDR will stumble along the next few years and expire about the time most of us plan to draw from it. Which is why I don't plan to.

As far as Indian workers doing the work as well as Western workers. I suggest you try calling the AOL help line sometime to dispell that notion.


THe language of the privitization needs to be workd out, I agree stock market investing? LAME. It should go into an annuity fund so we can use it on specific things like funerals, college education, buying a home etc. Or an automatica withdrawl when you reach a specific age.

Youre right though the government does love having that as a little savings account to fund thier BS from. Which is why I am also for making the government smaller and ending social programs we dont need.

As for the Indian workers, well I have neve rhad any trouble with them, but then I dont tend to get angry when I am talking to a nonwhite person with an accent when I talk to them on the phone. I cant, my girlfriend is Chinese :P

Either way though they still do a good job, may I suggest not using AOL anymore?:elol:

19-Sep-2006, 02:01 PM
Either way though they still do a good job, may I suggest not using AOL anymore?:elol:

Looking into it. When a company doesn't provide the services you need, you find another I know.

And I really don't mind the accents so much as their use of language. I know they THINK they're speaking English, but the use is often confusing. I am reasonabley well educated, I should be able to understand them... but... I often don't. Plus they apparently using a menu, and sometimes my questions apparently don't fit the pattern.


19-Sep-2006, 02:04 PM
Looking into it. When a company doesn't provide the services you need, you find another I know.

And I really don't mind the accents so much as their use of language. I know they THINK they're speaking English, but the use is often confusing. I am reasonabley well educated, I should be able to understand them... but... I often don't. Plus they apparently using a menu, and sometimes my questions apparently don't fit the pattern.


They will improve in time, thier country is still up and coming, as they progress they will learn more english. From what I remember though of AOL is that they used to use automated services back in the day.

19-Sep-2006, 02:04 PM
Either way though they still do a good job, may I suggest not using AOL anymore?:elol:

Looking into it. When a company doesn't provide the services you need, you find another I know.

And I really don't mind the accents so much as their use of language. I know they THINK they're speaking English, but the use is often confusing. I am reasonabley well educated, I should be able to understand them... but... I often don't. Plus they apparently are using a menu, and sometimes my questions "apparently" don't fit the pattern.


Sorry for the multiple post, was trying to edit, and messed up. Maybe I should just go for a walk.
