View Full Version : Body parts in the news

19-Sep-2006, 12:24 AM
Man rejects first penis transplant (http://www.guardian.co.uk/science/story/0,,1874818,00.html)

A 44 year old man lost his penis in an accident, then received the penis of a man half his age in a successful transplant operation. Although everything seemed to be working alright, within two weeks he had the *new* penis amputated, "because of a severe psychological problem of the recipient and his wife."

Dude, ever hear of *counseling*?? I think a couple months of that would have been worth a try, eh?

In kind-of-related news....

Woman Pleads Guilty in Fake Penis Case (http://hosted.ap.org/dynamic/stories/F/FAKE_PENIS_SCARE?SITE=7219&SECTION=HOME&TEMPLATE=DEFAULT&CTIME=2006-09-15-06-51-51)

A woman pleaded guilty to disorderly conduct in connection with a bizarre incident in February that resulted in a fake penis being microwaved at a convenience store.

Leslye Creighton, 41, of Wilkinsburg, entered the plea Wednesday, and authorities dropped the same charge against Vincent Bostic, 31, of Pittsburgh, who has agreed to help pay $425 to replace the store's microwave, police and the couple's defense attorney said.

Police in McKeesport, about 10 miles east of Pittsburgh, said the Feb. 23 incident began when Bostic filled a fake penis with his urine that they said Creighton planned to use to pass a drug test to get a job.

The two stopped at a GetGo! convenience store and, after wrapping the device in a paper towel, asked a store clerk to heat it up in a microwave, police said. Authorities said they believe Creighton wanted the device heated so the urine inside would be at body temperature during the drug test.

The clerk, however, believing the lifelike device to be a severed penis, called police.

Wait a minute, LESLYE planned on using the fake penis to pass a drug test? How did she expect that to work? Maybe something like this:

Interviewer: "Ms Creighton, your application looks fine, but we need you to pass a drug screening before we can hire you. Now if you'll take this cup..."

Leslye: "A pee test? No problem! Let me just whip this out..."


Moral of the story: Don't do drugs!

Hmm, if the lady from the second story had gotten in touch with the guy from the first, she wouldn't have had to use a fake one!

19-Sep-2006, 01:12 AM
haha thats funny stuff. some peaple are simply retarded the things they do.