View Full Version : Zombie Chicks

19-Sep-2006, 07:38 AM
Okay, where I come from in Ohio, I have known a lot of guys that like zombie films. But the girls around here mostly like Scream, Urban Legends, and preppy crap like that. I used to live (and currently still work) in the stuck up preppy college town of Oxford though. (Ben Roethlisberger went here at Miami University) However, when I saw the Monroeville Mall tour on the 4 disc edition of "Dawn '78" I was a little surprised. I saw some normal looking people, and like, females, taking the tour and looking interested! All those years I thought I was a sick twisted little kid. (I was but that's a different thread altogether) I'm curiouse, how many girls do you think are members of this forum? My guess would be only about 25-30%. I'm not trying to be sexist or stereotypical here, I'm just curious. What's your guess?

19-Sep-2006, 01:34 PM
Fairly low, I'd say your guess of 30% would be right, if that many. I didn't know there was a 4 disc edition of Dawn, where can you get it?

Mister Chrome
19-Sep-2006, 01:45 PM
I would say less than 10% of the forum members here are females.

However, that doesn't mean that zombie chicks are non-existent. I was actually AT the 2003 Pittsburgh Comicon (where the Mall Tour video clip was shot) and there were plenty of zombie chicks. Some were what you'd expect: Goth, fishnet stockings, black lace, lots of black make-up. Some where surprisingly "normal" as you'd say. Several of them were strippers or porn stars, but that's all good too.


19-Sep-2006, 01:48 PM
I didn't know there was a 4 disc edition of Dawn, where can you get it?

I see that you're in England. It's a Region 1 collection, so you would need a multi-region DVD player. It was released by Anchor Bay Entertainment. You should be able to find it easily on the net. It's called "Dawn of the Dead Ultmate Editon".

19-Sep-2006, 01:55 PM
If I see a pretty one i'll marry her

19-Sep-2006, 02:26 PM
(looking off toward the distant horizon) :| I've always dreamed of having a girl by my side who could watch my horror flicks with me and appreciate the deeper aspect to them. (eyes narrow) :sneaky: I suppose I'm just destined to be a lone fighter in this death drenched world. (Romero did it. I wonder if there's more where he got his or if he got the last one... I don't know)

19-Sep-2006, 03:11 PM
I must've got lucky. My wife loves horror movies and even zombie movies to boot. One of the reasons we got on so well early in our relationship. We both loved scary gore-filled movies. :D


19-Sep-2006, 03:17 PM
I must've got lucky. My wife loves horror movies and even zombie movies to boot. One of the reasons we got on so well early in our relationship. We both loved scary gore-filled movies. :D

Ditto....my gal LOVES them also!
She's watched Shaun of the Dead once a month in the last two years; even picked up the line "Two seconds..." when telling me to "hold on and shut up"...in fact, she's the one that named one of our Dogs Bub.

19-Sep-2006, 03:19 PM

Unfortunately, my wife was drilled with Shaun for MONTHS! She loved it, but finally got sick of it once Dj and I started working on our 100th viewing. :D


19-Sep-2006, 05:58 PM
yeah theres deff a lot of goth type chicks that like zombie movies. my kind of girlfriend person likes them. it's oretty cool, she likes day. but you know what? i heard lori cardille talking about her 21 year old daughter on the deadpit.com interveiws. now thats a zombie chick i wanna see! i bet shes hot! :evil: i always thought lori was! :D

20-Sep-2006, 03:11 AM
the girl that i'am seeing right now loves horror movies. on our first date we watched a movie and see picked a nightmare on elm street 3. she said that is her favorite movie. she also thought that my huge collection of horror movies was the coolest thing she ever saw.