View Full Version : *sigh* Labour's big brother state keeps expanding...

19-Sep-2006, 10:12 AM

Utterly insane ... surely completely unworkable and completely unpassable in this era of civil liberties and whatnot (ironically the sort of stuff Cherie "Big F*ck Off Teeth" Blair practices in court - for the Americans, she was recently caught out by her own namby-pamby agenda, classic stuff).

But if Labour think they can squeeze this crap through, they really are losing it...:eek: Everyone looking forward to another 3 or 4 years of this? ... I thought as much...

19-Sep-2006, 01:05 PM

Utterly insane ... surely completely unworkable and completely unpassable in this era of civil liberties and whatnot (ironically the sort of stuff Cherie "Big F*ck Off Teeth" Blair practices in court - for the Americans, she was recently caught out by her own namby-pamby agenda, classic stuff).

But if Labour think they can squeeze this crap through, they really are losing it...:eek: Everyone looking forward to another 3 or 4 years of this? ... I thought as much...

Time to elect the conservatives ;) Like Canada.

19-Sep-2006, 01:17 PM
Poor old labour, they could run this country the way they want without bastard people who live here and elected them getting in the way.

19-Sep-2006, 02:19 PM
Does it really matter who we vote for? It's gonna happen sooner or later.

19-Sep-2006, 06:38 PM
lol, I know exactly what you mean RF...

And Cykotic, it always matters.

19-Sep-2006, 07:07 PM
Ive nothing to hide,but it doesnt mean im happy about them keeping track on EVERYTHING i do!No doubt soon we'll have to "clock in" when we wake up,and pay tax on hours spent conscious!its just unnerving knowing that someone is sat at a desk,reading all the details of your daily business,& trying to find anything they can to let them throw the book at you!:eek:
Of course these laws wont apply to labour ministers,or anyone who makes healthy financial contributions to the labour party,allowing them all to stay squeaky clean

20-Sep-2006, 09:50 AM
I know! They say "if you have nothing to hide, you've nothing to worry about" - but that isn't the damn point you ivory tower sitting wankers! It's the fact that this crap is a severe erosion of civil liberties and the right to privacy. It's just like that retarded black box in the car idea Labour came up with recently. I hope that this sort of crap will just get long-grassed (like a shedload of other Labour policies/ideas etc), because quite frankly I've no idea how it could ever go through - but the fact they've actually decided to take action to TRY and push it through is shocking.

If people weren't binge drinking all the time to take their minds off their depression and frustrations with modern life (and gubment), then they'd SEE what's going on - hey, maybe that was the real motive behind 24 hour drinking? To keep the nation in a stupor...hmmm...I wouldn't be surprised.

It's also that all of these moronic civil servant types would have access to all this information - these people are essentially like everyone else, but just sitting in a cosy gubment job (designed for good press, but practically it slows everything down with a red tape festival) - I certainly wouldn't trust my information with these people. I also certainly don't trust anyone having all or most of my details all on one database, because - IT WILL BE HACKED INTO. Even if they say it's impossible, IT WILL HAPPEN guaranteed and then there'll be utter chaos on a massive, massive scale.

And refusing to put your info in and you get fined!? Utterly Orwellian, beyond unbelievable ... next thing you'll be getting charged to breathe, or walk a certain distance. Hell, they're wanting to charge you for putting "too much" in your bins and travelling at all in your own friggin' car.

On the latter, it's like they want us all out of our cars, yet it's an ironic (as well as completely retarded - and characteristically Labour) move because just think of the money the gubment is raking in from us all driving our own cars...these guys are unbelievably retarded.

20-Sep-2006, 12:22 PM
How are you guys suprised? 1ST They unarmed you. Now you guys couldnt fight the government if you really had to, they got guns and you guys dont. The 1st thing a tyranical government does is disarm its populace before it starts to become facist.