View Full Version : Demons

20-Sep-2006, 12:53 PM
Any Demons fans out there??

20-Sep-2006, 01:03 PM
Any Demons fans out there??

Dude, I love that movie. A lot of people on this forum have zombie dreams (so do I), but I also have "Demons" dreams.

That flick is very fun to watch especially with the 80's soundtrack.

I consider it one of the best Italian horror flicks.

20-Sep-2006, 01:25 PM
Its great to find someone else that loves this movie, everyone says theres no depth or story to the movie, but thats what i love the randomness, its just blood, guts, green slime pussing out of wounds and totally unapologetic about it.

21-Sep-2006, 08:47 AM
Its great to find someone else that loves this movie, everyone says theres no depth or story to the movie, but thats what i love the randomness, its just blood, guts, green slime pussing out of wounds and totally unapologetic about it.
Demons is great fun. It's true, the story makes little sense, the acting is crap
and the whole thing is crazier than a snakes armpit. So what? it's got a lot going for it; random and improbable violence, people running around like headless chickens, "quality" dubbing and a great soundtrack> Plus,: a film so tasteless that a hapless blind man is killed by the demons is a winner in my book:D :elol:

21-Sep-2006, 12:15 PM
The black pimp's dubbing is high-larious! A great piece of 80's trash for sure.

21-Sep-2006, 04:03 PM
The black pimp's dubbing is high-larious! A great piece of 80's trash for sure.

You dig??? He was so cool they used him again in the 2nd movie. Actually I was rooting for him to survive.

22-Sep-2006, 09:53 AM
:lol: the pimps great, I was rooting for him in both movies. He should have been the survivor ahhh well... shame about the third movie in the series though the Ogre. and what about the helicopter in th efirst one that was so random. I remeber watching the documentry for the movie on dvd and all he had to say was we thought we could do the helicopter scene so we just did (trying not to give away any spoilers).

22-Sep-2006, 10:18 AM
I agree, Demons has been one of my favorite films since i first saw it.
How about Demons 2, how did you guys like that? Personally, i liked it jsut as much as the first.

22-Sep-2006, 12:08 PM
Demons 2 was great but the same thing as the first, except for the first demon actully coming out of the screen and the story (weakly used word) has just changed location. but i still like it when the bodybuilder gets his nuts ripped off, ewww...

22-Sep-2006, 12:12 PM
Looks like I need to finally pop in Demons 2. It's been on the shelf for awhile, just never got around to watching it.

26-Sep-2006, 12:20 PM
Any of you seen the weak ass Demons 3: the ogre

26-Sep-2006, 12:51 PM
Any of you seen the weak ass Demons 3: the ogre

It is on my Blockbuster Online Queue. Should I take it off?

26-Sep-2006, 01:33 PM
It is on my Blockbuster Online Queue. Should I take it off?

Watch it if you really want to, but i promise you will find no connection with the original, slow movie story, no where near enough gore to take up the name sake demons. about the only good thing I have to say good about this is the main lady has some nice t*ts and you get a peek.

26-Sep-2006, 01:54 PM
Demons 3 The Orgre? What's the story on that? Is it the same as The Church. I remember reading the back of the video and they claimed it was part of the Demons trilogy.

Nevermind. They're not the same movie. What a let down passing off The Ogre and The Church as Demons 3. Total crap.