View Full Version : WTF? Strange picture...

21-Sep-2006, 04:14 PM
Ok, not sure if this is real or not, but it certainly looks like it. I have my doubts though.

Can you tell what doesn't belong in this pic? :D


21-Sep-2006, 04:16 PM
ya, snopes.com has that one as "undetermined" I believe......still, I'd freak!!!!
Hmmmmm, wait a tick, perhaps if I liked that frog........colors, maybe?

21-Sep-2006, 04:46 PM
Well, being that you can't see the other side of the bag, they could have easily purchased the product, very carefully opened it at top, put the frog in, and then glued the bag closed again.

This can be done with dvd wrapping if you're very careful;)

Then again, it could be a strange coincidence and pretty funny to discover once you got home from the store.....

21-Sep-2006, 05:01 PM
:lol: @ the frog licking :D

That's what I was thinkin' too, bassman. He might've just inserted the frog from the bottom. Somehow I can't picture the frog surviving the packing process - but then again, who knows. Stranger things have happened.


21-Sep-2006, 05:06 PM
Where did you find that pic? Got a link?

21-Sep-2006, 06:44 PM
The human? - People shouldn't eat green, fresh stuff ... they should eat chocolate and manufactured products.

Actually, this reminds me, one day a long time ago I was in Safeway (indeed, way back when) and saw a millipede (or possibly a centipede - all the same to me) running around inside the packaging of a lettuce. *shudders*

I hate creepy crawlies, I even got attacked by a daddy long legs thing last night fluttering around under my desk, almost went up my bloody boxers! And that was only a few hours after a woodlouse type thing fell from the bloody family room lampshade onto my propped up feet, gave me the fright of my life, geeeeeezus. :eek:

21-Sep-2006, 06:51 PM
Whenever I see something like this it reminds me of a story my Dad told my sister & brothers & I when we were growing up.

Now you have to realize that my Dad was born in 1929 & when he was younger the bottling process wasn't as sophisticated as it is now. Bearing that in mind, he told us of getting home from school one day & going right to the icebox to get his milk. He opened the bottle & caught a strange smell but dismissed it being he was thirsty. He drank down almost the entire bottle of milk & then noticed something at the bottom of the bottle. Turns out it was a dead mouse :eek:. It must have gotten into the bottle before it was capped & drowned in the milk :barf:. Needless to say my Dad was sick for a few days afterwards :dead:.

21-Sep-2006, 07:11 PM
Where did you find that pic? Got a link?

Actually, it was posted on another forum I frequent and I figured i'd share it here. Apparently Adrenochrome said he found it on snopes.com and it's an 'unconfirmed' event, but still interesting to me none the less.

21-Sep-2006, 07:58 PM
Cool, thanks. I'm going post the pic on the boxing forum later on.

21-Sep-2006, 10:57 PM
Wouldn't the frog have used up the oxygen inside the bag if it had been in there long enough?

The bag was probably opened up from the back, frog inserted, then held in place (notice the location of the hand). If legit, why not snap the pic with the bag resting on a table? Don't know about that guy, but I hate snapping pics one-handed.

Smells fake to me.

21-Sep-2006, 11:05 PM
The human? - People shouldn't eat green, fresh stuff ... they should eat chocolate and manufactured products.

Actually, this reminds me, one day a long time ago I was in Safeway (indeed, way back when) and saw a millipede (or possibly a centipede - all the same to me) running around inside the packaging of a lettuce. *shudders*

I hate creepy crawlies, I even got attacked by a daddy long legs thing last night fluttering around under my desk, almost went up my bloody boxers! And that was only a few hours after a woodlouse type thing fell from the bloody family room lampshade onto my propped up feet, gave me the fright of my life, geeeeeezus. :eek:
"Attacked by a daddy long legs"? Minion Zombie is nowt but a big girls blouse!:lol: :D
Years back, I used to work at Sainsbury' and we'd get all kinds of fauna jumping out of fruit and veg, bananas especially, lizards, roaches,spiders etc.
I used to be a fishmonger as well. Hands up who likes cod? Well there's these parasitic worms we used to pick out of the fillets....:sneaky:

Ok, not sure if this is real or not, but it certainly looks like it. I have my doubts though.

Can you tell what doesn't belong in this pic? :D


I think this is fake. That kind of salad is usually washed in a chlorine solution:eek: and the bags are airtight. I think the frog would die before it got to the consumer.

21-Sep-2006, 11:25 PM
The human? - People shouldn't eat green, fresh stuff ... they should eat chocolate and manufactured products.

Actually, this reminds me, one day a long time ago I was in Safeway (indeed, way back when) and saw a millipede (or possibly a centipede - all the same to me) running around inside the packaging of a lettuce. *shudders*

I hate creepy crawlies, I even got attacked by a daddy long legs thing last night fluttering around under my desk, almost went up my bloody boxers! And that was only a few hours after a woodlouse type thing fell from the bloody family room lampshade onto my propped up feet, gave me the fright of my life, geeeeeezus. :eek:

I was vacationing at Hilton Head Island South Carolina once and I bought a box of cookies, It was completely sealed. I opened it up and the box of cookies was totally infested with bugs and the cookies were all crumbled. it was soooo gross!

21-Sep-2006, 11:37 PM
I was vacationing at Hilton Head Island South Carolina once and I bought a box of cookies, It was completely sealed. I opened it up and the box of cookies was totally infested with bugs and the cookies were all crumbled. it was soooo gross!
I remember once when we were kids there was one of those freak insect plagues that occur every now and again. This particualr one was a plague of earwigs, the little phuckers were in everthing. I remember my Mum cutting a slice from a loaf that was not long opened, it was teeming with them.:eek:

22-Sep-2006, 05:06 AM
in my opinion its photoshoped

speaking of funny pictures this gets me everytime


22-Sep-2006, 10:19 AM
Big girl's blouse eh? A BGB with Super Moderator status though... :elol:

Some people just don't "do" insects, they're too skittish and out of my personal control, if it's a proper animal like a gerbil or a dog then that's fine.

22-Sep-2006, 02:51 PM
Big girl's blouse eh? A BGB with Super Moderator status though... :elol:

Some people just don't "do" insects, they're too skittish and out of my personal control, if it's a proper animal like a gerbil or a dog then that's fine.
So, let's see if I've got this right, you were alarmed at the prospect of a daddy long-legs going up your boxers but a GERBIL in a similar position would be alright?:eek: WTF?:eek:
Say it aint so, Minion.:D

22-Sep-2006, 02:55 PM
So, let's see if I've got this right, you were alarmed at the prospect of a daddy long-legs going up your boxers but a GERBIL in a similar position would be alright?:eek: WTF?:eek:
Say it aint so, Minion.:D

:lol: :lol:

Too funny.. he's got ya there, MZ. :p :D

***edited to say: w00t! my 420th post! :D

22-Sep-2006, 06:05 PM
Ahhhh, now you're twisting my words.

I was given a fight because I wasn't exactly expecting a DLL to skitter up my naked leg within DLL-spitting distance of Senoir Wang, so when you're suddenly being felt up by something that you know isn't attached to your own wrist, then it's a bit of a fright for a moment.

And what I meant was I'm creeped out by creepy crawlies - in general (although, especially when they're going for me bits n pieces). "Proper" animal as in a gerbil or a dog, rather than an insect (in my opinion), is the sort of animal I can get along with ... not in a sexual way though, ya dirty bastard ya!

I have to say, a dog sniffing your crotch is quite scary ... to me at least ... I keep thinking "is this dog going to go all cujo on me tackle?" at a moment's notice, because I seem to get on with dogs. I like them and they like me (though I'd never bother owning one), but now and then one doesn't take a liking to you (mis-communication on my part I think when I don't properly "introduce" myself to them and their "territory" - no I don't mean piss in someone's back garden).

Gerbils (and similar) are cute, fuzzy little chaps and we used to have three when I was a kid, although I was slightly creeped out when we'd let them out of their cage and crawl around in the room or on us, I just kept seeing the curious thing going down the back of my shirt. :lol:

Now, cleared up? There's no "interspecies erotica" going on in my life, thank you very much. :D

22-Sep-2006, 08:15 PM
Fair enough, no Richard Gere type antics in chez Minion,:p . I do get what you mean about creepy crawlies, most of 'em don't bother me exept for centipedes; "they creep me out".

24-Sep-2006, 04:22 AM
Ok, not sure if this is real or not, but it certainly looks like it. I have my doubts though.

Can you tell what doesn't belong in this pic? :D


As cool as it is I am certain it is a fake. If you look under the "C" in the word fresco on the package, there is something that is flesh colored inside the bag (a finger maybe to hold the frog in place?).

24-Sep-2006, 12:31 PM
I found a 2 inch grasshopper in a bag of spinach last week. It was quite dead but very very large.

Tossed it in the trash, rinsed the leaves, and still fed the spinach to the g.pigs. That **** is too expensive to toss.

26-Sep-2006, 11:53 AM
I was given a fight because I wasn't exactly expecting a DLL to skitter up my naked leg within DLL-spitting distance of Senoir Wang, so when you're suddenly being felt up by something that you know isn't attached to your own wrist, then it's a bit of a fright for a moment.

Thanks, MZ - I just lost my coffee all over my keyboard over this one.

"...suddenly being felt up by something that you know isn't attached to your own wrist..." :lol: :lol: :lol:

too damn funny

26-Sep-2006, 12:55 PM
....in a bag of spinach last week.

Uhhh....did you not watch the news last week?

26-Sep-2006, 05:56 PM
good question, bassman - I wonder if the guneia pigs are still alive & kickin'? :rockbrow: