View Full Version : Att: Brits, what the hell is this cat saying?!!

21-Sep-2006, 06:43 PM

Can you guys translate? (I know it is suppose to be funny, but sorry if it is offensive in any way.)

:dead: -Dawg

22-Sep-2006, 02:02 AM
pfft, why do amircans get worried if there not "p.c"? with everything?

here goes:

can i help you?

how you doin' im looking for bucky

what? oh are you looking for bucky?

ah great ive been lookin' for your flat all day, i thought id screwed up somewere, i tell you im dead tired i could do with a beer and a nap

are you okay?

and also some guy fiddled with my privates whiel i was in the que for the bathroom back in blighty

see american english sucks the fun out of everything!!!, youd never find a welsh guy funny if he was translated let me tell you:lol:

22-Sep-2006, 04:26 AM
Holy crap! That makes it even funnier now that I've got the translation!

22-Sep-2006, 11:10 AM
fiddled with my privates? ... I'd have said stolen his umbrella ("brolly"), never heard a wang called a brolly before...funny cartoon though, I love it when Americans can't understand what British people are saying. :lol::D

22-Sep-2006, 02:12 PM
me neither but surely you wouldnt be pissed if someone actaually just fondled your umbrella would you?

22-Sep-2006, 05:56 PM
Well indeed, I figured maybe it was a misprint by the cartoonist himself (also an American?), cos I got the impression the cat was pissed that his umbrella had been pinched and then it rained...that made more sense to me anyway...unless I've been asleep to my own country's native tongue and "brolly" for "dick" slipped by me. :D

22-Sep-2006, 09:32 PM
fiddled with my privates? ... I'd have said stolen his umbrella ("brolly"), never heard a wang called a brolly before...funny cartoon though, I love it when Americans can't understand what British people are saying. :lol::D

Hey we like in on the joke to ya know!!! and yes I thought brolly was umbrella...lol
Anyway whats the use in telling a joke if people dont know what you are saying? hmmm?

22-Sep-2006, 10:26 PM
OMG! That cartoon mirrors my life last night. Yesterday some man came to my door at 11pm and started talking jibberish then left. It left me rather perplexed:eek:

I can picture myself in England totally clueless. I will need Cykotic to translate for me. lol I had no idea what that cat said in he comic. I did not get it. lol

If you were in America and used those words people would have a blank stare.lol

22-Sep-2006, 10:43 PM
lol you could tell us to go to h*** and we wouldn't know it lol

22-Sep-2006, 10:55 PM
I think the cartoon was written by someone not native to these shores, if you got some folk from Lancashire, Yorkshire and the Southeast then fed them into some kind of linguistic blender you might get that jumble of regional English.
Reet gradley me owd flower, aye, tha might say bari. Ho, Hits a jolly 'olliday wif Mary Pawpins Gawd bless you guvnor.:D
Gor blimey! 'Ome page of the dead? Would you Adam and Eve it?

23-Sep-2006, 12:52 AM
and then theres allways the west country, bizaarely the only one americans would get.

"oh-arr the force be strong in this-un!":lol:

24-Sep-2006, 12:05 AM

Now what is he saying? Even Bucky is having a time. :)

:dead: -Dawg

24-Sep-2006, 01:20 AM

Now what is he saying? Even Bucky is having a time. :)

:dead: -Dawg
This one is much much easier. The other cat is his cousin. I think he then says that Bucky's roommate is weird, and he wants some food and something to drink.

24-Sep-2006, 01:39 AM

Now what is he saying? Even Bucky is having a time. :)

:dead: -Dawg



24-Sep-2006, 01:20 PM
This one is much much easier. The other cat is his cousin. I think he then says that Bucky's roommate is weird, and he wants some food and something to drink.

yeah exactly.