View Full Version : Update from a long time ago

21-Sep-2006, 10:15 PM
Some of you guys might remember a post I did a few months back about an ex-girlfriend that I felt real bad about. I had stayed up all night thinking about the way things ended and realized that I was the bad guy. I came on here and told you all about it and your replies were very helpful to me. :)

A few months back I made a MySpace account... don't know why, just did. I was bored one night I guess.

Well today that ex sent me a message. She's the one on the right.


Crazy... sometimes we do things in life for no reason and we never stop to think about the outcome. I tried to find her on MeSpace once but without luck. I want to apologize so I can move on and stop feeling like a total scumbag.

Crrrraaaazy. Quah, too.

21-Sep-2006, 11:36 PM
ya know, sometimes life kicks us in the balls. That's one of the things that keep us sane, I guess.
One thing I've learned over the years is, when you're wrong, admit it as soon as possible; it keeps the headaches away.
Oh, and,.....va va voooom! she's a cutie!
The "never stop to think about the outcome".......man,...there is so much truth in that. Especially since, we as humans, understand the concept of cause and effect. Even tho we know better, we still act like idiots. But, isn't it nice when you realize and admit? Doesn't matter if it's a pos or neg realization, just that you/we/all do.

anyways......you're a skeeter face doo doo head with poo poo smelling feet!:D


21-Sep-2006, 11:48 PM
Yeah, well you is a doo doo faced monkey! Don't make me post the bats again....

:eek: <----you at the bats

I have the bats... and I'm not afraid of letting them out... :evil:

22-Sep-2006, 12:59 AM
sucks tho, don't it?

22-Sep-2006, 02:02 AM
I just spent the last 2 hours on the phone with her, man. Looks like we'll be getting together as friends, maybe. :D

Definately one of the better days. Work's a beeyotch.

22-Sep-2006, 02:54 AM
best of luck, mano.

Take it slow and I'm sure it will all sort itself out in due time.

22-Sep-2006, 04:48 AM
wow, you're back.

22-Sep-2006, 01:57 PM
:moon: <---my back.

Actually, I posted a 'I Have Returned' thread, but unfortunately, there are so many STICKY threads on the first page, that it was buried after one or two other threads opened.

Someone kept nagging me to come back. And once I found out that the REP system was going to become a thing of the past, I figured I'd give it a try. :shifty:

22-Sep-2006, 04:21 PM
...who would've asked YOU to come back...? :shifty: