View Full Version : AMC's Most Frightening Flick Voting

22-Sep-2006, 04:47 PM
Vote for Land in AMC's Most Frightening Flick...

AMC Most Frightening Flick 2006 (http://www.amctheatres.com/amctheatres/user-controller/horror2006)

It's listed under "George A. Romero's Land of the Dead."

Note, there are many movies that don't deserve to even be voted on and so many that should be in the list that aren't. I'd just like to have a GAR film win!


22-Sep-2006, 06:30 PM
Haha, I'm pretty sure you can keep resubmitting too, lol

22-Sep-2006, 06:42 PM
Done and voted. I'm just happy they did not make me register for a site I will probably never visit again.

22-Sep-2006, 10:30 PM
Look at some of the crap that's on that list.:rolleyes: Jaws 2? WTF are these clowns on?
My "Favorite" horror films aren't on that ****ty list.
"13 Ghosts"?WTF? "Gothika"? what a load of balls.
Voted for "land". Keep the faith and all that..:D

23-Sep-2006, 01:47 AM
Haha, I'm pretty sure you can keep resubmitting too, lol

lol you can. Prolly like 3 people are voting Elm St. over and over. ;)

23-Sep-2006, 02:43 AM
Nightmare On Elm Street is winning! HA!

23-Sep-2006, 01:03 PM
Well, it is so nice of them to let us see all fo the votes. Dont know if you can revote or not, I voted 4 times for Land. But I do think that the origianal ELm St was a pretty scary movie. In fact, taking into account the lack of budget, I think it is a downright good movie.

23-Sep-2006, 01:03 PM
I am not going to vote for LAND when there are way better horror films on that list.

A Nightmare on Elm Street, which is still winning.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Hell even John Caprenter's Vampires is a better vote than LOTD.

Now if DAWN 1978 or even DAWN 2004 had been on that list I would have voted for those, but I won't vote for LAND as a great horror film just because it is George A. Romero.

Whats worse is they are making the list on Highest grossing horror films. Ummm, DAWN 2004 made way more money then LAND of the DEAD did in theaters. Why isn't that on the list?

24-Sep-2006, 12:38 AM
The site probably assigns two or three interns/gophers to come up with the first (insert a random number here) horror films that come to mind. It isn't like they left some of your favorites off on purpose. Two or three guys sitting around with a couple of hours to "brainstorm", maybe using nothing but pen and paper. What did you expect? :shifty:

24-Sep-2006, 04:29 AM
I expected a company like "AMERICAN MOVIE CLASSICS" AMC Theaters to make a good list of horror films not some POS list with only a handful of decent titles. I mean WTF, this is AMC after all. They lost major credibility points with me on that list alone.

Yeah I know they won't care about losing points with me, but look how stupid that list and tell me you didn't roll you eyes too. It was pathetic. I expect way more from AMC.

darth los
26-Jun-2007, 02:00 AM
i agree. i'm not voting for land because i don't think it's a very good film. it would be hypocritical to do so just because gar made it. although, i'll always suspect that's why the bulk of people like it.