View Full Version : Can anyone help with a movie title?

22-Sep-2006, 11:33 PM
In the late 80's somebody told me about a film (I think it's) called Freedom Fighters. He said it was like one of those Italian sci-fi Bronx movies about a group of (yup) freedom fighters who protect a bunch of civillians from a zombie uprising in the Mad Max-esque wastelands. I can't find a match for this movie anywhere! Anyone know?

23-Sep-2006, 01:02 AM
a damn i saw this film not 4 days ago on sky, ill ask a freind but damn it bugs me when i forget, it was the one were the zombies talked wasnt ti?

23-Sep-2006, 01:25 AM
I saw that movie too! That's the one about a helicopter that falls into a zombie infested zone and it's up to the military to rescue a bunch of scientists that were on board. It's not the Freedom Fighters one though. FF was made around 82-88. That other movie was made recently.

29-Sep-2006, 07:53 PM
i've never seen this?

how bad is it?

30-Sep-2006, 12:19 AM
Could the movie you saw on Sky called "Raiders of the damned"?
It was made in '05.