View Full Version : Dr. Logan's Rising

24-Sep-2006, 05:02 AM
Forgive me if this has been raised before, but I haven't seen any reference to it yet. On the Day of the Dead 85' DIVIMAX DVD, there is a special feature where a version of the movie is narrated by a man (I think he co-wrote Pulp Fiction?) who raises a question about Dr. Logan's rising after he's shot by Rhodes.

He mentions that he strongly believes that GAR filmed Logan's return to life and it was later cut out of the film for some reason. He said he even had a dream about how it went down? Well, apparently, this guy actually called Romero. Of course he was so intimidated that he turned into a teenage 'fanboy', and failed to ask, and succeed in only kissing GAR's butt. Anyone know what I'm talking about?

I couldn't care less about the story, it's weird and he may be nuts, but it made me come up with some questions:

1) Why wasn't Logan's rising filmed? If you slow the DVD down....it clearly shows he was not shot in the head by Rhodes.

2) Was it filmed, and then taken out so that the movie could come to a faster conclusion? (i.e. budget concerns....??) Day was already a huge downsize from what could have been.

3) Has there ever been any mention of "unedited footage" or the like?
Dawn has "Director's Cut" and Land has scenes at the end that didn't make it.

24-Sep-2006, 06:56 AM
Take it as two things
He rose offscreen
Or based on the original script there comes a point when the unbitten dead don't rise but zombies still exist.

24-Sep-2006, 01:24 PM
Forgive me if this has been raised before, but I haven't seen any reference to it yet.

yeah it has, many, many times ,thats why we have a search button.

24-Sep-2006, 04:06 PM
Not a very professional answer, Hellsing. I can clearly tell you're definately 19years of age.

Maybe you're too young to realize it, but old topics can get new perspectives. I don't think this has been beat to death yet and there have been some new faces lately.

24-Sep-2006, 07:04 PM
ah dont mind hellsing
he is only teasing you

yeah there is a lot about day that we
have discussed
dr logan being one of them

of course if he didnt rise the zombies would
eventualy find him and eat his
fat corpse right up

there are many flaws in day and dawn as well
too many to list for sure

24-Sep-2006, 09:41 PM
I don't see how Logan's rising would have helped the narrative in any way.
Bub's discovery of Logans corpse lends the movie some real pathos, Howard Sherman's performance is peerless.
what would you have? Bub rounding the corner in time for his erstwhile mentor
to revive so they could set of together for a bit of E.C style revenge? That would have been corny as hell and would have diminished much of the impact of Bub's eventual encounter with Rhodes. Sometimes less is more.

25-Sep-2006, 12:33 AM
Here is another thread about Dr. Logan

"I have a question about Dr. Logan."

25-Sep-2006, 04:07 AM
Thanks for the great feedback, guys. Twenty years I've been watching this movie, never thought about this until the other when I revisited this DVD.

I suppose the movie is better without it, but it would be nice to have it as a deleted scene at the end for s*its and giggles.

25-Sep-2006, 01:39 PM
Not a very professional answer, Hellsing. I can clearly tell you're definately 19years of age.

Maybe you're too young to realize it, but old topics can get new perspectives. I don't think this has been beat to death yet and there have been some new faces lately.

I agree, sometimes old topics can get new perspectives. And yeah, Hellsing was just messing with ya. Speaking of new faces, arent you one of them? Unless you were around on the old forums under a diferrent name.

I think that there are several possible answers to the question as to why didnt Logan rise.
1) He was in fact shot in the head. Just because we dont see that doesnt mean that it didnt happen. Maybe a squib failed and they just left the scene as is. Someone else already mentioned it, but I agree that if he did rise it would have ruined the scene of Bub finding his body, and diminished his subsequent meeting with Rhodes.
2) Perhaps dying in a freezer would slow the regeneration process. This is the only instance in the series where someone dies in sub-freezing temperatures, so it is possible that this would delay the rising process.
3) Unintentional error. Like has already been mentioned, there are a multitude of errors throughout the series, including in Dawn in the apartment scene. "Miguel", the zed who bites the girl's arm and neck, is never shot in the head either, and he has already risen (obviously) but still goes down when shot. Just a mistake, again possibly a squib misfire.
4) While possible it was some reference to the original script, I doubt this theory because there is no follow-up or other reference to the plague being over, and that would make it a confusing reference at best, or poor follow-up at the worst.

Personally, I think that option number 1 is most likely what we should assume.

25-Sep-2006, 11:07 PM
Philly, I am indeed one of the new faces on the forums...although I have had this site as a favorite since at least 99' to look at the fiction contributions. Although, it seems as though they are harder to come by lately.

Your number answer seems the most feasible to me. But, had they noticed the screw up in time, a hint that Logan was alive would have been interesting. Maybe a shot of a zombie from the back with a lap coat on after Rhodes is ripped in half and all the 'eating scenes' through out the cave are finished. Just a thought.

26-Sep-2006, 09:58 AM
the soldier that is shot in the corral(greg nicotero) turned into a zombie after his death...

26-Sep-2006, 03:12 PM
I'm not so sure about that one, Sir Jack. As I remember, don't Sarah and McDermott come accross Johnson's head attached to some wires in Logan's lab (when they heard the tape recording of Logan yelling at the zombie)?

When Logan is killed in the freezer, he falls back onto a headless soldier's corpse (Johnson/Nicotero)? So, assuming that head on the table and the headless corpes are the same....why didn't that soldier come back to life in the cave before Dr. Logan had his way with it in the freezer?

The head on the table has no bullet hole in it's forehead, and Steel shoots Miller and runs off to get Capt Rhodes in order to track down a bitten Miguel.

There's plenty of time to rise....before any interference with the cold conditions of the freezer come into play.

26-Sep-2006, 03:23 PM
I'm not so sure about that one, Sir Jack. As I remember, don't Sarah and McDermott come accross Johnson's head attached to some wires in Logan's lab (when they heard the tape recording of Logan yelling at the zombie)?

When Logan is killed in the freezer, he falls back onto a headless soldier's corpse (Johnson/Nicotero)? So, assuming that head on the table and the headless corpes are the same....why didn't that soldier come back to life in the cave before Dr. Logan had his way with it in the freezer?

The head on the table has no bullet hole in it's forehead, and Steel shoots Miller and runs off to get Capt Rhodes in order to track down a bitten Miguel.

There's plenty of time to rise....before any interference with the cold conditions of the freezer come into play.

Yeah....but there wasn't a very long period of time between Nicotero's death and the scene with his re-animated head on the table, was there? So Logan had plenty of time to sever the head, hide the corpse and replace it with a "specimen"(so Rhodes and his men wouldn't find out) before Nicotero became a zombie. Think of the time it took Roger to change in Dawn. And being that the head was severed....only the head could "rise" from the dead. The Brain is supposedly the cause of the re-animation, so without the head being attached, the body stayed dead...

As far as Logan's death goes........either it was meant to be explored upon and couldn't. Or Romero and the special effects team just f*cked up and didn't but a bullet wound on his head. Everybody makes mistakes, right?:p Just look at Romero's casting decision for Big Daddy.:barf:

27-Sep-2006, 03:58 AM
Yeah....but there wasn't a very long period of time between Nicotero's death and the scene with his re-animated head on the table, was there? So Logan had plenty of time to sever the head, hide the corpse and replace it with a "specimen"(so Rhodes and his men wouldn't find out) before Nicotero became a zombie. Think of the time it took Roger to change in Dawn. And being that the head was severed....only the head could "rise" from the dead. The Brain is supposedly the cause of the re-animation, so without the head being attached, the body stayed dead...

As far as Logan's death goes........either it was meant to be explored upon and couldn't. Or Romero and the special effects team just f*cked up and didn't but a bullet wound on his head. Everybody makes mistakes, right?:p Just look at Romero's casting decision for Big Daddy.:barf:

Bassman, I see what you're saying, but I don't think there was a "specimen" involved with Johnson because there was no burial for him and Miler like we see in the begining with Major Cooper's death. After he's shot, Johnson's body has time to come back while sitting limp at the corral entrance while the standoff between Steel and John's group happens on the other side of the cave. After that standoff concludes, only then I would imagine Rhodes, Steel and Rickles would get Torres and they'd carry the bodies back from there to the freezer (on stretchers?)

This may be drawing too many conclusions from assumptions, but I believe Rhodes knew where to look to find out what Logan was feeding Bub because the soldiers had a policy of keeping the bodies of the departed in the freezer before they got the opportunity to burry them up on the surface. Explains the ease of which Dr. Logan obtained Major Cooper's body for his experiments.

Roger took so long to change in Dawn because he was bitten on the arm and leg and stayed alive. It had to slowly work its way through his body, three days I think. In Day', Johnson was shot dead by friendly fire from Miller's M-16. He was dead as sh*t before Miguel got himself bitten. Keeping with the theme of the two previous movies, he should have come back quickly. (There actually aren't any cases of the dead actually coming back to life in Day', only the ones who have already turned).

Ha, I agree with the casting of Big Daddy....they should have stuck with the one armed mexican they'd originally planned on!

27-Sep-2006, 12:11 PM
I once asked Savini if he recalled any deleted scenes being filmed that never made it to DAY and he insisted that there wasn't. Good enough for me.

Indeed, the only thing I've read about is a shot excised from the beginning of DAY that featured a skeletal corpse hanging from a noose. I believe it wasn't included in the final cut because it might cause confusion about the zombie 'rules' with some of the dimmer audience members.

27-Sep-2006, 06:37 PM
I think at that point, Logan wasnt overly thinking about what Rhodes would do if he found out what he did to Nicotero. I think he immediately severed the head just for research, threw the headless body in the freezer, and didnt even consider the consequences. Things were getting pretty tense by that point, and Logan was on the verge (or past it) of losing it. Even if Nicotero did rise, Logan should have been able to control him ans sever his head, because somehow, he had managed to control/experiment on the other specimins. It was always weird to me that he was working by himself, with no military guards in his lab to protect him/his work. Maybe he was a secret badass, we just never get to see that side of him.