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View Full Version : Anyone see this movie?

25-Sep-2006, 02:46 AM
"Bone Sickness" just rented it this weekend...its pretty good cheese!!! Directed by Brian Paulin...he has alot of good "special features" alot of good behind the scenes stuff!
I was watching the different "shoots" and you could get alittle taste of how hard it is just to shoot one scene! Dj and Lou I was thinking of your work on your film "Deadlands" that you have on preorder right now!!!
Anyway if u havent watched it rent it lots of cheese!!

26-Sep-2006, 11:47 AM
Hmmm, I can't say I've ever heard of this movie, but it looks like one i'll have to add to my blockbuster online queue. Thanks for the tip, DA. :)