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25-Sep-2006, 02:02 PM
Check out this picture of Willie's confiscated stash.


I bet the sh!t is top notch herb too!!

25-Sep-2006, 04:39 PM
Cor, that's got my mouth watering! I tell you this now, for a bunch of ol' farts on a bus they sure know how to party. It's almost enough to put doggy-dog in his place!

25-Sep-2006, 04:41 PM
Only someone famous like Willie Nelson could get busted with that much pot and it be a misdemeanor. They were given tickets?!? WTF?? I'm pissed....

25-Sep-2006, 04:53 PM
I wonder what grade of weed it is? Hard to tell in the bag if it is dro, kb, or regular.

25-Sep-2006, 04:54 PM
It comes with the territory of being famous. I mean, hell, Oj got away with murdering two people because of his celebrity status.

It should be of no surprise.

On that note, I wanna have a sit down and a smoke with WN! :D


25-Sep-2006, 05:01 PM
Cor, that's got my mouth watering! I tell you this now, for a bunch of ol' farts on a bus they sure know how to party. It's almost enough to put doggy-dog in his place!

preach it Capn. Preach it.

F**K Snoop Dogg. Willie Nelson is the Man. He carries around 1.5lbs of pot just to go on tour. You know that man is a hrad core smoker. Makes me feel like a light weight.

However, 1.5lbs and he gets a ticket and gets let go. Sheeeeeeet if that was one of us we would have been handcuffed, and charged with felony distribution.

25-Sep-2006, 05:59 PM
However, 1.5lbs and he gets a ticket and gets let go. Sheeeeeeet if that was one of us we would have been handcuffed, and charged with felony distribution.

Amen, brother - celebrity status and money will get your anywhere in life.. although I don't think "WN" is wealthy (didn't he have IRS problems for years?!), he does have 'celeb' status, and I'm sure that helped.

if that was us, we'd be rotting in jail right now singing "Folsom Prison Blues" along with Johnny Cash's ghost. :D


25-Sep-2006, 08:21 PM
Amen, brother - celebrity status and money will get your anywhere in life.. although I don't think "WN" is wealthy (didn't he have IRS problems for years?!), he does have 'celeb' status, and I'm sure that helped.

if that was us, we'd be rotting in jail right now singing "Folsom Prison Blues" along with Johnny Cash's ghost. :D


LOL Lou,

I am working to fix that problem, so someday I can drive with 2lbs of weed in my car and the cop lets me off with a warning ... and lets me keep the weed.

25-Sep-2006, 09:19 PM
Good luck on that one, that's all I can say. :lol:

25-Sep-2006, 09:25 PM
Well DJ, you KNOW Wille didn't get to keep that stash!!!

I would be willing to be Willie's sh!t is top shelf dro! Don't forget the bag of shrooms they were also haulin!

I would definitely like to have a sesh with brotha Willie!

26-Sep-2006, 12:20 PM
y'know, I just read that article a bit more carefully: they were charged with a misdameanor and let go at the scene?! WTF? over a POUND AND A HALF of weed and they're let off on the scene? Must be friggin' nice!

What do you wanna bet about 2 1/2 pounds of weed were found, but only 1 1/2 were reported by the cops?! :lol:

26-Sep-2006, 12:22 PM
Well, I still find it funny that he was let off with even 1.5lbs of weed confiscated.

I am going to look up the law in Louisana in regards to Marijuana possesion.

We need to move to Louisana, first offense laws there are nothing.


26-Sep-2006, 12:25 PM
I would've been surprised if he was let go with 1.5 GRAMS of weed in his posession! :lol:

26-Sep-2006, 04:02 PM
jesus christ man, that'd make jhonny cash blush:lol:

26-Sep-2006, 05:28 PM
If you look on that norml link that DJ gave, Lousiana's first offense for posession say "any amount". Seriously????

So if they caught you rolling through there with a freakin truckload of weed, then they can only charge you with a misdemeanor posession.

That's how I read it??????

Apprently there were 5 people in the bus, 1.5 divided by 5, that's like a third of a pound each, actually it's 4.8 ounces each. Damn, a QP around here will get you intent to distribute and defintie jail time!:eek:

26-Sep-2006, 05:29 PM
I wanna party with Willie

As the title of your thread said.

My response.

"Who Doesn't" :D

26-Sep-2006, 05:50 PM
Sheeeit, in my state, an ounce or more is considered - get this - a FELONY possession charge. http://enderzero.net/smilies/wtfbig.gif

26-Sep-2006, 10:09 PM
Holy shnikes. I'm sure any normal person would get a couple years in the clink for that!

26-Sep-2006, 10:54 PM
yeah, and on top of all that, they'll nail you with intent to distribute along with posession.

Can you say "long jail sentence"? :mad:

26-Sep-2006, 11:07 PM
Misdemeanor for a pound of weed.

I got 18 months probation for a single pill of ecstacy. WAS looking at 3 years in prison for it.


27-Sep-2006, 12:24 PM
THREE YEARS? for a single pill?! :stunned:

27-Sep-2006, 12:26 PM
Yeah.....try getting busted for two little plants growing in your basement and they throw a "manufacturing with intent" charge at you. THAT SUCKS.:mad:

Court is coming up soon. ::Gulp:::confused:

27-Sep-2006, 12:33 PM
"manufacturing with intent" - intent to do what, smoke it? :lol:

Sorry bassman, not trying to make light of the issue, but I think you get what I'm saying. It's not like it 2 small plants marks someone as a person who intends to sell it. Hell, 2 plants would only last me a week if I was lucky. :lol:

That really sucks, but if these are first time charges, it may go better than expected. ::fingers crossed::

I swear, laws get stupider every single day. Don't worry about the murders and rapists, worry about that guy with a small 6" plant in his basement, he's dangerous!!!

27-Sep-2006, 12:36 PM
Yeah.....they're throwing the "intent" in there because I had a few empty sacks saved in a cabinet. And they were obviously used. Residue and everything.

:dead: Damn...

27-Sep-2006, 12:38 PM
Man, that sucks harder than monica lewinsky. (sorry, couldn't resist that one)

I thought you guys had a bit more relaxed laws when it came to this kinda thing.....? Guess not. :(

27-Sep-2006, 12:43 PM
Yeah....and what pisses me off the most is that the DTF showed up with a warrant because some old hag in the neighborhood called and said we had a meth lab going. A FRIGGIN METH LAB! I've never even touched that stuff and how the f*ck does one confuse a stoner with a geeker? It just doesn't happen. The only reason I could think that she may have thought we were ice-heads was because we would jam out until the wee hours of the morning. But what musicians don't do that???

She's just a lonely ol' b*tch stirring up trouble. AGGHHHH....I would love to slash her throat and watch her gasp for air.:lol:

If I was famous....I would have gotten the equivelent of a speeding ticket....

27-Sep-2006, 12:59 PM
Good Luck in Court Bassman

I remember in 1999 I was driving through Pottstown, PA and was stopped for doing 32 in a 25 zone and a Sound system violation. Never had been in the town before and I didn't see the sign. Well anyway one cop comes up to one window another cop to another.

The cop asking for my license is doing one thing, then the next cop reaches in the car and grabs my rolling papers and dugout and says what is this. Mind you this stuff was under 2 magazines and he moved the magazines to see it.

I said it looks like illegal search to me. He had a dumb look on his face. I asked him, no offense, but did you ask to reach into my car or ask to search my vehicle. He still sat there dumb founded. So finally the watch commander pulls up and I was very respectful to him and explained what the officer did. He did listen and said something to the officer. He then asked, may we search the car I said sure go ahead. They searched it, found nothing. The couldn't use the paraphnelia (Sp?) they found before I agreed in writing to the search. So after they searched the car they said can we serach you. I said save your time... I just handed the bag I had on me.

Now mind you I was carrying 10 grams, just over a 1/4 oz, The watch commander and two officers go back to the car talk then come back and ask me to wait in the car. So i do. The main officer returns with a "Sound System Ticket which had a $600 fine written on it, and a Violation citation for "Possesion of a small amount of Marijuana" No fine on it.

So I appear in court and get the weed violation $125 fine, not on my record because it is a simple violation. They showed a bag, not mine, with only maybe 2 grams in it. So I said to the judge. I will be honest, that is not my bag, but I was caught with Marijuana. He said really. I said yes. I said I had over 10 grams on me as I had just bought it the night before. That bad is dirty and nasty mine was clean and new and had way more, but since I already plead guilty I am not gonna bitch.

The cop who came to court with the weed, said nothing... he looked pissed at me, but said nothing.

The judge moves to the sound system ticket. I said not guilty. The cop yells out I heard that radio 50 ft away. I said Yeah, and... look up the law. It applies to sound systems other than factory. You noted on the ticket FACTORY radio. Sso by PA law, and town ordinance the charge is bogus. The radio says Ford on it, it is a Mach 460 which came with the car (Mustang GT :D )

So the judge says, ok we will drop it if it is in fact a factory radio. So they walk out to the car and look at the radio and I show them the sticker from when i bought the car. Mach 460 500W audio system by SVT. Standard Equipment.

Charges dropped.

I still wonder to this day, 7 years later what happened to my bag of weed. Where di the other 8 grams go I wonder. :sneaky: :rockbrow:

27-Sep-2006, 01:10 PM
Who knows, but I bet the cops had a good weekend the weekend they pulled you over. :lol:

Bastards. I wouldn't be surprised if the cops kept most of what they take away from people anyway.