View Full Version : Why RZ decided to tackle "Halloween"

26-Sep-2006, 12:48 PM
just found this tidbit of news:

Rob Zombie recently spoke to AOL Music about his decision to direct the remake of John Carpenter's late 70s cult horror flick "Halloween", tentatively due Oct. 19 of next year.

He says it was not an easy decision to take on the job, which begins production immediately following his current tour. "I thought about it for a long time before I even had an answer, 'cause 'Halloween' is a movie that I love," Zombie tells AOL Music. "But then I went off and lived with it for months."

What finally made him say yes? "After thinking for a long time and watching the original over and over, I thought of a way you could take that story and retell it totally different so it wouldn't look like you were just imitating a movie that already existed. There was a way to make it fresh," he says. "After I came up with that idea is when I decided to be part of it."


Ok, so by reading this, does this sound like what you call a "re-envisioning" of Halloween? It's certainly not a "remake" that's for sure.

26-Sep-2006, 12:50 PM
I guess AOL gets their news rather late....

He's said this same thing ever since the film was announced.:rockbrow:

I trust ol' zombie. He'll handle it well.

26-Sep-2006, 01:20 PM
agreed this news is old. and Zombie will kick this things ass.

26-Sep-2006, 01:27 PM
I knew he was remaking the movie, but I didn't realize that quote was that old. :o

That's ok, I have faith in RZ - if there's anyone who can pull this off, I think he can. My fingers are crossed.


26-Sep-2006, 03:59 PM
i think he'll do a good job, while i think house sucked ass it WAS really well directed.

plus even though magazines like total film bad mout him but gobble uwe bolls balls, would you really have prefered another sequel?:rolleyes:

26-Sep-2006, 04:03 PM
It almost sounds like a "new beginning" like with Batman Begins ... if Halloween had to be re-done, then I'm glad it's RZ in charge, after TDR he's proved his worth in bloody shovelfuls. Glad to hear he really put some thought into it, not just viewing it as an "in" or a paycheque, like you'd think with a lot of these other guys doing horror remakes.

I'll be looking forward to seeing what he does with it, and hopefully what he does will be good - if it's anything like TDR it's going to tickle some balls. :thumbsup: