View Full Version : Speaking of the PS3 - game prices

27-Sep-2006, 05:08 PM

I can't believe this. The word is that the new PS3 games will cost around 52 pounds (which is around $100 USD according to the article). WTF?! Is Sony friggin' INSANE?

First, the initial investment of the machine along is going to be around $500 USD, then on top of it all we have to pay close to $100 USD per game? F*ck that! Seriously, how the hell will Sony be able to justify this?!

Here's the source: PS3 Game Prices (http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=34617)

Here's the text:

SONY'S NEW new super soaraway PS3 games will cost punters a stonking $100 or £52 when the machine is finally released.
Japanese site Impress Watch, citing "multiple information sources", claims that PS3 games will be concentrated in the £39-52 range. Currently only bigger titles on the PS2 reach the £39 mark.

At the heart of the price rise was the fact that Sony has been unable turn the PS3 into an open platform in time. It has not produced a development environment, manuals, security management and community features.

This means that Sony has gone for a traditional business model where the price of the PS3 will be low, but it will make up its cash from software royalties.

As we know, the cost of the PS3 will not be that low, so the prospect of £52 games will probably make owning and running the console extremely expensive. The Xbox 360 console will be much cheaper and its games are nearly £20 less.

...and people wonder why I'm not going to invest in a new gaming system anytime soon. I'll stick with my high-end PC thank you very much. :D

27-Sep-2006, 05:44 PM
The word is that the new PS3 games will cost around 52 pounds (which is around $100 USD according to the article).

Here's the text:

PS3 games will be concentrated in the £39-52 range.

XBOX 360 games are currently selling for £39-£49 here in england, all new consoles are expensive when they are first released. it dosn't take long for the price to come down.

27-Sep-2006, 06:27 PM
i'm siding with Andy sorta.

You may see launch titles selling at that rate but i can't really imagine that Sony thinks they'll be clearing $100 per the average game. The economics just aren't there, nor are thier developement costs high enough to warrant those kinds of prices.

Having said that sony's price points on PSP titles has been ****e so perhaps there is some truth to this rumor.

27-Sep-2006, 07:24 PM
True, but Sony is asking for a heck of a lot more for their PS3 unit than Xbox is for the X360, aren't they?

I mean, I understand prices will eventually drop, but my question is, would anyone actually PAY $100 USD (or 54 pounds) for a game? Seriously? I know I sure as hell wouldn't. :lol:

I was just kinda shocked to read that after hearing how much the PS3 will be... and then they want that much for their games. Wow. I know what system I won't be buying if I ever get a nextgen gaming system.


27-Sep-2006, 07:28 PM
i dont think it translates literally either, things are more expensive in england arn't they? (damn our superior currency :rockbrow:)

i mean here, like i already said, XBOX 360 games sell for £40-£50 which translates to around $100 dosn't it? but im sure you guys dont pay that there.

27-Sep-2006, 07:37 PM
I don't know if the $100 price point is accurate but if they are going to try to see if that will fly with consumers I have a bridge in Brooklyn that I can sell them for a nice price :D.

I had heard on another forum that the price point for PS3 games would be $70.00. I have no clue if that is accurate either. I guess we can only wait & see. It doesn't matter either way to me since I wasn't buying a PS3 anyway.

i mean here, like i already said, XBOX 360 games sell for £40-£50 which translates to around $100 dosn't it? but im sure you guys dont pay that there.

The normal price for a new Xbox 360 game here is $59.99. You get some at $49.99 & other "Limited Editions" at $69.99 but the norm is $59.99.

27-Sep-2006, 07:49 PM
i dont think it translates literally either, things are more expensive in england arn't they? (damn our superior currency :rockbrow:)

Ah yes, point taken. I guess we'll just have to wait and see here.

27-Sep-2006, 09:31 PM
£50 = $94 (xe.com) ... bloody hell, you Americans are doing alright then! :eek: Basically 2 dollars to the pound! Geez!

Things like DVDs, CDs and games are always way more expensive here in the UK ... of course, I reckon P$3 games in the US will be around $60 (even $ony can't be THAT stupid ... right?), which would mean that your $60 game would be £31 in the UK, which would retain the balance we usually find between our currencies.

That said, while you'd be getting charged $60 (£31) ... us Brits would still end up getting charged £60 ($113). :rockbrow::eek::dead:

27-Sep-2006, 10:15 PM
well that really sucks. :(

27-Sep-2006, 11:16 PM
actually 98 bucks, 30 cents to be exact:D

damn **** is expensive over there.

28-Sep-2006, 10:50 AM
Where are you getting your conversions from, young man? :rockbrow:

Today @ xe.com:

£50 = $94.00
£60 = $112.80

Quit yo jibber jabber foooool! :D

28-Sep-2006, 03:48 PM
yeah but they'll be 52 pounds not 50, http://www.dollars2pounds.com/

28-Sep-2006, 03:54 PM
it's relative.

I think the MD DVD drive for the 360 is going for 129 pounds, on your side. Over here it'll be $199.

28-Sep-2006, 07:04 PM
One more mark on the list of reasons why the Wii is going to destroy the PS3 like Godzilla does Tokyo

28-Sep-2006, 07:11 PM
£52? What random pricing :D, see, now I didn't know that. I thought you were saying that £50 = $98, hence my confuddlement.

28-Sep-2006, 07:27 PM
it says 52 quid in lou's post

28-Sep-2006, 07:28 PM
PS3 games will be $60. $100 per game is b.s. and no one in their right mind would pay that much for a new game.
http://www.gamespot.com/news/6158689.html?tag=latestnews;title;3 $60 + games are nothing new. Remember over 10-14 years ago when SNES games such as SF2 were $60-80?

28-Sep-2006, 07:30 PM
*ahem* He said £54, and that was converting from $100 ... £52 sounds like a rather random price, such items usually stick to £40, £45, £50 and then £60 (take away 1p for the old .99 "it's cheaper" illusion) ... bar any in store offers, price reductions or voucher usage. :p

28-Sep-2006, 07:46 PM
here yeh go.

from the currency coversion service i use at work. as of todays exchange rates

100.00 USD
United States Dollars

53.3025 GBP
United Kingdom Pounds


78.7225 EUR

28-Sep-2006, 07:50 PM
*spits on the name of the Euro*

Ach, it's a good thing I don't go travelling in Europe then isn't it? :D

And so the mystery has been solved...all back to the Scooby Van for hash brownies ... erm, I mean "Scooby snacks" ... yeah...:rockbrow:

28-Sep-2006, 07:55 PM
screw that i'm going to Quizznos.

that BBQ brisquette is a'callin' me.

28-Sep-2006, 08:39 PM
what the hells a brisquette?:confused:

28-Sep-2006, 09:17 PM
ruh-roh, raggy.. no more ruby racks! :D

(I say we feed scooby some HPotD.. :elol:)

Back on track here... I guess you could say regardless of the dollar conversion, the games are going to be relatively expensive. Even if they are $60 USD, I won't even pay that for a top-end PC game, much less a console game. :p :D

28-Sep-2006, 09:50 PM
Back on track here... I guess you could say regardless of the dollar conversion, the games are going to be relatively expensive. Even if they are $60 USD, I won't even pay that for a top-end PC game, much less a console game. :p :D

but as has already been pointed out, all new console games are $60 when they are first released, so you cant possibly hold that against sony.

28-Sep-2006, 10:21 PM
Oh, no, not holding against Sony themselves, just the console makers in general. I think that's way too expensive for a 'game' especially a console game. ;)

29-Sep-2006, 01:01 AM
While that is quite a ridiculous price, it is not unheard of. A lot of games in the past were priced very high as there wasn't a pricing standard set for games until sometime in the 90's. I remember Phantasy Star 2 being $94.99 when it came out on Sega Genesis, there were also a lot of other RPG's that were priced near $100. Hell, Chrono Trigger on SNES was $59.99 when it came out. Games are getting more expensive, but they are also just reflecting the past prices, we just got used to standarized pricing in the past 10 or so years.

29-Sep-2006, 06:18 PM
That's right. I remember Phantasy Star 4 for Sega Genesis being around $80-100.

05-Oct-2006, 01:39 PM
$80-100?! Good lord, that's insane. :lol:

The craziest aspect is people actually paid that much for it at the time. :clown:

If I'm going to be paying that much, I'm getting a PC game. At least then I know I'll be getting my $ worth. :D

05-Oct-2006, 01:57 PM
what the hells a brisquette?:confused:

only the finest sammich ever devised by man.

shredded beef, quick grilled, with cheddar cheese, and sweet BBQ sauce.

I've had relationships that weren't as satisfying as that sammich.

06-Oct-2006, 06:38 PM
oh, kinda like a full english butty you get at truck stops only less greasy then:lol:

...for those who are wondering....

sausages, bacon, a fried egg, with either fried tomatos or mushrooms, lathered in baked beans and ketchup,in a burger bun greasy as hell but thats good eat-in'

06-Oct-2006, 06:41 PM
...for those who are wondering....

sausages, bacon, a fried egg, with either fried tomatos or mushrooms, lathered in baked beans and ketchup,in a burger bun greasy as hell but thats good eat-in'

And your heart still pumps blood?:p